Thursday, January 17, 2013
EDITOR, The Tribune.
In these challenging economic times, we must all remember that a “yes” when we vote for the referendum will have the positive effect of putting more money in our treasury. It is estimated that the government could get up to $40 million per year from a legal web shop industry.
That could build many schools over the years and contribute to many scholarships for poor people.
In the lotteries across the United States, money is used to fund education.
We as a people should not be stupid and not tax an industry that is asking to be taxed.
The credit rating agencies keep downgrading the Bahamas and they will continue to do so if we don’t find more revenue to put in our treasury.
Voting yes to legalise the numbers business is an easy way to help boost our resources.
If we vote no, I hope the people who vote no are prepared to pay higher taxes for the revenue the government is leaving behind.
January 10, 2013.
guyfawkes says...
Sorry Mr. Luther, but your scare the yes into me will not work. 1, Even with a yes vote, other methods of taxation are still needed to fight the rising national debt. 2. The Florida Lottery is owned and operated by the US governmet, not a few single individuals. 3. Regulating the Web Shops will not cause Moody's or S&P to change our credit rating, as the credit rating is based on many factors. 4. Only if there is truely honor among thieves should the government really expect that $40 million for these illegal operators.
Posted 18 January 2013, 12:02 a.m. Suggest removal
concernedcitizen says...
we will keep getting downgraded as long as our birthrate outpaces our economic growth and we keep trying to absorb it with goverment jobs ,,,we have been borrowing since independance to pay an ever expanding civil sevices ,,,,,,,,when goverment is the largest and most inefficent employer in a nation its a formula that can,t continue ,,,,,,the goverment needs to start preaching birth control !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 18 January 2013, 7:07 p.m. Suggest removal
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