March on Bahamaland

BY Rev. Canon S. Sebastian Campbell

Disappointed in most of the recommendations tendered by the constitutional commission?

I certainly am.

The English language is inadequate in finding an adequate expression. The leaders of the Commission were known in their youthful prime, for being radical in outlook and ready, if given an opportunity, to lead us to that proverbial New Frontier.

What is it that has brought them to give recommendations that will keep things the same? The very idea of constitutional reform implies a radical outlook to steer courageously into the winds of change.

The example of St Vincent’s defeat of the reform measure pertaining to the monarchy is not a good example. It should not be used as a guide for us being timid to touch a similar proposal. The constitutional reform in St Vincent was advanced by Dr Ralph Gonzales at the height of his unpopularity. In fact Gonzales won the following general election with majority seats and minority votes. The vote was a personal attack on the Prime Minister. A referendum is determined by total votes cast, unlike a general election that is won by majority seats.

I find very little comfort in what is being advanced to the Prime Minister.

It would be interesting to know the age composition of the commission and the age range of persons with whom there was consultation outside of the town hall meetings. These recommendations appear to reflect a “settled” age grouping of persons who are entrenched in the colonial mire. It is common knowledge that the majority of Bahamians over forty years of age will not accept any radical change that takes them beyond sight of colonial horizons.

The bridge to the future lies in an educated and daring constituency of Bahamians, the youth. They must be exposed beyond our horizons, for there are many examples of progressive countries who live out progressive reformation who were once colonies of Great Britain. I have heard none of these countries used as examples within the report. Near to home Trinidad and Tobago is a republic. Jamaica has done well to swear allegiance to no foreign power. They have gone miles ahead in political reformation. Barbados, little England, has advanced beyond us. They have their own honours system and use now the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) as their court of appeal. We can go further to the far East and look at former British colonies like Malaysia and Singapore and see the mental liberation of a people so evident in the evolution of the judiciary and form of government and indeed in their economic system. Yes, we have much to learn from them in social reform. It will do well for us to expose Bahamians when leading so well a charge for change in the development of a country. I can only conclude that more exposure of commission members would have been ideal as they embarked on this journey of constitutional reform.

Bahamians must wake up to what it means to “March on to glory” we live in a highly conservative society. Our people are afraid of risks, change is feared, the average Bahamian wants cautious, very cautious change. Indeed many want to be colonial and Independent one and the same time. Many of our Bahamians in leadership roles are trying hard to look, dress and act just like the colonial masters. Where are we failing? It’s all in our lack of an intentional educational approach to enlighten a new generation of people with the advent of Independence. We cannot embrace and expand a new order without intentional forms of education.

Our school system is stifled in its approach to the delivery of progressive education. What has been mandated in our curriculum that would define us as Bahamians and further our mental horizon? The system is most enslaving. What does the Social Studies programme look like, where is it mandatory to teach Afro Bahamian history. In our Home Economic classes where does crab fat and dough and flour cake come in? In this archipelago where is it being provided to expose our children to Long Cay, Grand Cay, Cat Island and Lovely Bay. Where are we making provision for our national dress? Where do we set monuments for public lessons to teach about our nation builders so as to advance their contributions.

Yes we have far to go; we are too comfortable keeping things the way they are. It is most damning when anyone says, “the more things change, the more they stay the same”. A new horizon beckons; I pray we do not wait another forty years for another go at constitutional reform. Now is the time to challenge the old order so that it might give way to a more appropriate, and effective, new order to usher in necessary changes to bring us up to standard and even surpass countries in our region. I pray the government treads cautiously amidst these recommendations. The Bahamian public must be told that the report of the commission is only recommendations. The government has the right to accept or reject all that was presented in part or in whole.

A new Bahamas beckons, the new generation of those under forty is that bridge that must take us there. We must therefore be daring to steer courageously into the chilly teeth of the provision winds of change. (These words, paraphrase, spoken by the late Sir Lynden O. Pindling challenging his party to go to the new frontier)


CarrieBaker says...

