10.10pm - VOTERS in the gambling referendum have overwhelmingly rejected the legalisation of web shops and the establishment of a national lottery.

PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts: "The Prime Minister was clear that his government would be guided by the results of the Referendum and the will of the people notwithstanding the low voter turnout. The people have spoken and have rejected the regulation of Game Shops and the establishment of a National Lottery."

9.28pm - PASTOR LYALL BETHEL says his confidence in the Bahamian people has been restored, saying this is a victory for the Bahamas.

9.14pm - TOTALS SO FAR: Q1 22,658 YES, 24,059 NO; Q2 24,059 YES, 33,023 NO


8.50pm - Q1 TOTALS: 20,364 NO, 30,067 YES; Q2 21,560 YES, 30, 101 NO

8.40pm - Question 1 totals so far: 19,540 YES, 30,785 NO

8.03pm - Total votes as of 7.30. There are 3,655 Yes votes and 5,689 No votes to the question of web shop gaming. For the national lottery 3,852 Yes Votes and 5,520 No Votes.

7.55pm - Results coming in fast with the 'no's still well ahead. In Elizabeth, however, the first polling division has a 'no' for web shops, but a 'yes' to a national lottery.

7.38pm - Totals so far show 'no's significantly ahead in both questions.

7.30pm - CARMICHAEL: 4 divisions in, all with 'no's on top in both questions.

7.15pm - GARDEN HILLS - Two polling divisions in, polling division four: QUESTION 1 - 37 YES, 33 NO; QUESTION 2 - 33 YES, 35 NO. Polling division 10: Q1 32 YES, 62 NO, Q2 34 YES, 59 NO.

7.10pm - BAMBOO TOWN - Six polling divisions from 14 have returned - All but one polling division have 'no's to both questions. Polling division nine has yes to both.

6.45pm - BAMBOO TOWN. Polling station 11: QUESTION 1 - 52 YES, 73 NO; QUESTION 2 - 53 YES, 69 NO

6:00pm - Polls closed.

5.00pm - Loretta Butler-Turner tweets: "Very low voter participation demonsrates (sic) lack of confidence in the process. Lack of confidence in leaders."

3.00pm - FML owner Craig Flowers on voter turnout: 'It doesn't surprise me, I don't think that there was enough excitement throughout the entire ordeal and we expected a low turnout.'


spoitier says...

Both the PLP and FNM is full of it, regardless to which side of the fence you stand on concerning this issue. Mrs. Butler-Turner said she spoke to a girl who work in a web-shop and the that girl hasn't made up her mind yet, only a fool would beleive that someone who work in the web-shop haven't made up their mind yet. Then again they could tell the Bahamian people anything, because history shows most of them would believe it.

Posted 28 January 2013, 11:25 a.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

what about the dna. they chose a side too. but they are mysteriously always exempt from your criticism hmmmm.

Posted 28 January 2013, 11:35 a.m. Suggest removal

spoitier says...

To be honest, I would rather them by the process of elimination. I think the country need to try something else, because of the folly of the other two parties.
Mrs Butler-Turner comment/lie was to pursaud the vote no campaign and I'm not blaming her for trying to pursaud people to vote no, however, that lie about the web-shop employee being undecided is like talking to a child minded society, I can tell my toddler and 5 year old almost anything and they would believe it, but I can't tell my 14 year old that same story and expect them to believe it.

Posted 28 January 2013, 11:54 a.m. Suggest removal

missdee76 says...

please ppl get a webster's or oxford when replying. The word is 'persuade.' Some of you need to stop making everything political. Just because someone works in the webshop; don't automatically assume that they are in support of gambling. Read the book of Nehemiah for clarity.

Posted 29 January 2013, 9:37 a.m. Suggest removal

spoitier says...

Thanks for pointing out that I spell a word wrong,however, there is a slim chance someone working in a webshop and being undecided, but take that slim chance along with Mrs Butler-Turner just so happens to find that person and I would say the chance is even slimmer. You sound kind of educated,but to think this isn't political, you are only book smart. If the FNM had won the election they would had a referendum and more than likely pushing the yes vote and guess who would've been opposing it? By the way a sentence is start with a capital letter.

Posted 29 January 2013, 12:57 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades since when is it the policy of our "government owned" ZNS TV 13 to allow a national broadcast, and in prime time, by the chief "paid" spokesperson for a numbers rackets campaign?

