Landlords under threat of legal action


Tribune Staff Reporter

UNDER the threat of legal action from the government, shanty town landlords are now moving to evict people from their land, it was revealed yesterday.

After being accused by some shanty town dwellers of trying to leave them homeless, Environment and Housing Minister Kenred Dorsett insisted that any eviction notices that have been served had nothing to do with the government.

“I was made to understand that the land owners are trying to remove some of the people who are occupying the land, but we are not inferring with that,” he said.

Mr Dorsett said he understands that landowners have given those who occupy their land a certain period of time to either leave or get their homes up to legal standard.

“The government has made our position clear – we are moving ahead and prosecuting the landowners for housing and environmental infractions. We are going to be very aggressive in this regard. You only need drive down the street and you will see people burning trash on properties and dumping garbage and such we will be prosecuting these persons as well,” the minister said.

But he added, the government will not get involved on behalf of the shanty town dwellers.

“The eviction notices have nothing to do with the government,” he said. “I understand that the landlords have asked some people to leave, but that is not the government’s concern. That is a civil action between two private parties.”

Last week, some shanty town residents told the press they had been given 30 days to either move or get their homes up to code – a time period they claimed was insufficient.

They pleaded with the government to give them more time and have sympathy with their plight. Many of them claimed they will be forced to live on the street if the government does not intervene.

For his part, Mr Dorsett said his ministry is only dealing with the environment and housing aspects of the shanty town issue.

He said Immigration and Social Services will tackle issues that come under their respective portfolios.

“I cannot speak for them. I know that this is just the first in many steps that we intend to do to get this situation under control. The government has made it very clear in the report and also on the floor in the House of Assembly what we intend to do,” he said.

“The Ministry of Social Services are also copied on all of our notices so they are aware of what we are doing. All of the data that we receive in relation to who occupies these properties – the number of adults, the children and so forth – all of that is passed on to Social Services so that team is also involved in that process,” he said.

“The Ministry of Immigration and National Security are also apprised, together with the Attorney General’s Office who advises us on any legal procedures that we take. So it’s a co-ordinated approach and that has been articulated in the past and I will continue to articulate that so that people understand that there is a plan of action that involves several ministries within the government in addressing this issue.”

As it relates to the prosecution of land owners, Mr Dorsett explained the ministry will determine a length of time to be extended in each case, then proceed with prosecutions if environmental concerns are not addressed within that period. 


banker says...

We is da gubment fer da people. We een kickin`ya out! It`s dems lanlords. Deys da hartless ones. Neèr mind we said dat we vood prossecute dems, but it een are fault dat dose FNMs is kickin`you out on da street. We fer da people. If da evil lanlords ewictin you, it een da fault of yer PLP gubment. Nosirreee. It`s dem lanlords. Daze kicking you on yer bungy into da street. Sure we shet dem down, but dems doan havta ewict you. Its dems, not us. We is da finest gubment in da land.

Posted 8 July 2013, 11:30 a.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

LOL...exactly. Nail on da head!!!

Posted 8 July 2013, 11:39 a.m. Suggest removal

lazybor says...

righto! :P<img src="" width="1">

Posted 8 July 2013, 12:30 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

Wow, What kind of idiot are u Mr. Dorsett, this had to be strategically planned...Incompetence, Incompetence, Incompetence

Posted 8 July 2013, 1:02 p.m. Suggest removal

honeyp says...

It may be strategically planned, but he should only speak to the role that his Ministry plays. So he's right! If you want to know what Social Services or any other Ministry is doing, ask them!

Posted 8 July 2013, 4:55 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

No, No, NO. This is a complex problem. It needs *management*, consultation, collaboration, cooperation, coordination.

"*Management*", what the PM *should* be doing, calls for bringing all of the stakeholders **together** and producing a single PLAN. (not shouting at you, just at the incompetence that is becoming so frustrating)

Do you remember egg-on-his-face Obie Wilchombe from just 2 days ago? who now has to deal with a pissed off intl aviation association who had no notice of pending tax increases? That is clear mismanagement.

Management in this situation calls for Services Services, Housing, Health, National Security, Foreign Affairs to be brought together. They **ALL** have a stake in what happens here. They should all be at the table discussing their *strategic* plan. Nobody runs their house like this! let the children do what they like, husband do one thing, wife do another, nobody tell anyone what their plans are, where they're going...if we don't accept it in our house why should we accept it in the country's House?

God, I beg you, save us from incompetence.

