Moss does not object to 'play marriage' ceremonies between people of same sex


Tribune Staff Reporter

KINGDOM Life Church pastor Cedric Moss yesterday said he did not object to “play marriage” ceremonies between same sex individuals.

However, Mr Moss maintained that such ceremonies should not be conducted by local marriage officers and their involvement prohibited by the government.

“In The Bahamas,” he said, “there is nothing illegal about holding ceremonies where two same sex individuals go through a “play marriage” ceremony and purport to marry.

“If two grown people of the same sex want to pretend like they are married by going through a “play marriage” ceremony, they are free to do that.”

He added: “My personal view is that as long as the person performing the ‘play marriage’ ceremony is not a marriage officer, I personally don’t have a problem with people doing what the law does not prohibit.”

Pastor Moss was responding to the online debate yesterday sparked by an article on a destination wedding between two men, Jamie and Kevin, on Harbour Island.

The wedding was featured on

In an interview with The Tribune yesterday, Pastor Moss said: “If such ceremonies are being performed by local marriage officers – despite the fact that they can’t register the so-called marriage - I believe that The Bahamas government should move swiftly to prohibit marriage officers from performing such ceremonies.”


ThisIsOurs says...

I would be the first person to stand up and say that every person, irrespective of their personal choices, has the right to be respected as an individual. I truly believe that, no name calling, no physical attacks etc.

However, if you have stepped forward and told the world that your purpose on this earth is to speak for God. Do not make Him a liar. He would **never** speak the words in this article. There is no grey area with Him, He tells us clearly He wants hot or cold, He spews lukewarm out of His mouth, i.e. this type of waffling (*play marriage is ok*) from His "*messenger*" makes Him vomit. Deal with the things of God. Leave these man issues to man.

Posted 12 July 2013, 1:56 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Preacherman's Cedric mean like the "play marriages" of lots Bahamians (male/female). Married in license only....playing around still acceptable ..but one-sided playing around.

Posted 12 July 2013, 4:07 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I had not thought about true

Posted 12 July 2013, 4:40 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Preacherman's Cedric knows some them sitting right in he own church pews, "playing around" ain't never go'in allow them to see heaven's Kingdom. Even the devil ain't want nothing to do with some them "Sunday morning" Christians. They is too damn wicket even for the devil's lik'in.


Posted 12 July 2013, 5 p.m. Suggest removal

Pastor_Cedric_Moss says...

I encourage you to read the article again. I was asked by the Tribune to comment specifically on the so called same-marriage ceremony that took place between 2 men on Harbour Island. Everyone knows that the so called ceremony could be nothing other that a "play marriage" ceremony because in The Bahamas marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman. So if two grown men want to go through a "play marriage" ceremony, even though I unequivocally oppose same sex marriage, my position is they are free to engage in their ceremony. That's all a part of living in a free, democratic society: people are free to do what the law does not prohibit.

I've been called many things, but being a waffler is not one of them. Therefore, it is my view that anyone who concluded that I was waffling in my comments has obviously misread my article, or, worse, has a comprehension problem. I focused on the important point of what should and can be legitimately prohibited, and that is marriage officers performing these ceremonies between same sex couples because to do so is misleading and misrepresenting their office as marriage officers.

My last point has to do with vilifying those who do not share your view. Why do you and others like you need to try to vilify me just because you don't like what I said? Let's lift the level of public discourse and be civil. If you support a society where you can force people to act in ways that you want them to, even though the law does not require them to, you are free to do so. Therefore, if you feel that it should be illegal for people of the same sex to engage in the so called "same sex marriage" ceremonies that have absolutely no legal effect, then I suggest that you and your anonymous friends come forward and begin to advocate for such "Taliban" measures. And if the majority of Bahamians support your views, then "play marriage" ceremonies like the one purported to have taken place in Harbour Island will become illegal. I do not support such an approach, but I do oppose the legalization of same-sex marriage. So, please don't try to attack and vilify me just because we understand democracy differently. Thanks for considering this!

