Prince William by his wife's side for birth

Palace officials say Prince William's wife Kate has given birth to a baby boy.

Officials said Monday the baby was born at 4:24 p.m. and weighs 8 pounds 6 ounces.

The infant will become third in line for the British throne after Prince Charles and William.

Kate checked into a private wing at St. Mary's Hospital in central London early Monday morning.

William spent the long hours of labor at her bedside. This is the couple's first child. (AP)


JohnDoes says...

AND YET WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH THE HIGH RATE OF UNEMPLOYMENT & CRIME IN THE BAHAMAS? nothing at all. There are far bigger problems not being addressed than to spend time focusing on these set of human beings who are not even thinking about us in the first place.

Posted 22 July 2013, 3:51 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Johndoes where is your "colonial" excitement? Long live Bahamaland's future King.
Just what Bahamland needs, a Royal King in waiting, weighing in at 8 pounds 6 ounces. Another soon-to-be spoiled Royal mouth for the taxpayers to support, for the rest of his natural life. The expensive champagne bottles must be getting ready to have the corks popped when the British residents, along with their colonial native cousins, all gather up on Mount Fitzwilliam Hill to celebrate. The PM's office and Governor-General done dispatching congratulatory letters (and expensive gifts) to Buckingham palace, on behalf of all colonial natives. Now entering our 41st year of independence from the colonials and still this Royal birth is breaking news across Bahamaland. Host the Union Jack on the flag pole to fly high over Mount Fitzwilliam Hill.…

Posted 22 July 2013, 4:37 p.m. Suggest removal

BahamaBoy says...

Who cares! What country do you people live in? I'm tired of this colony!!! This has nothing to do with my life or that of everyday Bahamians.

Posted 22 July 2013, 8:49 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnDoes says...

agreed Tal, we shall also hoist the jolly roger just as a reminder of where we come from.

Posted 22 July 2013, 10:14 p.m. Suggest removal

honeyp says...

Finally a point everyone agrees on!!! Bahamian for ever!!

Posted 23 July 2013, 10:27 a.m. Suggest removal

wonkywoo says...

why can´t you just wish them well because they have just had a little baby boy, why do you lot always have to make it political. The UK sends aid to The Bahamas, trades with it and offers student placements to young Bahamians, what exactly do Bahamians do for the UK? why does everyone have to owe you something? You are supposed to be part of a bigger group The Commonwealth and yet you always slag off rich foreigners. Rich foreigners bring your country money and jobs, in exchange they want to live and work in your beautiful country and not be slagged off and ripped off for the priviledge. Look at Dubai, all expats and it is booming do you see the arabs running around getting jealous of the expats that go there to work, invest and train the locals no..... expats are welcomed as a necessary part of global growth in developing countries, you guys just dont get it. Grow up and get with the program that other countries are adopting on immigration and growth or be left behind with nothing still moaning and groaning you got no money and the white foreginer is stealing everything which you have been doing for years and not getting you anywhere fast is it

Posted 23 July 2013, 11:43 a.m. Suggest removal

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