Someone sit these people at one table and read the Bahamian motto and National anthem to them, sloooooowly.

*...march TOGETHER, to a COMMON. LOFTIER. GOAL...*


Posted 8 July 2013, 9:39 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

Unfortunately, the Government is taking the cowardly way out, as some of these landlord/tenant situations are fraught with Permissions to build, equity tied into and even fraudulent lease to own scenarios.
From the perspective of occupancy and health they are right,
but the deviousness of the Bahamian slumlords is going to blow up in their faces.
Hence the courts are in for a load, from those who are legit.
The illegitimate get screwed again.
The connected will find a way to slip away unscathed.....

Posted 8 July 2013, 2:11 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Minister Kenred's reveals PM Christie's shocking; "How to go about fixing an 'upside-down' immigration policy?" Is it now the official plan of this Prime Minister to follow in the Shanty Town's policy of his former law partner? Seems you can expect to be prosecuted for dumping and burning garbage but not for entering Bahamaland as an illegal. You can be arrested for dumping and burning stuff, but not if in plain view of the government of the day, you should decide to construct your permanent place of residence, while breaking all health, safety, zoning and building regulations. Here's the humorous part to this story. Thousands of these same residents are not only utilizing our Hospitals and Medical Clinics, and for free, but many actual work for Bahamaland's government. Get this. They even have the bullocks to put down their Shanty Town addresses on all forms they are required to complete. By the thousands they clog our courts' dockets, jails. By the thousands they place a daily strain our social assistance programs. But none of this get's ya prosecuted. But dump or burn ya garbage and; here comes da police, to bring you before the feared "Comrade Judge Pigmeat." PM Christie might as well go all the way and follow his former law partner, by allowing the President of Haiti to come to Bahamaland to hold a mass rally, to call for all Haitian nationals to cast their votes for the government of the day?…

Posted 8 July 2013, 2:31 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Hmmm, I didn't expect them to be moved so quickly...where will they go? Probably to even less sanitary conditions than they are in today (yes I do realize the current conditions aren't exactly sanitary). I really expected an *orderly* removal...I don't think this is a good do we elect these **mis**managers over and over and over again? This is what we get for free Kentucky Fried Chicken. If someone gave me 30 days to find a new home I'd be challenged. I have to find the place, pack, move all without disrupting my obligation to my 9-5 employer. If I had kids to take care of as well..if I didn't have a would almost be a nightmare...

They may be here illegally, something does have to be done about it, not all of them are upstanding citizens, yes, yes, yes...but...they are our brothers and sisters. We should deal with them humanely. God forbid some disaster wiped out our economy and we had to depend on the kindness of our neighbors....

Posted 8 July 2013, 3:02 p.m. Suggest removal

honeyp says...

Do you want it cleaned up or not?

Well if you are a Bahamian, go to Social Services, if you're not Bahamian you should be here on a work permit, which implies that you have a job and you're just there for a free and dirty ride!

Posted 8 July 2013, 4:50 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Yes. I guess you didn't read what I said.

I **said**, some may be here illegally. **yes**; something has to be done about it **yes**. Honestly I don't have the answer, but I'm almost certain this is not the best approach, where will these people go?

I'm for action but I believe all things should be done *decently and in order*.

Fool me again, I honestly believed the govt would come up with an orderly plan to move them...

Posted 8 July 2013, 5:24 p.m. Suggest removal

leeza says...


Posted 8 July 2013, 3:17 p.m. Suggest removal

honeyp says...


What I don't get is that we have these people here, living in slums many who could afford better, who want to make demand on us for citizenship, but have no respect or interest in our flag, but wants all the benefits!!!

Posted 8 July 2013, 4:46 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

It's your concern. Your actions (general statement) will echo and reverberate right back to you. I believe that *do unto others* has a much much deeper meaning than we generally accept. I believe the implication is that the *other* person **is** "you"

Posted 8 July 2013, 5:36 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Dear Comrades, it is obvious that the problem is those Hyshun wreckers and hooligans who pander to the fascist, imperialist bourgeoisie landlords and ruin our socialist utopia.

Put them all in gulags. Make them slave labour with more zeal than they work now for less peanuts (dark please, and fill da bag. I een payin' you a dollah fur nuttin).. Send them to Siberia. Deport them. Jail them. Punish them. We need a revolution here. It's all the Hyshuns fault. Look at all the good Hyshun names appearing in front of judges. You can tell the Hyshun Colebrooks, Archers, Knowles just by the fact that they appear in front of judge whats her name Guilleminia (sounds Hyshun to me). Yep, send dem all back, but not afore dey cut da grass. Comrades, unite.