Posted 12 July 2013, 8:22 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Taliban friends?:) What Tal was saying was that there are so many heterosexual marriages that are utter travesties, what's the difference to allowing a *play* same sex marriage as well? That was said tongue-in-cheek.

Personally I do not support same sex marriage, real or play. At the same time, I do not believe that people should be treated as sub-human because of a lifestyle choice. So *Taliban*, No.

I stand on my original point. I spoke to the statement:
*My personal view is that as long as the person performing the ‘play marriage’ ceremony is not a marriage officer, I personally don’t have a problem with people doing what the law does not prohibit*

It is a serious thing when you say my life's calling is to be God's messenger. In this country, I'm sure you know this, it has become a travesty. If you stand up and say I believe God has called me to preach his word., then you must also realize that everything you say will be taken in that context. You have an added burden on your words that 80% of the population does not. If you are speaking for God, your words have to be in line with his.

My stand will always be that pastors cannot and should not equivocate, call wrong wrong. Leave the political correctness to the Human Rights groups and such.

If Jesus were on earth today and were asked to comment on that marriage what would he say? I will lay my head on the line that he would not say they are free to do as they like as long as its legal, he would call it an abomination. **Much** stronger language than I would use.

I listened to a sermon a few months ago where the pastor touched on the issue of political correctness, he said if Jesus were alive today, people would be trying to kill him. He would be saying things no one would like...(I dare say things I wouldn't even like). But that is what He is. He does not waver, He is not politically correct. He is not lukewarm.

Posted 12 July 2013, 9:42 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

You red shirts done likes rub me for being just a Comrade. Can you imagine me as Taliban Tal?

Posted 12 July 2013, 10:16 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

It does have a ring to it:)

Posted 12 July 2013, 10:50 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade "Preacherman's" Cedric then I guess you also con-done "play sex?" I mean as long as you don't stick it in me I guess it's alright? Or is it?

Posted 12 July 2013, 8:44 p.m. Suggest removal

Pastor_Cedric_Moss says...

No, TalRussell. Jesus calls those of us who follow him to a much higher standard. Any erotic physical involvement between individuals who are not married (even if actual sexual relations don't happen) is still sexual immorality. And those who violate God's laws do so to their own hurt.

Posted 12 July 2013, 8:55 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Preacherman's I hate to break this to you, but your words it ain't the words of a Jesus like kingdom. I can take a belly full of His words, it's your kingdom's lifestyle that your advocating that is giving me cramps in me spiritual belly. Granted Jesus did say; My kingdom is not of this world. That His kingdom is from another place. It's the sort of feeling I getting that you may also be from another place. And, it's not that heavenly warm feeling.You know the uplifting Jesus feelings He so inspired. Do you actually preach this stuff from your kingdom's Sunday pulpit?

Posted 12 July 2013, 9:15 p.m. Suggest removal

lazybor says...

I don't like these words, because marriage should never be considered as a joke, even if unofficial<img src="" width="1">

Posted 13 July 2013, 2:03 a.m. Suggest removal

Ironvelvet says...

The term 'play marriage' is what bothers me most. I understand that many Christians and supporters of all things traditional don't believe In same sex marriage, but to trivialize the commitment of the two men as a 'play marriage' is downright wrong. The comment was a mockery. While I understand that in the Bahamas gay marriage is not legal, having a marriage ceremony done under the eyes of God is the truest commitment two people can make. Even if it is not legal/official....why make fun of the commitment two people have made with a Christian mindset?

I agree with many statements made above as to men and women who go to church weekly but live in a 'play marriage' because they are not living up to the commitments they made. Let's keep in mind normal human beings don't volunteer to live a lifestyle incongruent with societal norms and they surely don't choose to be mocked for what comes natural to them.

Posted 13 July 2013, 3:01 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

Play what kind of foolishness is this coming out his mouth... Playing and marriage don't belong on the same planet... He could not find the strength to muscle Gay Marriage out his mouth

Posted 13 July 2013, 12:06 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

The Preacherman's "play marriage' remark would not be as stunning were it to come out of the mouth of an individual who does not lead a Christian flock, as there are arguments on both sides of the Gay/Lesbian lifestyle debate. So, my remarks are solely targeting the messenger, a man of the cloth. Tribune readers, let me ask you for your input. If Jesus were alive today and had been asked the very same question if; "He would object to “play marriage” ceremonies between same sex individuals?"