Those of us who did tune-in to make sure we heard what was being propagandized on behalf of the numbers "bosses" couldn't help but notice that throughout Comrade Sister Theresa's rant, that there to her bottom left on the TV screen, looking right up at her in disbelief was the former red shirts cabinet minister's "boss" Hubert.

In fact Comrade Sister Theresa while a guest on the Jeff Lloyd talk radio show last week was asked by a caller how much is she being paid by the numbers "bosses" for her support? Her answer was;" it's none of your business?"

The sister also never mentioned that even if the web shops do employ the 4000 Bahamians they claim to employ, that according to their own figures submitted to the PLP government, the average weekly wage per employee has to amount to less than $80 per week?…

Posted 28 January 2013, 12:18 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

PM forget the hubert red shirts, cause even your own PLP supporters go'in sit back now that it's after 6 o'clock this Monday night January 28, 2013, to see if the policeman's go'in now be sent to shuts the web shops down and ceases their gambling computers and cash in the cages?

Comrades we don't need here any more from the couple polling results still to come in, cause da fat lady done sing her 'NO' song.

PM what you did succeed in doing is possibly to bring your former law partner back to lead his red beloved red shirts. That is right after he does to Comrade Minnis like he did to his 'friend' Tommy?…

Posted 28 January 2013, 8:10 p.m. Suggest removal

tonymontana says...

clearly this a slap in the face of this new administration , Mr christie needs to find the testicular fortitude and go back to the people for a new mandate to govern . He challenged the church and the people and lost .Go back to the people , you wasted over one million dollers on a flawed referandum and we the taxpayers have to pay it back ,

Posted 28 January 2013, 9:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Baha10 says...

So said, so done! Never before in the history of this country has so much political capital been squandered and in turn rendered a newly elected Government a lame duck administration for its remaining 4 and 1/2 years in office. Wow, what a case study for future students of political science not just here, but around the world!

Posted 28 January 2013, 9:23 p.m. Suggest removal

tonymontana says...

this would not apply @bana 10. it would have to be a legitimate case study .I would love to see him put a spin on this in the morning , plus the top COP who has been in hiding all through this ddrama lest see what he does in the morning, Woods Rodgers in the precence of the people have voted to expell the pirates and restore commerce .go back to the people mr prime minister go back

Posted 28 January 2013, 9:38 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

The people of the Bahamas have RESOUNDINGLY R E J E C T E D the legailsing of gambling for Bahamians in the Bahamas. Since the margin by which they rejected a national lottery is similar to the amount by which voters rejected web shop gaming, it follows that if casino gambling would have also been rejected had it been included on the ballot. Bahamians simply do not want legalised gambling, in any form, for Bahamians, a part of the Bahamian landscape. While the number of "NO' votes cast out numbered the "YES' votes cast, it is safe to conclude that the a greater percentage of "YES" supporters voted, than the percentage of those who did not support the vote or who remained neutral. So then, the margin of persons who do not support legalised gambling in the Bahamas is really greater than the polls reflect. Hence the low voter turn out.
BUT does the referundum fix the gambling problem? OR does it simply send the industry back underground? Even though some operators have promised to close their operations, should they not get the support of the Bahamian people, we know that they will not simply walk away from these operations that are so lucrative and that draw in millions of dollars for them. We must also be reminded that should the operations go underground, government wil be denied of the opportunity to harvest millions in licensing and tax revenue from these gaming houses. Gambling will go on unlicensed and tax free to the owners. So what should the government do? I would suggest that they make regular raids on these houses. Persons caught operating a gambling game should be levied hefty fines, not jail time but fines on an increasing scale for first offence, second offence etc. Monies found on the property should be confiscated Since the operations do not have a banking licence anyone found with a bank account at these establishments should also be fined and their 'savings' confiscated. Likewise for persons caught gambling. That way government will be able to get some revenue from the numbers men, whilst following the mandate of the people and NOT legalising them

Posted 28 January 2013, 9:45 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Bana10 spoken like an intelligent Bahamian. But don't count the PM out just yet. It will be left up to PM's Christie's willingness to 'quickly' acknowledge that what was allowed to happen to his PLP party today, need not have been allowed to happened?