Posted 8 July 2013, 3:52 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I shake my head banker. Maybe it is in the sand. Maybe it's because I can look at another black face and see me or my sister or mother or father or uncle.... After your plan is accepted (because I agree with you, it must be that all our problems will be solved after they're sent has to be), after the plan is accepted, I vote that we turn to communism because Christianity eehn workin for us.

Posted 8 July 2013, 5:33 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

My response was satire, pure and simple.

Posted 8 July 2013, 10:03 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I know:) I actually just read it to a friend an hour ago and said, I wonder if anyone will read it literally? Quite good and so true! I got the name references:) You should start the Bahamian *Onion*

Posted 8 July 2013, 10:18 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

I'm thinking Banker has found and is drinking some of Tal's kool aid!! ROTFL

Posted 8 July 2013, 4:27 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

From the desk of a certain minister: "MY FELLOW BAHAMIANS, as we are about to celebrate our 40th anniversary of this country, several hundred Bahamians/haitians/residents or persons without stauts will be kicked out into the streets and unto homelessness. So if you hear the loud noises,it may not be all fireworks for the Indepencence celebrations, but those landlords and the occupants in the shanty towns fisting it out. This government won't be involved because we don't roll like that. We put pressure on the landlords and force them to kick these people out into the streets. Don't you feel sorry for them, go on and enjoy the 40th as usual, because we have social services lined up to offer assistance (around this same time next yea,r when we celebrating our 41 st., and also the department of immigration. For those who are here illegally and cannot find no where to stay go to the immigration department and thet will see that you get back home at no cost to you but at the expense of the Bahamian people. You see we don't tolerate shanty towns in this country, not even for impoverished, fallen on hard times, indigineous Bahamians.. we rather have you homeless...Happy Independence Bahamas!

Posted 8 July 2013, 6:20 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Exactly. Imagine 100 people *with children* sleeping downtown on the sidewalk, another 300 outside police stations. Why can't we ever do **anything** in an orderly fashion?? I don't understand it. Is it in our DNA? Why create a massive one time dump on the already stretched social services? Find out who these people are, what their needs are, find out what available low cost housing is available and **help** them move. In an orderly fashion. Set a goal to move a given number every week, something feasible. Why must we exhibit such incompetence in everything we do? For the persons who are here illegally, it's obviously more complicated, but address that in an orderly fashion too. Shame on Mr Dorsett.

We need thinkers, wise men, management experts **with ethics** and we need them fast. I read in today's Guardian one of the proposals given by the constitutional commission, a *limited* recall power for constituency representatives. I fully support it, and its way past due. If we have persons who demonstrate that they are way over their heads, we should not hold the country hostage for a 5yr term. Give them an incentive to *prepare* themselves for the office they want to assume and a reason to actually perform once they get there.

Posted 8 July 2013, 6:41 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

A well known gated community resident has sponsored a representative from Mitt Romney to visit Nassau before emancipation day.

The foreign consultant will lay on the table Romney's plan for self-deportation.

Posted 8 July 2013, 7:07 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Fred Mitchell must be a Romney supporter.

Posted 9 July 2013, 9:10 a.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Cast your mind back to the story about the gentleman who went to the urban renewal center to get work demolishing houses, and when he got home, his house was demolished, because he was squatting and couldn't afford his own housing. Those circumstances for Bahamian citizens is a lot more common than we think. It wasn't that long ago that houses in Eight Mile Rock had burlap for the door. Has anyone ever taken a trip to the AIDS camp to see how the Bahamians live there?

All this to say, is that there is a housing crisis in the Bahamas, and making Franklyn Wilson richer isn't going to solve it.

