SEX WORKERS: Selling their bodies for $500 a week in struggle to survive


MORE than 60 per cent of sex workers in Nassau earn up to $500 a week, while 30 per cent claim they make even more than that, a new study investigating the habits of sex workers in New Providence reveals.

The study, which was conducted by the Bahamas Urban Youth Development Centre, surveyed 237 sex workers in Nassau and discovered that economics was the main reason for entering the trade. According to the survey, 70 per cent of female sex workers entered the trade to buy food for their children and 90 per cent of all those surveyed gave paying household bills as a reason for participating in prostitution.

The majority – 85 per cent – said they would change their trade if they could find another job that paid the same amount as they now make on a weekly basis.

“69 per cent of sex workers make up to $500 per week, while 30 per cent made over $500 per week,” the report said.

The BUYDC said that it felt the need to conduct a comprehensive study on the impact of sex workers in the Bahamas to assist it with its mission of teaching the prevention of HIV and AIDS to the those most at risk in society.

“These women have limited access to up-to-date health information, resources, psycho-social support, and free healthcare services and condoms. Additionally, they have limited skills to effectively negotiate condom use with their clients and/or regular partners,” the BUYDC said.

Due to social and cultural norms, the BUYDC said very often sex workers are stigmatised and discriminated against when seeking healthcare services which pushes them further underground and discourages them from going in to be tested to learn of their HIV status.

Surveys conducted from this population indicate further that many of them were/are teen moms, and/or themselves were raised in single parent homes.

“Their low self esteem and lack of self efficacy allows for them to continue making poor, unhealthy decisions that not only impacts their health, but society as a whole. The need for capacity building, life skills development and empowerment training through safe, non-judgmental, structured and targeted sexual and female reproductive health information, and the provision of employability skills and job shadowing opportunities are a top priority,” the report said.

The organization found that the majority of the women were school dropouts, unskilled, unemployed and in many cases unemployable; consequently, they lack the ability to retain a job, due to the lack of employability skills, self efficacy and good decision making skills, which has resulted in them having to make a living on the streets.

The information in the study was gathered by sex workers from other sex workers in various “hot spots” throughout New Providence with members of the BUYDC directly monitoring and supervising the data collection.

• IN tomorrow’s Tribune, the study’s surprising find about sex workers’ drug habits.


positiveinput says...

Just asking, but do you think the newspaper was a wise choice to place this survey? Besides those questioned to file this report, do you think that that is the total number of individuals out of a job and seeking some means of making money? Look at the headline - Sex Workers: Selling Their Bodies For $500 A Week In Struggle To Survive. In todays economy with $500 a week, who is struggling? I bet you if you carry out this survey two weeks from now your numbers will have gone up tremendously. All this report is to the (as described above) school dropouts, unskilled, unemployed but to make $500 a week, not unemployable is a job application. There is a time and place for everything, and sadly the newspaper was not the place for this. BUYDC might as well go out and tell a bunch of homeless and hungry individuals, "You know such and such food store back door cannot lock and its known that three homeless people does go in there for grocey." Watch and see what will happen next. With persons you claim only know how to make bad decisions, what do you think their conclusion to this report is SEX = $500 = I'LL DO IT

Posted 1 August 2013, 5:32 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

surely this is a joke ,,transactional sex is a norm w/ a great % of our population ..ask a majority of young girls out and the answer is " what you ga do for me " girlfriend was a teacher at CR WALKER ,I once picked her up in my uncles BMW the girls swarmed the car ,,..go to high school look at the girls w/ i phones etc being picked up by middle aged men ....

Posted 1 August 2013, 10:24 a.m. Suggest removal

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