Roberts hits out at Minnis 'flip-flop'


Tribune Staff Reporter

PROGRESSIVE Liberal Party Chairman Bradley Roberts believes Free National Movement leader Leader Dr Hubert Minnis to be “double-minded” and lacking in credibility as he accused the opposition leader of changing his words to Bahamians concerning the upcoming gambling referendum.

Speaking at a New Providence based PLP meeting, Mr Roberts made this thoughts known about Dr Minnis’ and the FNM’s attempt to politicize the issue of gambling since the government announce the a referendum for gambling would be put to Bahamians.

Before accusing Dr Mininis of being a flip-flop, Mr Roberts took a moment to highlight Prime Minister Perry Christie, whom he said unlike Dr Minnis, “has never wavered or flip-flopped on this national issue.”

“At all material times the Prime Minister was open, honest, consistent, fair and demonstrated tremendous courage, character and strength in the face of bogus and intentionally misleading statements from the FNM and their surrogates,” the PLP chairman said.

“Let us now compare and contrast this characteristic with that of the FNM leader. On August 20, 2012 Dr. Minnis was quoted as saying “I have nothing against individuals gambling in terms of lottery, buying numbers, etc.” He also indicated that he would vote in favour of legalization of the numbers industry.“

“He later said the following: ‘I have said on numerous occasions, we do not intend to tell people how to vote. Every Bahamian should be guided by their conscience.”

“And lo and behold by the 16th January 2013 Dr. Minnis had made a 180 degree turn on the issue and said that ‘the Free National Movement has concluded that it will recommend that the Bahamian People Vote NO on question number one.’”

Mr Roberts went on to say that despite Dr Minnis’ claims to support the establishment of a national lottery, he again asked voter to vote ‘No’ in the upcoming referendum.

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is clearly a man who does not know his own mind and does not believe his own words so why should anybody trust Dr. Minnis. He is clearly double-minded and St. James said that a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. Dr. Minnis has no credibility as a leader and his word cannot be trusted,” Mr Roberts said.

The Tribune made attempts to reach the opposition leader for comment. However, he could not be reached up to press time.

Theresa Moxey-Ingraham, former FNM parliamentarian and now lead spokesperson for the Vote Yes Campaign, spoke to The Tribune in a recent interview about the upcoming referendum and the possible outcome if it continued to be politicized.

“People are very passionate about both sides of this question now. I think what might have an impact on voter turnout might be the fact that it seems in the last days, the politicians have now drawn the line in the sand and some people are lining up on the side of their favourite political group,” she said.

“Most of us at base are competitive human beings, we don’t want to see our side lose. It’s unfortunate, because we lose sight of what the ultimate issue is.”

While majority of the voting public will take to the polls on January 28 to vote, advance polling begins and ends today for those not able to vote next week due to unforeseen circumstances or prearranged plans.


John says...

The only thing Perry Christie didn't say in favour of the gabling vote is that he is voting "YES". Despite saying his government will remain neutral on the matter, the Pm has virtually endorsed the 'ys' vote everytime he spoke on the matter... some examples..
1 regardless of how the vote goes the web shops will remain open after voting day.
2 the gambling houses have hired many young people to campaiugn for them and according to the Pm, this is a good thing.
3 Gambling will remain after the vote regardless of how the Bahamian people will be too expensive to close down the web shops.

All Perry beeds to say now is "LISTEN, now listen good, do the right thing and vote "yes"".

Posted 21 January 2013, 4:30 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...


Posted 21 January 2013, 7:26 p.m. Suggest removal

Concerned says...

Roberts is a big bad dog growling at the leader of the Opposition but today he was nothing but a lame puppy running with his tail between his leg after the Prime Minister sent that message to him to retract his referendum statement. How quick we forget. Mama always say to never let ya mouth take you where your brain can't bring you back.

Posted 21 January 2013, 10:59 p.m. Suggest removal

rp242 says...

Instead of Mr. Roberts and the PM sharing the knowledge promised on their plans on making Gambling legal, they are again pointing fingers to avoid answering the Bahamian people. Dr. Minnis did say he would support Legalization of Gambling, the PM did not put that question to us the People. Dr. Minnis advise the Bahamian people to 'VOTE NO' due to the lack of knowledge on the PM's intent on solving this matter.
I am upset on the way the present government is dealing with this referandum. It is in fact still illegal. If you have promised to make it legal by holding a referandum, he should have instructed the Gambling Houses to close until the People have Voted.
How can you have an illegal business running freely everyday, all day and claim your neutral.
I don't see what difference the money he claims from taxing of the Gambling Houses would make,PM has yet to shown us what he has done in the Mid year Budget.
We as a nation have more pressing matters that needs to be address.
Eventhough, I am not a PLP supporter. I honestly feel like because our Economy is in a bad sate, PM should have been quiet on the Gambling matter and Turn a blind eye to it. Meaning, let them operate illegal how they have been doing all these years, providing jobs, etc... Fine them and shut down the houses occassionally.
And when the Economy picks up which ever party that is in power should address the Gambling Legalization.
Like Sir Lyden did with the Drug Trade in the late 1970's and 1980's.

Posted 22 January 2013, 9:16 a.m. Suggest removal

BahamasGamingAssociation says...…


The Bahamas Lottery and Gaming Act Chapter 387 Section 50 Persons prohibited from Gaming


The Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas Chapter III – Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedom of the Individual. Section 26 Protection from Discrimination on grounds of Race, Place of Origin etc.

The Bahamas Gaming Association stands by the Ideology that all human beings who are 18 years or older should be treated equally in all sectors of the Bahamian Economy which is enshrined in the Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.

Posted 1 July 2014, 10:52 a.m. Suggest removal

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