Posted 8 July 2013, 10:08 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Did you know Kenred Dorsett last name use to be spelled spelled Dorsette.. is.this is his way of distancing himself away from his roots...hmmm

Posted 9 July 2013, 5:50 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

What many of my fellow Bahamians don't understand is its not about heartlessness, its about compassion for your own people.. The problem is the government is to incompetent to execute a process strategically and with compassion for our own. It is cruel to allow poor people to inhabit these conditions and regardless what other countries allow it, the true unholiness is to not encourage and support those in Poverty to improve there living conditions.. I grew up in these poverty situations and its a degrace to allow fellow Bahamians People to live in them.. The Billions that come through this country has not been properly invested in the Bahamian People, there is just not that many of us.. Whether it be political corruption or whatever, it makes no sense in the year 2013 in the Bahamas that people should live this way... The true inhumanity is those who would justify this as a worldwide occurance, the world, haiti, jamaica is not my problem, I AM A BAHAMIAN AND ONE WITH SELF WORTH.. YOU FEED AND HOUSE YOUR OWN BEFORE U WORRY ABOUT OTHER PEOPLES PROBLEMS, ANYTHING ELSE IS SUICIDAL.. It is not our inhumanity for the Haitian or anyone else its our love for ourselves, I want to help the world but if it came down to a decision of whether my kids eat or your kids eat, my kids are going to eat first.. After they eat your kids can have the left overs, so if we have some left overs send it to haiti or other countries to help them.. I don't get this self sacrificing suicidal ultruism we live by because it has no real virtue and shows no compassion for the Poor.. Help poor Bahamians help themselves so they can no longer be impoverished, now that's real compassion and morality... I dont want poor bahamian kids living in disease infested shanty towns, it destroys there self worth and breeds crime, put a stop to it, invest the money into education, training, housing for Bahamians... Lets stop feeling bad for other people until all of our people are living in a respectable condition, it can be done, there is just not that many of us... I listen to people complain about the homeless, Poor, and give all these bleeding heart theories, but when i ask if they care so much why dont the take one home they shut up quick.. We cannot afford to feed and house the world and if u are not a natural born Bahamian citizen u should not be living in a shanty town or any situation of poverty, WE HAVE OUR OWN POOR SEND THEM HOME FAST... THE BOAT IS NOT BIG ENOUGH FOR EVERYONE

Posted 9 July 2013, 7:43 a.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Let me change the focus and get you thinking about a bigger picture. Here are a few questions worth asking: (1) Why are some many Bahamians living in shanties and in sub-standard conditions? (2) Why are the majority jobs for Bahamians service jobs, consisting largely of unskilled labour? (3) Why are there so many school-leavers walking the streets unemployed? (4) Why is crime so high? (5) Why is sweethearting so prevalent? (6) Why is the government, the Bahamas, and all of our resources for sale to the highest bidder, or any bidder for that matter?

Believe it or not, there is a common thread to all of this. It is the economy. Black Bahamians are still slaves, but they are economic slaves. Bahamians do not own or control their own economy. And who's fault is it? Ours. We have been an independent nation for 40 years, and we are too stupid to elect someone who will not pilfer our tax money, or not enrich themselves, or not copulate with our children of both sexes, or do something good for the country out of a patriotic spirit to benefit all Bahamians. It's "all-for-me-baby!".

We have been sold by our leaders who keep the masses dumb with sub-standard education, and who buy votes with a ham, turkey or rent payment. Until we smarten up, we will see the social problems of crime, unemployment, shanty towns, human and drug trafficking and all of the ills that plague these beautiful islands.

Posted 9 July 2013, 9:24 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Wow...*the world is not my problem* wow. I really hope we will always be as big and bad as we think we are and we never need a helping hand from anybody...who will come? Wasn't it you the other day who gave the heartfelt story about an **American** family who helped you escape the cycle of poverty? What would have happened to you if they had said, *get all those Bahamians out of our country, look at all the criminals we have to deport back to them every year. Most of them are illegal anyway, here on expired visas etc*...where would you be if someone in this world you "*don't care about*" had not cared for you?

I suggest to you that as a country, we are not yet at the point were we have to choose between feeding one child or another. If the Minister of Housing can get $5000 per house for every low-cost housing contract he awards, there is money enough to feed 100000 kids. If we can award 1million dollars to an accounting firm for 100 thousand worth of work, there is enough to feed 10000 more. What we have an epidemic of big eye and poor management. We cannot seem to shake it, no matter how much bad tasting medicine we get shoved down our throats.

All it takes is one cat-5 hurricane, direct hit on Nassau... But not to worry, God will protect us as he always has because we are his people, a Christian nation with Christian principles.

Posted 9 July 2013, 10:46 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

Actually it was Bahamian's that help me to help myself...I had to work my ass off or I would be sent right back to the ghetto from which I came.. Night and day school and Basketball... I think u misread my message, its not about not helping people, its about not doing suicidal things like killing yourself so u can donate your longs to a stranger.. If u read many of my messages I mention its the corruption and greed that creates the problem. We have strayed far from God a long time ago, Pastors arrested for having sex with Children and exploitation of the Poor.. My goal is to empower people not have them living a life without dignity.. I put my money, and effort on the line, thousands of Dollars and hours I give back to those in poverty.. I hope that u can say the same..

