PM announces all web shops must close with immediate effect

Prime Minister Perry Christie has announced that all web shops must close with immediate effect.

In a statement released early Tuesday evening, Mr Christie said: ”In keeping with my Government’s commitment to abide by the will of the electorate as expressed on Monday’s referendum, it has now become necessary to effect the closure of all web-shop gaming operations in The Bahamas.

“Accordingly, all offending web-shop owners and operators are placed on notice that all their gaming operations, including all online gaming and the numbers games, must cease with immediate effect. Failure to do so will leave all such web shop owners, operators and web shop gaming patrons exposed to arrest and criminal prosecution without further notice or warning.

“While web shop owners and operators must cease and desist from gaming operations immediately, they are not required to close the door on their employees and those persons with whom they have lawful commercial relationships. This includes relationships with landlords throughout the country, as well as relationships with utility and service companies, supplies of goods, and other third-party creditors.

“The Government expects that all web shop owners and operators will cooperate in giving effect to what I have just outlined so as to thereby eliminate the need for the relevant law enforcement authorities to take coercive action to compel the necessary result.”


John says...

ANd now the" tihs" has hit the fan the battle begins in earnest. Restoration of law and order in the Bahamas? or a missed opportunity for regulation because of a flawed process?

Posted 29 January 2013, 7:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Baha10 says...

Sounds like another job for our country's only proven enforcer, Woodes Rogers. You know, the guy outside the British Colonial Hotel. Anyone got his cell number?

Posted 29 January 2013, 7:54 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

The Rt. Hon Perry Gladstone Christie "say" a lot of things.

Posted 29 January 2013, 8:21 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

He also said he had no horse in the race.

Posted 29 January 2013, 8:21 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades PM has spoken and we have to trust he will close down any and all web shops, who the police are satisfied are conducting any form of an criminal gambling operation at their establishments.

Let's give PM credit for now attempting to do what Hubert never attempted in his twelve years in power. He can say whatever and all he wants with his new regain the red shirts leadership voice, he never issued a prime ministerial order to close the numbers "bosses" down on a large scale. Effectively shutting their big bold- face marchers on Bay Street mouths up, for good.

Will it be an easy job for Commsh Greenslade? Of course not and none of us should expect it be a simple task. Some have put the combined yearly cash rake for the numbers "bosses" to be as high as $400 million.

The vote has been decided. Support the PM to do the tough job of shutting the gambling joints down.

Comrades dont you be so easily fooled. Both Minnis and Hubert's real positions on gambling is as unclear as yesterday's gambling referendum's two questions. For darn sure they ain't on the same 'No' to gambling page as the Bahamas Christian Council pastors and members.…

Posted 29 January 2013, 8:45 p.m. Suggest removal

nationbuilder says...


Posted 29 January 2013, 8:46 p.m. Suggest removal

hellorg says...

The s***tith has hittith the fanith!!!

Posted 29 January 2013, 9:01 p.m. Suggest removal

jackbnimble says...

If the PM is successful in doing this, my faith in him will be restored but he has to get it together. I am just saddened that this Government just missed a wonderful opportunity to establish a National Lottery because it seemed that all the focus was on getting the web shops regularised and it was obvious (in my opinion) that the lottery was just a second thought with no concrete plan in place to establish it. What a pity. I for one, however, will not count this Government out. We need to give them a chance to rectify this and not be so harsh. All leaders make mistakes and I believe Mr. Christie meant well. Personally, I am still rooting for him and his team. This whole exercise must be very sobering.

Posted 29 January 2013, 9:13 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Well done… The people of the Bahamas have spoken. They have declared by way of a referendum that they do not support legalizing gambling in the Bahamas- At least not for Bahamians. The church was certainly the biggest and loudest opponent. So, now what the government needs to do is remove all of the concessions given to these lofty buildings that they call churches and tax them like other businesses in order to get some form of taxation and fill in the gap where the number houses could have provided the same. I am sure the church leaders won’t mind. The leaders of some of these churches can be compared to number house bosses anyway. At the end of the day see who is driving the fancy cars and flying in private jets etc. Where did these so call men of God get the money to afford these types of luxuries? The monies come from the proceeds of the lucrative church business. We must remember that the Bahamas is for all Bahamians, the religious ones and the ones who don’t give a hoot about religion. I look forward to the day when we can elect a leader who has enough balls to do what is in the best interest of the people of the Bahamas and not pander to a certain group of holier than thou, Sunday Christians. I feel that the referendum was a waste of money. Both the PLP and FNM should have made the decision to either close the web shops or legalize them long time and just get it out the way.