PM must realize that the majority of votes cast today were disbelieving that he and his PLP cabinet colleagues, did not have a favorite horse in the race. Da horse's name was 'Vote Yes.''

PM today is a real turn-in-the road test for your leadership? You can't afford make another wrong turn. An all new successor may be popping up near Comrade "Brave," really soon?

Posted 28 January 2013, 9:46 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

The campaign strategy for the "YES' vote was wrong. Even though they spent millions of dollars, they spent it on the wrong set of people. They spent the money on people who were already suporting them and gambling. THen they decided to go heads on with the church. THis did not sit well with Bahamians who still hold the church as sacred. Intresting to see what will happen to those clergymen who seem to want to sell their souls to the web shops for a piece of silver. Can they regain the respect of the Bahamian people?

Posted 28 January 2013, 10:02 p.m. Suggest removal

jackbnimble says...

This whole process was flawed from the beginning with the PM putting his foot in his mouth every time he spoke. I for one am very glad the yes vote DID NOT go through. It's a wake up call to this Government. You wanted our opinion and you got it. The answer is NO! Now close the number houses down!

Posted 28 January 2013, 10:07 p.m. Suggest removal

pilgrimagerock says...

The NO voters torpedoed this so-called gambling referendum.

The Prime Minister really thought he had this vote in the bag. Once again, he and his party underestimated the will of God’s people and regardless of the low turnout, God’s will take precedence over their deceptive will. I sincerely hope that those who campaign and voted for this wickedness repent because gambling in all its form is abomination - Proverbs 6:16-19. May God bless the commonwealth of the Bahamas and its people for doing what is right in His eyes.

Posted 28 January 2013, 11:36 p.m. Suggest removal

marcian says...

Posted 29 January 2013, 5:52 a.m. Suggest removal

haitianboy says...

The people of God have spoken; no one can win against God. No amount of money or bribery can prevail.

1 Timothy 6 - 6:10

**Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth. After all, we brought nothing with us when we came into the world, and we can’t take anything with us when we leave it. So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content.

But people who long to be rich fall into temptation and are trapped by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.**

Posted 29 January 2013, 5:56 a.m. Suggest removal

dacy says...


Posted 29 January 2013, 9:13 a.m. Suggest removal

haitianboy says...

The people of God have spoken; no one can win against God. No amount of money or bribery can prevail.

1 Timothy 6 - 6:10

**Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth. After all, we brought nothing with us when we came into the world, and we can’t take anything with us when we leave it. So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content.

But people who long to be rich fall into temptation and are trapped by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.**

Posted 29 January 2013, 5:57 a.m. Suggest removal

BoopaDoop says...

The "YES" voters were so busy riding around on the backs of trucks and getting ready for more free things and partying that they didn't think to go vote.

Posted 29 January 2013, 8:50 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

B A H A M I A I NS need to stand together and knock out murderers in the Bahamas. For too long we have been losing young, promising individuals to cold blooded murderers, many of whom themselves, have not yet experienced life. Bring pressure to bear on the justice system and ensure that persons who plot and wait and take a life are brought to justice.

Posted 29 January 2013, 8:54 a.m. Suggest removal

jackflash says...

A yes man who runs a webshop here in Abaco just was bragging that Perry can't close him down and that soon Perry and the PLP will say that not enough voters turned out to make a decission and they will vote in parlament and pass that web shops are legal but not the lottery. He says the web shops boys don't want no lottery cause they won't make no money from it.
He says the PLP have already been paid to legalize web shops and that they are stronger then the church.

I hope and prey that he is taking fool, but with this group who knows.

Tal - what you say???

Posted 29 January 2013, 9:17 a.m. Suggest removal

dacy says...



Posted 29 January 2013, 9:32 a.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

You mean where is Perry Christie. The biggest tv star in the bahamas has gone into hiding

Posted 29 January 2013, 10:25 a.m. Suggest removal

holymoly says...

Some people like gambling while others prefer just to take a chance at the national lottery. I am one of those who like lotteries and I am having an account on <a href=""></a>. I didn't win until now but I still hope to win the big prize one day.

Posted 2 January 2014, 11:46 a.m. Suggest removal

TheFixer says...

Sometimes if you are not able to control yourself, gambling can be addictive

Posted 29 June 2014, 7:42 p.m. Suggest removal

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