Posted 9 July 2013, 4:35 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Aah, I did misread you, sorry about that. But where were you? You were recipient of services and privileges paid for by American tax payers. As hard as you worked to get ahead, you had people you never even met helping you.

Locally I don't think we're at the point of suicide. We seem to agree on that, I'm almost certain the money we would spend to move these people will pail in comparison to the money people is shiny suits and fancy cars are carting out of the treasury under dark of night. Imagine, we are fighting over grits and tuna while they construct million dollar homes off of their ill gotten gains.

As I have said before, if the residents are illegal they have to go, but plan it, do it in an orderly manner and treat them humanely.

My one argument with you will always be on the level of our interconnectedness. I don't think it stops at the aquamarine gold and black. Rupert Pinder made an interesting point on You and Your Money last night, speaking on the question of whether we are truly independent after 40yrs. He said (I paraphrase), *in today's world, we no longer speak about independence but rather interdependence. No country is truly independent.*

(I actually just gave money to a mission trip no less than yesterday)

Posted 9 July 2013, 5:14 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

Private school scholarships fully paid for by my Academic and Athletic efforts.. That's not the U.S or State Government, that's private people.. Wealthy private citizens and schools do various things to advance there schools or programs and if u r 6' 8 and average 30 points a game u don't need government assistance, that's what got me into good situations.. The Government of the Bahamas just borrowed 500 million to meet its budgetary needs, so the money u calculated did not exist, if so why are we borrowing. U can argue that money used to pay accountants and others are misappropriated funds by corrupt Politicians, but even that is borrowed money...There is no surplus, just debt.. Because of capitalism and the global economy we are very connected and interdepended in terms of resources, trade and Capital.. However our people tend more to embrace socialistic policies of extreme government dependency leaving us venerable to corrupt or incompetent leadership making bad decisions on our behalf.. The question in my mind is if u have a large segment of the Bahamian people consisting of the working poor or those living in abject poverty depending on these people to make decisions in there best interest do we have the luxury of dealing with the problems of others especially as a debtor nation.. The bible speaks firmly against debt.. Boring large sums of money to pay your bills is suicide, Taking on more financial responsibility while u r in debt is suicide, someone has to pay that money back.. The person that assisted me in this country had the cash to do so which I am grateful for... When it comes to dealing with the Haitian population we are talking about deficit spending..

Posted 9 July 2013, 6:33 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I was really speaking somewhat to Obama's roads and bridges *you didn't build that* statement when I talked about people helping you that you don't even know.

Point 2, I think we have the money, borrowed or not. If it can be used fill someone's pocket it can be used to establish social programmes. We just need the right representation.

Final point, just to clarify I am **not** suggesting that we subsidize illegal immigrants forever. I am advocating a comprehensive plan to deal with the current issue *humanely* while at the same time insuring we don't end up right back in the same position again.

Posted 9 July 2013, 9:20 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

The problem with relying on those in politics is always the people that get in care mostly about there own group of clowns or self enrichment.. the right people for the job are just not willing to allow themselves to be eaten alive.. I prefer private citizens helping each other help themselves.. Unfortunately I see a increasing economic strain on working class bahamians with the high cost of living, debt and population, making survival not charity the top of peoples mind.. We did not do a good job in terms of becoming stakeholders in our own country & its at the point where we cannot control our own destiny.. We are going to borrow and inflat ourselve to a point where sustaining a respectable life style will be for the rich only.. I think we agree on most things

Posted 10 July 2013, 7:40 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

And I am not suggesting that we do nothing. I am suggesting orderly and humane action. That is all. Orderly and humane.

Posted 9 July 2013, 10:57 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...


Posted 9 July 2013, 7:53 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

BANKER I TOTALLY AGREE, ITS LIKE THIS POST Traumtic slave syndrome many Bahamians suffer from that make us pander to foreign interest & sell out our own.. It pisses me off, then we elect morons to continue the cycle... Is there anyone else willing to lead except the same fools over and over again.. we keep switching from coca cola to pepsi exspecting something else other than diabetes. ..try some real fruit juice or water its 2013 people lets get with the spirit of capitalism and self interest

Posted 9 July 2013, 9:52 a.m. Suggest removal

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