Government silent over Nygard questions


Tribune Staff Reporter

THE government remains silent following calls from the opposition that several PLP MPs tender their resignations after being filmed at a private meeting with billionaire businessman Peter Nygard.

While official government spokespersons had no comment and the Prime Minister’s press secretary said he was out of the country, sources inside the PLP sought to downplay the matter claiming it was of no importance.

However, FNM chairman Darron Cash said the surfacing of the video confirms that the Christie administration is compromised. 

“The emergence of the now famous Nygard video of the PLP near-full cabinet descending on his exotic retreat to kiss his ring and genuflect to him confirms what we already knew,” he said. “This PLP administration is far too compromised to govern effectively.

“From the Prime Minister on down there continues to be enormous public doubts and concerns about whether the pre-election deals made by the PLP leave them sold to rich, usually foreign special interests.

“Once again, it appears that under Mr. Christie’s leadership, talk is cheap but money buys access and influence.

“The Bahamian people deserve to know how many other foreign investors are laying claim to the Bahamas’ Prime Minister as their man.”

The professionally shot and edited film was posted on the YouTube website by user “PeterNygard1” on October 9, 2012, but was being shared around the internet over the weekend, collecting dozens of comments on the social media site “Facebook.”

So far, the short eight minute 33 second film called “Nygard Takes Bahamas Back”  has been viewed 4,227 times on YouTube.

Mr Nygard is shown celebrating the PLP’s victory at the polls following the May 7 General Election.

Later he is introduced to Deputy Prime Minister Philip ‘Brave’ Davis, Education Minister Jerome Fitzgerald, Housing and Environment Minister Kenred Dorsett, V Alfred Gray, Agriculture Minister, Health Minister Dr Perry Gomez and Housing Minister Shane Gibson.

The footage goes on to show Mr Nygard injecting himself with what he describes on screen as an anti-aging medication.

The FNM has tried to link the PLP and Mr Nygard’s support for research into stem cell therapy.

Mr Nygard, a resident of Lyford Cay, has said it is essential The Bahamas embraces what is happening in the stem cell industry.

Recently in the House of Assembly, FNM leader Dr Hubert Minnis accused the government of “rushing” stem cell legislation through Parliament.

Dr Minnis suggested that the government was pushing the law to appease Mr Nygard.

Over the weekend, FNM Deputy Leader Loretta Butler-Turner said each of the Ministers in the video should tender their resignations

She said: “Just seeing the way that they are with Mr Nygard. It seems as though he feels that he is cozy with the government.”

This claim has been denied. PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts has said that Mrs Butler-Turner’s concern made no sense.

He said that records are available to support that the stem cell facility in Freeport was licensed under the current leader of the Opposition Dr Minnis who was the Minister of Health at the time.


UserOne says...

Mr. Nygaard should not be speaking out on what the Bahamas should do with regards to stem cell therapy because it is not his area of expertise. Period.

Posted 15 July 2013, 11:54 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Oh if it weren't for the sweet memories of Hubert's regime he former law partner be really looking bad right about now. Bahamian democracy at work at its best, when the gold shirts has their preferred Lyford Cay billionaire and the red shirts has their preferred Lyford Cay billionaire. 'Tit for tat.' in Bahamaland politics means the old regime going have to repay equally for whatever they did with something similar by the new regime. Another preferred Lyford Cay Billionaire. And, the "replacement" cabinet party's, while thousands still go without paychecks. Elected representatives seemingly unconcerned about all the 'empty' grocery store shopping carts being pushed up and down the isles. Natives with little or no money, lucky if they can even buy the basic essential basics for their families. Little children having to be told that hopefully tomorrow some elected government representative will put down their cocktail glasses long enough to look through their rose coloured eyeglasses at the needs of the hurt'in. PM are you going to allow this to go on?…

Posted 15 July 2013, 12:05 p.m. Suggest removal

honeyp says...

Did anyone remember a plane ride some years ago?#$#%

Posted 15 July 2013, 5:47 p.m. Suggest removal

Deepdrop2 says...