Posted 29 January 2013, 10:08 p.m. Suggest removal

bookiedread says...

My fellow Bahamians, let us all be clear as to what just happened. The PM failed to address the country after it was clear that "HIS" referendum was voted "NO". He took his own sweet time in addressing the "People Whom He Serves". It was obvious that he expected it to pass but had no backup plan. I will always remember a teacher once said to me that, "Wrong is wrong no matter who says it or does it." There is a God above and we as a country has always shown our trust in him. Our fore-fathers did it and why shouldn't we. After the vote my mom said to me that there is a God who sits on the throne he would never give us more than we could bear. I believe this and so should the leaders that WE put in place. People have bad mouth the church for their stance but we now see the power of prayer. Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people. We can't make right what is wrong. So I say to my fellow Bahamians that indulge in the cesspit of gambling, lets all get over it and move on. Our help doesn't come from man but rather from the God that made heaven and earth. Lift up your heads to the rising sun Bahama land. Don't mind what the other countries our doing. Let us be the mark that they look up to. God bless the Bahamas and the many Bahamians that voted NO.

Posted 29 January 2013, 10:57 p.m. Suggest removal

shawn242 says...

OH stfu about God. there is no God! F**K him. God doesnt pay bills and he wont hire does 3000 people that lost their jobs. Whats so GODLY about me as a Bahamian not be able to gamble in my own country when other people, can do it.

Posted 30 January 2013, 12:37 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnDoe says...

Very enlightened opinion my friend, you have definitely contributed to this debate.

Posted 30 January 2013, 8:49 a.m. Suggest removal

shawn242 says...

I know your being sarcastic. But Thank You very much!!! A**hole

Posted 30 January 2013, 10:17 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnDoe says...

God loves you!

Posted 30 January 2013, 10:34 a.m. Suggest removal

shawn242 says...

God isnt real Sir, Stop believing in fairytale. Christians, sound just as stupid as Jewish, Muslim and any other religious group of people. WAKE UP! idiot. Have you ever heard GOD's voie or seen his face? Cause lord knows i have'nt. does god pay your rent? Cause Lord knows he does'nt pay mine! I and only I have to work to survive. NOT GOD

Posted 30 January 2013, 10:56 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Picture this: They say Bahamians spend $40,000,000 (forty million dollars a year on gambling. There are 8 web shops operators (according to the PM). IF they decide to move their operations offshore..(all you will need is a smart phone or lap top to gamble) then we lose the jobs these people provided, the rent they paid to their landlords the utilty bills they paid (light, water. internet.cabale phone) and plus 70% of the $40 million will leave the country every year just because your beloved PM funmbled big time not to mention the spinoffs

Posted 30 January 2013, 6:11 a.m. Suggest removal

hj says...

We have to wait and see. Let's not forget in 2002 one of his first orders of business was to move a tractor to the Straw Market site and proclaim that work was to start soon. Soon was proved to be 5 years later. Only time will tell if he is serious this time,or everybody is waiting for things to calm down and then get back to "normal". Maybe not as open as before but back to normal nevertheless. In any case the "numbers people" have enough cash to weather the storm for a few days,weeks or even months.

Posted 30 January 2013, 6:44 a.m. Suggest removal

grittygirls says...

Well return of the old fashioned numbers falling should return pretty soon. Despite the no vote this is obviously not the end of grass roots gambling And for all the high minded clergymen out there. Please channel your energy and fervour towards the abuse of women and children by yyour rank and file and I will have more respect for you. Also please don't let me see another church raffle ticket, tombola bingo or punch board stalls at your fairs and fundraisers

Posted 30 January 2013, 7:03 a.m. Suggest removal

NumberMan says...

The Web Shops are now officially closed now the big question is what happens to the three
thousand plus people and their families that were employed there , the Bahamas Christian
Council has said that they will offer counseling but it is the governments job to provide for them. I don't think that as Bahamians we thought things thru before we voted , it is my opinion that the BCC saw the Web Shops as their biggest competitor because instead of church their members sat in the Web Shops on Sundays , so when given the opportunity they jumped on the chance to get rid of them. Realistically speaking we all know what happened to a young lady that went for quote unquote counseling at one of the top churches in the Bahamas are we prepared to send thousands more vulnerable young people to these so called Holy men ,my opinion is it would be like sending a lamb to be slaughtered.
The Government can not afford to take care of all these people financially and the only thing the BCC is prepared to do is counsel them , I say it is time for Prime Minister Christie to step up and save the jobs of the three thousand plus quit simply because there is no one else who cares enough to save them.

Posted 30 January 2013, 7:30 a.m. Suggest removal

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