The sun does not discriminate... The importance of applying sunscreen


Tribune Features Reporter

IT has been a long held belief that the darker your skin, the less protection it needs against the sun’s harmful rays. However, medical experts warn that no-one is immune to the sun’s devastating impact.

As the world observes UV (Ultraviolet) safety month, Walk Good Bahamas, the Bahamian distributing company of the ‘Sun Bum’ sunscreen product is encouraging locals of all shades to protect their skin this summer.

The misconception that dark skinned people should not use sunscreen or a sun block to protect their skin is an issue and a mind-frame dermatologists are trying to change.

Walk Good Bahamas, owned and operated by Laurence and Anna Taylor, is helping to get this message out.

Anna said: “We’re just like you, we love to play in the sun. The bad news is, one in five of us will get skin cancer due to sun exposure. One in five, that’s more than all other cancers combined. The good news is, we can reduce the risk by 80 per cent simply by regularly using approved sun care products.
“The sun does not discriminate, even if your skin is of a darker tone. You can still get skin cancer, sunburn, and other sun or heat related conditions. It is important that darker skin toned people wear sunscreen for protection against the sun.”

Anna said: “Sun Bum Sunscreens are also tested, approved and recommended by The Skin Cancer Foundation. The SCF does not approve or lend its seal of approval to products that do not meet their very stringent standards.”

The Sun Bum sunscreen, Anna said, comes in an SPF of 15 to 70.

What is an SPF?

The sun protection factor of a sunscreen is a laboratory measure of the effectiveness of sunscreen — the higher the SPF, the more protection a sunscreen offers against UV-B (the ultraviolet radiation that causes sunburn).
The SPF is the amount of UV radiation required to cause sunburn on skin with the sunscreen on, as a multiple of the amount required without the sunscreen.

There is a popular oversimplification of how SPF determines how long one can stay in the sun. For example, many users believe that, if they normally get sunburn in one hour, then an SPF 15 sunscreen allows them to stay in the sun fifteen hours (i.e. fifteen times longer) without getting sunburn. This would be true if the intensity of UV radiation were the same for the whole fifteen hours as in the one hour, but this is not normally the case. Intensity of solar radiation varies considerably with time of day. During early morning and late afternoon, the sun’s radiation intensity is highly diminished since it must pass through more of the Earth’s atmosphere while it is near the horizon.

In practice, the protection from a particular sunscreen depends, besides on SPF, on factors such as: The skin type of the user; the amount applied and frequency of re-application; activities in which one engages (for example, swimming leads to a loss of sunscreen from the skin); amount of sunscreen the skin has absorbed.

Anna said: “The American Cancer Society recommends that people use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15, while the American Academy of Dermatology opts for 30. The main thing that affects protection level is applying it correctly.”

Tribune Health asked Bahamians about the importance of using a sunscreen. Some were aware of the issues that it helps to prevent such as damaging skin, while others said it had no effect on them.
Tracy, a beach lover, said now that it is summer she will usually visit the beach every day. She said one of her favourite things to pack in her beach bag is a sunscreen or a sun block.

“I’ve always loved the water and taking advantage of our beautiful beach scenes on the island. I think I know a lot of the dangers of sunscreen because of my parents. They actually instilled it in me during my younger days, so I kinda picked that ‘the sun is going damage your skin if you don’t protect it’ kinda thing from them,” said Tracy.

Another interviewee, Michelle, said: “I always heard about the dangers but I’d be lying if I told you I use sunscreen when I go to the beach. I always see people use it, but their skin shade is more lighter than mine so I figured I don’t need it, I figured it is for them and it wouldn’t work for me.”


TalRussell says...

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Posted 2 October 2013, 1:02 p.m. Suggest removal

kuki12 says...

Anna and Belle, the models really look amazing and you can see that they really like to take care of their skin. It is important as a woman to look after your hair and your nails and to be careful at what kind of make up you use, and we all should pay close attention to how much sun exposure we get, and always wear sunscreen. You can check out the <a href="">GiGi Salon Spa in Portland</a> if you want to pamper yourself.

Posted 29 December 2014, 1:42 p.m. Suggest removal

CarrieBaker says...

The harmful effect the sun has on our skin is so thoroughly discussed, that you might think there is nothing new to hear. But it looks like taking care of our health and physical aspect is something that should preoccupy us more than it does. One first step in this direction could be visiting [][1], where you can find a lot of ways to make that happen. There's no such thing as "too much" when you're talking about taking care of yourself.


Posted 9 January 2015, 1:28 p.m. Suggest removal

Petra says...

Gladly the importance of using sunscreen is again emphasized. Sunscreen should be worn every day, be it summer or winter, sunny or rainy. The sun is he number one factor that leads to aging. Once you get those brown spots, you should know your skin has suffered great damage. Use sunscreen, get cosmetology classes, like those offered by <a href="…">…</a>, do whatever it takes to keep your skin protected. Beauty and health go hand in hand and knowing a lot about your skin is going to keep you away from trouble.

Posted 11 January 2015, 3:27 p.m. Suggest removal

Petra says...

So we're at the beach, wearing sunscreen and at some point decide to go into the water. Either just for bathing, or perform some fun activity like scub adiving, for instance, now that we can find equipment for that online at <a href="!ab-biller-…">!ab-biller-…</a>. Once you have touched the water, you must know that you have to reaply sunscreen. You can not afford to take the risk of remaining unprotected in the sun.

Posted 14 January 2015, 4:21 p.m. Suggest removal

kenulorsen says...

As a matter of fact, a person should apply more than this advice if he wants to take care of himself better. A sunscreen cream must be applied the entire summer, no matter if he is at the beach or not. Also, he could make an appointment to the <a href="…">massage in Cary, NC</a> for a therapeutic massage. He will feel much better after one session.

Posted 8 February 2015, 5:35 a.m. Suggest removal

JordanMichael says...

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Posted 15 February 2015, 11:26 a.m. Suggest removal

JordanMichael says...

If you visit <a href=""></a> you will understand the importance of a good health insurance no matter if you are healthy or sick. There are many products out there that are designed to help you but they are actually ruining your skin or body and in case something bad happens, you should be covered.

Posted 15 February 2015, 11:29 a.m. Suggest removal

tommglass says...

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Posted 30 March 2015, 2:14 p.m. Suggest removal

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