PM should muzzle Roberts

EDITOR, The Tribune.

PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts should be muzzled by PLP leader and PM Perry G Christie for publicly urging Bahamians to vote yes in the referendum on legalising web cafes. He had declared that he was speaking on behalf of the PLP.

To his credit, Roberts made somewhat of a retraction hours after saying that the PLP is urging Bahamians to vote yes. He said that the party wants Bahamians to vote their conscience.

His earlier statement was a clear contradiction of the prime minister’s stated position on the referendum. PM Christie has told the nation on numerous occasions that his government has no horse in this race.

So why would the PLP chairman publicly contradict the leader of his party? Roberts spoke out of line and must be chastened by the leader of the PLP. If PM Perry Christie could muster up the courage to fire Gregory Moss from the NIB, then surely he could muster up the courage to muzzle his chairman for speaking out of line. Roberts needs to know his place.

He is not the leader of the PLP, Perry Gladstone Christie is. The leader of the PLP must muzzle Roberts before he further hurts the party. His latest antics makes the leader of the PLP appear weak and not in control of the party.





January 21, 2013.


242 says...

he has no control. puppet pm

Posted 24 January 2013, 1:59 p.m. Suggest removal

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