MP Gray ‘not ashamed’ of appearance in Nygard video


Tribune Staff Reporter

DESPITE criticism from the opposition, MICAL MP V Alfred Gray said he is “not ashamed” of his appearance in the “Nygard Takes Bahamas Back” video with millionaire Peter Nygard and would appear again if he had to.

He said it is “hypocritical” of the FNM to criticise the PLP for meeting with Mr Nygard considering members of their own party have allegedly done the same.

“Mr Nygard is a Bahamian, he is a philanthropist, and I think he has given more to this country than many other Bahamians – including those who criticize him,” Mr Gray said.

The Minister of Agriculture, Marine Resources and Local Government was speaking outside Cabinet yesterday, where he defended the integrity of the government against the opposition’s claims, stressing: “This government is not for sale.”

The professionally shot and edited video, “Nygard Takes Bahamas Back” was posted on the YouTube website by user “PeterNygard1” on October 9, 2012, but has recently been shared around the internet.

Mr Gray said: “When I appeared in the video – I will appear again if I had to, because I don’t do anything that I’m ashamed to do – having said that, I was at the prize-giving ceremonies for the regatta which was held at Clifton Cay – that’s one; and the other time I appeared was when I appeared with the Acklins regatta committee to accept a donation for the regatta.”

“What I want to say to those people who criticize, is to see whether they can find some other Bahamians who are willing to do what Mr Nygard is doing,” said Mr Gray.

“Mr Nygard has never done anything that I am a witness to, for anything. In other words, when you do things as a favour for something in return, then that is beyond me. But from my part, everything I have attended was for a good cause; and if I had to appear again, I would do it just the same way.”

The FNM “must be honest,” the minister continued, claiming former Deputy Prime Minister Frank Watson was a “frequent visitor” to Mr Nygard’s residence.

“Why, Mr Chairman of the FNM, don’t talk about that,” Mr Gray asked. “You see they have one standard for the FNM and another standard for the PLP and that is hypocritical – that is very hypocritical. It is not, in my view, honest.”

He added, later: “If Frank Watson and those could have associated with him and they said nothing then. Why now? That’s the question and I need the chairman of the FNM, Hubert Ingraham, and the rest of them, to answer that question.

“If they’re honest, they would never say a thing. Hubert Ingraham might not have associated himself with Mr Nygard because Mr Ingraham don’t like too many people – I’m not sure he likes himself, and so that may be the reason for that.”

Following claims from the opposition that the government could be “compromised” over their association with Mr Nygard, Mr Gray stressed the government is “not for sale” and Mr Nygard has not done wrong.

He said: “Mr Nygard has done nothing wrong – of which I know the reason for which I will not associate myself with him; and if they have anything that they know, they should say so and not criticise him simply because he likes the PLP government.”

When asked if Mr Nygard has any influence over the government, and considering the title of the video, Mr Gray said: “Nobody could influence the PLP. We are grounded in principles and we stand on our reputation.

“What I do not like is the fact that they criticize Mr Nygard for being, in my view, generous; and I don’t know why some other Bahamians, particularly those who live in Lyford Cay, do not come to the plate when Bahamians need them.

“Regattas, in my view, are not a political issue. They are issues to which each Bahamian – including those of you of the press – could contribute to. But, because Mr Nygard contributes to it and he does it so often, people believe he is getting something in return. This government is not for sale.”

FNM Chairman Darron Cash said yesterday Mr Gray’s assertion that the FNM is hypocritical is just an attempt to “deflect attention” away from the criticisms of the government.

Mr Gray, he said, “cannot point to anything that Frank Watson would have championed on behalf of Peter Nygard.”


TalRussell says...

Was it illegal for cabinet ministers to have attended Nygard's beach party? Absolutely not.. But just because the ministers are blind to possible shame, doesn't mean that they, within days of being appointed cabinet ministers, didn't invite dark clouds over what the natives expect from members of Bahamaland's cabinet. Courageous cabinet minister don't make excuses...they apologize. Seems cabinet ministers never thought a video would surface, like a year later. Maybe that's what they're angry about. Not the questionable deed? Maybe there is a least "one" cabinet minister, statesman enough to apologize to the natives. But I wouldn't ask Tribune readers to hold they's breath.

Posted 17 July 2013, 11:23 a.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Or, the greater possibility is that they all took money from Nygard. I would bet on it. Quid pro quo.

Posted 17 July 2013, noon Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I wonder if that video pales in comparison to any other videos he may have of them..

Posted 17 July 2013, 1:08 p.m. Suggest removal

marrcus says...

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" Lord Acton

Posted 17 July 2013, 12:13 p.m. Suggest removal

Tarzan says...

"Mr. Nygard has done nothing wrong." quoting the current Minister of Marine Resources.