For any society to evolve, reform is mandatory. Even though the easier way will always seem more tempting, a little or a lot of sacrifice is needed, in order to take a step forward.
We must search for solutions, and not more problems, just like they do at <a href="…">…</a>. Change has always been good, we just need to courage to embrace it and make it ours.

Posted 19 January 2015, 2:46 p.m. Suggest removal

Petra says...

This article should be motivating enough and not only that is raises an issue, but it comes with solutions as well, and pretty reasonable ones. It is well pointed out how the fear of change and the incapacity to actually do something is preventing you to to make things better for yourself, not just for now but for the future as well. People need to take action. If it's an automobile accident you are involved in, for instance, no matter how small the damage, you should contact a lawyer like this one <a href="…">…</a> and make sure everyone involved is paying accordingly. People need to act because this way they create a precedent and they imprint into the collective conscience the fact that everything in our life is just a cause-effect relation and if we don't act, we get nothing.

Posted 20 January 2015, 2:25 p.m. Suggest removal

CarrieBaker says...

The future belongs to those who believe in themselves and never stop trying. It doesn't matter if you haven't been always on th right track, if you ever needed to call a [drunk driving lawyer in Philadelphia][1] or if you didn't always know what you should do next. What matters is that you are here, now and you know that the best course of action is change.[1]:…

Posted 26 January 2015, 2:51 p.m. Suggest removal

CarrieBaker says...

Progress requires courage and dedication, and most of all, passion for what you do. This is the only way in which anyone can move forward. Everything matters: from the environment you work in - if it's something that gives you all the confort you need, like those offered by [][1], or not - and all the way to the interest you have in the domain and the time you can assign to it. Everything matters and all of our choices influence the things we can acquire, regardless of the field we're talking about.


Posted 27 January 2015, 4:22 p.m. Suggest removal

Petra says...

If you visit <a href=""></a> you will see some interesting ways in which you can calculate your taxes and income. It is important to learn to do these on your own because you can save a lot of money. There are indeed companies that can do this for you but you will find a certain satisfaction if you make this effort. The economy will never be on the side of the community but if you have the right tools, you can erase a problem from your mind.

Posted 12 February 2015, 9:07 a.m. Suggest removal

DesireeJohnson says...

You have a strong opinion regarding this matter and political problems tend to have many variables, especially in the matter of politicians. Of course, the bridge to the future lies in many aspects, even such as <a href="…">restaurant human resources in NYC</a> . Anyway, great article, your opinion is a strong one, it will definitely influence more people to take action.

Posted 16 February 2015, 4:51 a.m. Suggest removal

gukevo says...

Bahamians must wake up to the “March on to glory” and we all agree that they must be told that the report of the commission is only recommendations. They know it's best to buy precious metals cheap, wait for the prices to rise and finally <a href="">sell gold in Houston TX</a> or maybe invest it, keep it, or whatever you want. Gold or silver are never going to lose its value, but even more valuable is our freedom!

Posted 18 February 2015, 7:52 a.m. Suggest removal

DesireeJohnson says...

Your opinion is kinda drastic, giving the fact that change has to be made gradually. With all the bureaucracy and administrative issues, changing the system will be difficult. If you check it out here <a href=""></a> you can find out more information regardind the simplification of process of obtaining a contractor license, for example. With all these companies, eventually, the change will finally be over and the wind of change will be a strong one.

Posted 19 February 2015, 6:25 a.m. Suggest removal

aferim says...

The political component of each business is very hard to ignore and you need to pay attention to each change that is made regarding the law. There are many law suits that started from a misreading of a certain article from the constitution and usually this happens in the employee department. If you are using <a href="…">…</a> you can understand and get rid of this kind of problems.

Posted 20 February 2015, 2:30 a.m. Suggest removal

holymoly says...

Bahamas has its history and many people run businesses there. A big part of them recovered very difficult from the financial crises by requesting help from companies such as <a href=""></a> while others simnply collapsed. The success of any business is given also by the authorities and the financial support that they provide to business owners.

Posted 25 May 2015, 9:41 a.m. Suggest removal

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