Cargill seeks to have Moss jailed

IN the latest development in the NIB scandal, Algernon Cargill has filed an affadavit with the Supreme Court calling for fired NIB chairman Gregory Moss to be jailed.

The documents were filed on Friday afternoon at the Supreme Court and are the latest twist in the long-running affair.

On Thursday night, Gregory Moss was fired by the Prime Minister from his post as chairman. Algernon Cargill was previously suspended from his post as director following claims by Moss and NIB about his actions. Mr Cargill sued both Moss and the NIB over those allegations, claiming defamation.

In the latest papers filed with the court, Mr Cargill calls for “an order that Gregory K Moss be committed to Her Majesty’s Prison, Fox Hill, for his contempt of this Honourable Court”.

Cargill also calls on Moss to pay court costs for the application.

The basis of the claim of contempt is that Moss failed to obey a court order filed on December 19 not to publish the words that became the basis of the defamation claim that originally featured in an email of September 18 from Mr Moss and in a letter dated November 8, signed by Mr Moss.

Mr Cargill says that those words were included again in a press release issued by Mr Moss. The press release from Mr Moss also criticised the Prime Minister and the Minister for NIB, Shane Gibson, for failing to speak out in his defence.

The court will need to consider the affadavit before any further action is carried out.


Ironvelvet says...

Ahh let's see if the law of the land is enforced. Keep pushing Mr. Cargill.

Posted 7 January 2013, 10:59 a.m. Suggest removal

Concerned says...

By the time a magistrate hears this charge, the NIB scandal will be long behind us. Law enforcement and the Bahamas aren't two words that are put together in this country. Well, not in a positive way.

Posted 7 January 2013, 1:36 p.m. Suggest removal

getrightbahamas says...

This tactic is used in the country to silance any press. it is an admission of guilt.

Posted 7 January 2013, 2:23 p.m. Suggest removal

Guy says...

Nonsense! It was the order of the court! Guilt is irrelevant!

Posted 7 January 2013, 2:56 p.m. Suggest removal

Nobull242 says...

Comrades if there is one thing most Bahamians done knows it is that the last thing on the minds of PLP's would be to talk honestly and directly with Bahamians about the planned vote on January 28, 2013.

I consider myself being somewhat intelligent but even to me head the web shop question is confusing, leading me to believe that it wast clearly and deliberately designed by the PLP hired guns consultants to cause voter confusion, boarding on political trickery?

Oh yes, PM Christie and your cabinet colleagues say that you have not "one" horse in the race. Truth is that you got a full line-up stable of PLP ponies riding and kicking and a whipping the "Vote YES" side to the finish line. and you won't Jail the number man shame on you!!!!

Posted 7 January 2013, 5:25 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

I thoght about this. Moss was ordered by a court not to publicly discuss. He is a lawyer and he defied a court order. The courts have no excuse, they have to either incarcerate him or fine him. Either way he's gonna be found guiltty of contempt. I tell you his speculative allegatiosn against Cargill are looking more and more like the PLP simply trying to make the Cargill look bad.

Posted 8 January 2013, 9:53 a.m. Suggest removal

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