Posted 13 July 2013, 2:56 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

Tal, u r venturing in some sensitive area here... This Minister has been so liberalised and in a age of Political correctness he makes his statements with great care.. He makes his statement because the church has lost much of its moral authority to make certain bold statement base on bad acts committed by religious leaders and followers...From my understanding of Biblical scriptures Jesus would be against homosexuality period.. Now that i said that tal i'm going to hide under a rock for a few days..

Posted 13 July 2013, 3:17 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

What is sin? Is it not sinful for a man's or woman's spouse to be chasing after "strange flesh? Is it not sinful to stop by and pickup your "strange flesh" in your car, on the way to dropping off your little children to their school? Sin is not like a movie that you can rate excellent, average, poor. Sin IS sin. The "period" was placed after sin, by God and for good reason. No preacherman's should ever attempt to erase God's period from sin. Sin always ends with a period. That's God's intention. Period.

Posted 13 July 2013, 3:58 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Just as a biological clarification here -- Sin doesn't end with a period. Sin ends with a pregnancy. Abstinence ends with a period. (Assuming that we are talking about heterosexuals here).

Posted 15 July 2013, 10:44 a.m. Suggest removal

thomas says...

This should have been the initial response. Why have a play marriage if you are not engaging in sexual activity. To 'endorse' a play marriage might give the appearance of endorsing same sex relations.

Posted 13 July 2013, 10:21 p.m. Suggest removal

Nationalist says...

Homosexuality is SIN. This is what homosexuals DO NOT want to acknowledge. Period.

As Cedric Moss said marriage cannot occur in The Bahamas between same sex --- the BAHAMIAN LAW does NOT allow such! Plain, simple, fact!

Therefore attempt at such could only be considered PLAY-marriage! Like 2 five year olds may freely PLAY-dollhouse but they could never be true mommy & dad --- you'll know the difference.

Man's law allows all to sin as long as you don't break that man-made law. God's standards are quite different --- they go to the core of the real human conscience and heart!

Posted 14 July 2013, 6:11 p.m. Suggest removal

Freedom_reigns says...

NO, this is what YOU DO NOT WANT TO ACKNOWLEDGE: It is not a sin, it is not a choice, it is a natural way of life for them. Not everyone is a Christian, remember that. Keep your religious views to yourself and stop being a Bigot. You scorn homosexuals because of a book, but guess what, God created them and MAN said they were an abomination, not God, MAN. Man wrote the Bible and MAN gave his opinions.

Posted 15 July 2013, 11:43 a.m. Suggest removal

Nationalist says...

I'm happy that at least you acknowledge GOD. A good start!!!

Posted 15 July 2013, 2:58 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

Nationalist perhaps the Minister should use your answer..or just say gay marriage/homosexuality is a sin biblically so I cannot support it period, he openned himself up with this long dialog and the play marriag thing. I personally don't care if law abiding adult free citizens want to get married.. Let them suffer like the rest of us with high alimony, divorce and annoying spouses, share the torture marriage can bring.. Gay people generally are some of the happiest people I know, they about to mess it up for themselves.. its like they r fighting for the equal right to be tortured, I say welcome on board u can have the wisegrip attached to my balls.. U could not get me to sign that contract again & I tell my gay friends they're nuts... Even the mention of that by women breaks me out in a cold sweat..

Posted 15 July 2013, 10:51 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...


Posted 15 July 2013, 12:49 p.m. Suggest removal

Nationalist says...

Pastor Moss' comments, like my comments are fine as is. They compliment each other, which is my intent.

Now, there are those of you trying to 'SPIN' his comments to suggest he may be in some way partially support the sin of homosexuality. You'll know, as I do as anyone who know Pastor Moss even remotely knows that he does not in anyway support homosexuality.

Clearly, neither do I.

Posted 15 July 2013, 3:02 p.m. Suggest removal

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