Attorney pleads not guilty to assault charge

ATTORNEY Keod Smith appeared before magistrates this morning and pleaded not guilty to charges of assault, threats of harm and causing damage.

He was granted bail in the amount of $1,500.

The complaint arose against Smith, the former PLP MP for Mount Moriah, from an argument that allegedly occurred between him and Fred Smith, QC, at Jaws Beach in April.

According to Keod Smith and his attorney, Derek Ryan, officers at Cable Beach police station instructed him to appear before the magistrates’ court on Wednesday.

The court heard then that investigators had sent the case file for further review. Ryan told the court his client was ready to proceed, but the prosecution was not.

Smith was asked to come back to court today. The case was set down for November 20 and 21.


raducu says...

This will be dragged along for a long time and I think we can be sure it's going to be a difficult case. Of course he pleaded not guilty, but we'll have to see what conclusion the court comes to. <a href="">!</a>

Posted 6 November 2014, 4:08 a.m. Suggest removal

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