'Vote reaffirms my faith'


Tribune Staff Reporter


VOTE No campaign spokesperson Pastor Lyall Bethel said that yesterday’s victory in the gambling referendum confirmed his faith in the church and confirmed that the majority of Bahamians “in their heart of hearts” know gambling is wrong.

Speaking to The Tribune when it became clear that a majority of voters, even before the end of the counting, would not support the establishment of a national lottery and regulation and taxation of webs, the Grace Community Church leader spoke about how the soon-to-be victory felt and what it meant.

“I am overjoyed at the results and my faith in the Bahamian people has been confirmed today,” he said shortly after 8 o’clock last night.

I was obviously concerned about what the outcome would be with the other side throwing $7 million. And while I believed that the people are for God, when you’re trying to bribe people, you wonder at what price would the people cave in. Cars, lands and houses were thrown about and we’ve been praying and believing that Christ and our faith in him would come through for us.”

“I believe everyone knows, in their heart of hearts, that gambling is wrong and the voting results proved that tonight. While some Bahamians do gamble, the majority of them do not.”

The pastor admitted that he did not expect people to stop gambling, or for the “web shops to shut down right away.”

“It’s obviously going to be some sort of phase out period and we believe that the government, following the will of the people, will confiscate some, if not all of the money there and put it to use for the betterment of the people,” he said.

In that moment, Pastor Bethel “personally” dedicated the referendum victory to Carlton Francis who had in the past, stood up to the government against gambling and his career suffered for it.

On the subject of careers, the Save Our Bahamas campaign leader understood the fears of workers employed at the various web shops, and sought to squash notions raised in social media that the church would not assist the reported 3,000 webshop workers.

“The church always helps people,” he emphasized.

“That’s a 24/7 hospital. However, it is not our job to find jobs for people. It’s the government’s responsibility to do this.”

 “These people unfortunately were working for an entity or businesses that conduct illegal activities. All we, the majority of Bahamians, have been calling for is for law and order to prevail in this country.”

“We will still try to give the government advice in that regard. Ultimately though, we don’t think the government ought to help find jobs that encourages people in a vice. The vice here is gambling and it’s impacting a lot of the lower socio-economic classes. We have learned that the single parent homes, usually single mothers, are the ones that are most affected by gambling.”

Pastor Bethel concluded with noting his level of respect for Prime Minister Perry Christie as the nation’s chief and as a friend.

However, he also wished to respond to the PM’s words to the media that the government would decide how to proceed if the outcome of the referendum was determined by a minority vote.

“We want to caution him that this opinion poll he threw out, while non-binding, is still the will of the people and the people have spoken and I trust that he sees the church ought to be listened to.”

The Tribune contacted Vote Yes campaign spokesperson Theresa Moxey-Ingraham for comment following the outcome of the referendum that has had the lowest voter turn out in the history of the Bahamas.

However, she said the campaign was not ready to give a statement and that one would likely come today (January 29) or tomorrow.


reverendrichlive says...

How ironic, the voting process was a form of gambling, yet you religious nuts are opposed to gambling. BUNCH OF HYPOCRITES !

Posted 29 January 2013, 12:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Concerned says...

How ironic, a guy who uses the title of REVEREND-richlive is calling people religious nuts. Guess that also makes him one in the bunch of hypocrites too.

Posted 29 January 2013, 1:11 p.m. Suggest removal

reverendrichlive says...

How dumb, ignorant and unintelligent for you to conclude that someone using the term " REVEREND " is RELIGIOUS, you undoubtedly have never heard of "stage name", "username" or "screen name"...just proved my point about you religious-mind nuts in this country. You are unable to think outside your "religious box".
Should I conclude that your real name is "Concerned", no dummy that just a fictitious name, screen name you came up with. No, wait, maybe someone else came up with that name and gave it to you, because you're not that bright.

Posted 29 January 2013, 2:53 p.m. Suggest removal

Concerned says...

I don't rely on television and stage drama to teach me. I prefer to use dictionaries and realities. I am truly "concerned" about you and your fantasies.

Rev·er·end [rev-er-uhnd, rev-ruhnd]
1. the name of a member of the clergy or a religious order
2. worthy to be revered; entitled to reverence.
3. pertaining to or characteristic of the clergy.

4. Informal. a member of the clergy.

1400–50; late Middle English < Latin reverendus worthy of being revered

Posted 29 January 2013, 7:34 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...


Posted 29 January 2013, 8:18 p.m. Suggest removal

pilgrimagerock says...


It a bunch of religious hyrocrites like yourself that keeps a smile on your master's (the devil) face.

Posted 29 January 2013, 2:47 p.m. Suggest removal

reverendrichlive says...

Sounds like you are pretty close to this so-called " Devil " to know what " keeps a smile on your master's face". Again, proving my point that you religious nut are unwilling...no, unable to think outside your religious box.
No wonder you people remain enslaved to poverty, lack, want and limitations.

Posted 29 January 2013, 2:59 p.m. Suggest removal

pilgrimagerock says...

It sounds like you do not know what the hell you are talking about. Your word reflects Satan’s will and the more you think this nonsense, Satan’s smiles get brighter every day. I agree with Pastor Lyall Bethel, the NO voters have a lot to thank God for. In the midst of all the countries around the world committing moral suicide, this little country called the Bahamas despite its many problems has HOPE.

Posted 29 January 2013, 4:28 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

how much do you spend to vote?

Posted 29 January 2013, 8:20 p.m. Suggest removal

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