FYI - nygard cay is not a part of Lyford Cay - he is only allowed access to his property via the roads of Lyford Cay.

Posted 15 July 2013, 12:42 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Thanks Comrade let the record reflect but I think readers get my main point.

Posted 15 July 2013, 12:55 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Once again your main point is valid re. empty shopping carts. And speaking of shopping carts, I look to see what is in them. The even bigger issue is the upcoming generation's nutritional needs are not met. The shopping carts are full of those little potato chip snack bags that are freely given for the chirren's lunches, along with sugar drinks. They are cheap empty calories, and any hope placed on future generations evaporates when you see that basic nutrition for the future of the Bahamas is sorely lacking. (Sorry about the rant, but the shopping cart thing triggered some serious concerns that I have).

Posted 15 July 2013, 1:05 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

[all line up for anti aging treatment!!][1]


Posted 15 July 2013, 2:08 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

In a free capitalistic society lobbying and pushing ones interest is not the problem.. This is not a free capitalist society.. This is not lobbying, he is buying a kingdom.. Mr. Nygard and Mr. Bacon have the business knowledge to transform our ridiculously self discriminating society and if they really wanted to help they would target policy.. Yet they fight for power because they know they can become king here, because of the idiots we elect.. This is a fight for the throne, he's just having a good time with his loyal subjects just like Mr. Bacon does with his.. There are no angels with either party..

Posted 15 July 2013, 2:38 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

what nygard wants is some kind of anti aging formula made from embryonic stem cells ,since most developed countries ,ie Canada , won,t let him play Dr Frankenstien he has purchased the right to do it here ,,lets not get all high and mighty ,we have been selling ourselves forever to give others their sin ,,,blockade running ,rum running ,gambling,dope running ,hiding money from other countries tax authoritys ....B Bethel them can stand up in that staunch church all day long but even Ray Charles knows Nygard payed to play Doctor

Posted 15 July 2013, 3:29 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I am sad to say, but this is exactly the reason why I believe Mrs Turner has disqualified herself from the leadership. Seeing this coming would not have made anyone a visionary, but a visionary would have had to have seen it.

The ethical issues surrounding abortion and the use of fetuses in stem cell research should give any GOVERNMENT pause. These developers are **not** coming to the Bahamas because they believe we have air tight regulations or the most advanced facilities. They come here because they can do as they please with little interruption, ethics be damned. It's really frightening. Even more frightening are all of the sparkling bright white teeth and effusive handshakes that welcome their arrival.

If only the criteria for candidate nomination were possession of a billion in assets, maybe we would not have to suffer these opportunists...or less of them anyway.

I dont know where this will ultimately fall, Obie Wilchcombe may simply report to us that they had a meeting with Mr Nygard and *all of their concerns were put to rest*

Posted 15 July 2013, 6:07 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

its what we as a nation sell ,sand, sea , sun and our soul ,,,,,,,,,,,,,our police can,t even find gamblin in the numbers house w/ all the starry eyed zombies hunched over the computer screen spinning ,,i no longer get upset ,i accept our lack of morals ,,geez we rail on about gays when for forty years they been talkin to us on ZNS news and in the house of parliment ,,we need to quit being so hypercritical and running around w./ that christian nation nonsense and accept who we are ,,sin to sell to the highest bidder ,,when we have an honest leader we overwheminly vote him out ,,we want the rascalls ,,a people vote for a goverment most like themselves ,,shakedown artist ,shukers and jivers ,girly men and manly women ,,lets accept who we are and knock off the bull

Posted 15 July 2013, 7:14 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Girly man and manly woman?:) oh boy. Serious talk.

Well I agree with most of what was said...I cant accept accept the status quo though....Maybe 80% of the population believes otherwise and is hoping to get a free flat screen tv or an invite to Nygard's cay... but I can't accept it.