Oh, let's see. How about the cease, desist and restore order that was legally issued and remains outstanding respecting Mr. Nygard's serial depredation of the seabed adjacent to Nygard Cay. When will the current A.G. enforce this lawful order? Does the Minister of Marine Resources care about the sea bed or does he care about lavish entertainment and partying at the home of a generous campaign contributor?

Mr. Nygard's own video (We've Taken Back Our Bahamas) clearly depicts concrete structures built directly on the seabed adjacent to his home. Mr. Minister, please explain to us simple folk how those concrete structures arose via natural accretion? I guess the fact that Mr. Nygard's "cay" has grown by more than an acre is just the result of Divine intervention and the suggested response to all those photographs of his sand pumping machines working 24/7 fall in the "Don't believe your lying eyes" category.

Now Mr. Nygard wishes to build a multimillion dollar stem cell research facility on his "cay" which is located in a purely residential neighborhood; serviced by a narrow one lane road; with no parking facilities or other necessary infrastructure to support such an enterprise; that is "going to employ hundreds of Bahamians". Can one surmise that it will turn out be the only "state of the art stem cell research facility" principally designed to conduct all night bacchanals?

Suddenly we need Stem Cell research legislation prioritized in our Parliament? Just a coincidence I am sure. What happened to the plan to lease Crown Land (Bahamian sea bed he has appropriated) to Mr. Nygard' to clear up the legal problems with his serial law breaking? Did the light of day cause some in government to rethink a blatant theft of public property, rewarding an environmental miscreant? Now can we go around to the back door and authorize his behavior by calling it an investment in stem cell research?

This whole thing smells to High Heaven. Please don't insult our intelligence.

Posted 17 July 2013, 12:28 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I just noticed....everyone else has on short sleeves, he's wearing leather....leather..well it looks like leather...oh boy...

This is beginning to sound like a Sidney Sheldon movie

Posted 17 July 2013, 1:11 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

Let's clarify something immediately Mr. Nygard a Bahamian citizen? My Gray seems to think so in his comments. Or, is he an expat with permanent residency?

Posted 17 July 2013, 1:42 p.m. Suggest removal

nationbuilder says...

he's not bahamian

Posted 17 July 2013, 2:15 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

Now...not trying to be difficult here...are you saying he is not a Bahamian because he was not born in the Bahamas, but has been nationalized and granted Bahamian Citizenship...or is he NOT a citizen of the Bahamas at all and just resides here on a permanent residency certificate, because clearly Mr. Gray is thinking he is a citizen...

“Mr Nygard is a Bahamian, he is a philanthropist, and I think he has given more to this country than many other Bahamians – including those who criticize him,” Mr Gray said.

Posted 17 July 2013, 2:26 p.m. Suggest removal

nationbuilder says...

i said he is not bahamian. if he were naturalised, he would be bahamian. he isn't naturalised. he is a canadian citizen

Posted 17 July 2013, 4:28 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

In a July, 2013 interview on a Gems 105.9fm talk show with host Debbie Bartlett, Comrade Nygard said: “I have a deep-rooted, genuine love for the Bahamian people. I came to the Bahamas by choice. I was born in Finland, I am a Canadian citizen." Just wanted pass this little detail on to the beach partying Crown's Minister of Marine Resources.

Posted 17 July 2013, 2:46 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

That's what I thought Tal, thanks for digging that gem up. Maybe someone should educate our fine minister as to what the terminology behind being a Bahamian implies. He is NOT Bahamian and as such should be behaving in a respectable fashion as a GUEST of our country. Now, I know that is not possible for Mr. Nygard, he is about as slimey as they come, whoever deals with him, personally, or at a political level, needs to be very cautious...and be sure to have a good hot bath to clean yourself off after!! The guy makes my skin crawl!!

Posted 17 July 2013, 2:57 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade thanks goes first to one of my reliable sources. For the Nygard radio interview, The Tribune was my exclusive source. Too bad such :can-be" good Comrades must insist on wearing that damn red shirts. Still I don't plan anytime soon on excluding the Madame Publisher from my 2013 Political Makeover Wish List.

Posted 17 July 2013, 3:48 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Wasn't there some report a few years ago about a Minister of govt being caught naked in a church parking lot with a lady friend (who was not his wife)?

Maybe I'm mistaken...

Posted 17 July 2013, 4:24 p.m. Suggest removal

thomas says...

Yes, he clearly is not easily shamed.

Posted 17 July 2013, 4:41 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Wait! It clearly says on Nygard's front gate, Nygard Cay Resort. Does he have a license to run a resort? Has the land issue been resolved? Didn't he receive an order in 010 to demolish all buildings on the reclaimed land?

What the hell is going on? He runs a hotel with no license? And they don't see anything wrong with this video?

Mudda take sick!

Posted 29 July 2013, 5:43 p.m. Suggest removal

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