Posted 15 July 2013, 7:52 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

not everyone is like that but a good majority ,,,i wasn,t a good fellow back in the eighties and i didn,t find too many turning down the cash ,,one time on a family island the preacher who was helping us unload had his robe brought there so he woul;dn,t be late for church ,,hate to tell you what position he holds now ,, sis lives in a little town in the U/S ,,and it is different there ,,a couple scoundrels but not like us ,, and i;m not anti gay ,,i just find us as bahamians such a bunch of comical hypocretes w/ our bible quoteing nonsense

Posted 15 July 2013, 8:03 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

But arent you are doing what you claim we are doing? Bad men will always out number good men. It's not a reason not to be good (I'm not using that in the sense of being perfect, just principled).

In reference to using scripture, I fancy myself a Christian, and I quoted somewhere around here to someone else who fancies himself a Christian. In essence, we two *should* be speaking the same language since both of us reference the same *Guide*. The PM is also fond of putting forward his religious beliefs so to me if I quote scripture in that context of discussing his action that is quite ok.

I understand where youre coming from, I actually posted a previous comment about making general religious statements since not everyone is able ready or willing to hear it. I generally use it in context.

A friend put it best to me I think, when Jesus went to speak to the fishermen he talked to them about fish. (But I guess you don't believe in him either...that's ok for now:)) maybe you mistook my comment...I am confident that if Jesus were on earth he would befriend all of the people society generally abhors...he would befriend them so he'd have the opportunity to win them over...but he would make it clear to them that while he loved **them**, he did not approve of what they were doing. And Jesus was not a hippie floating around with flowers in his hair spurting words of love everywhere. When it was time for serious talk, he ripped into people...but then again that's my faith I wouldnt expect you to fully understand it, we speak different languages.

Posted 16 July 2013, 1:18 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Just to clarify the *doing the same thing* was in reference to categorizing someone because they quote scripture. I will tell you that personally, outward appearances do not impress me, I judge character and actions. So if I see a man in a robe or a collar I don't make the assumption that he is principled. I stopped attending church years ago for the same reason, as my eyes were opened to what was going on in the church it didn't make sense to me. And yes, I do believe Jesus would have something to say to me about that:)

Posted 16 July 2013, 1:55 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

i do believe in jesus ,but all the scripture quoting we do ,when we live basically opposite to it is a laugh riot ,,and don,t give me that many fall short stuff ,,come on we got obvious gay people even in gov runninn round bashin gays in the name of god ,,geez how many girls can that one ex mp adopt ,,,,,,,,,and PGC sellin us out to Dr frankenstein and any other despots w/ bags of money ,,Dr Porter ..lmafo we use god as a "numbers" handicapper ,,we think were more blessed then our neighbors b/c were more christian ,,geez lousie ,,we are b/c castro took cuba communist and the yankees needed a new play ground to play ,,"sin"

Posted 16 July 2013, 3:09 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Ok I give to you that what you're saying could apply to a wide percentage of the population...But also realize that everyone who wears a collar or confesses to be, isnt a christian. For those that truly are, if they claim to be better because they are, they mistake their state. (I apologize ahead of time I'm going to quote now) actually doesn't make sense. When Jesus gave the definition of sin, he said *to him that knoweth to do right and doeth it not, to him it is sin*. So a Christian who is not doing the right thing is actually worse in his eyes than someone who doesn't know any better.

What's this article about again?:)

Posted 16 July 2013, 4:42 p.m. Suggest removal

Solomon says...

*A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men.*
Proverbs 18:16 KJV

Posted 15 July 2013, 7:51 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

It must be the most frustrating thing on the planet for Mr. NYGARD to have all the money and power but he cannot bribe father time.. Life unfortunate is not like renewable energy or recyclables, he can inject all the stem cell crap he wants but father time always wins in the end..

Posted 15 July 2013, 10:03 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

of course the PLP is quit ,what can you say when the crept keeper wants his anti bogey man serum ...........lmfao

Posted 16 July 2013, 6:08 p.m. Suggest removal

mihai says...

Things are steaming up and I think it won't be long till we some some drastinc changes in the power line. <a href="http://incaltamintedebarbati.wordpress.…">;)</a>

Posted 6 November 2014, 3:06 a.m. Suggest removal

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