BEC discounts for those who pay off arrears


Tribune Staff Reporter

A staggering 90 per cent of BEC residential customers are in arrears worth a total of some $26 million, according to Bahamas Electricity Corporation chairman Leslie Miller.

In an effort to combat this, he said, BEC has launched an "aggressive" summer campaign where customers will be offered a discount if they pay off their arrears; and customers who stay up to date with their bills will also be rewarded with a discount.

Speaking this morning at BEC headquarters, Mr Miller said the corporation believes the two-tiered campaign will assist customers while also improving BEC's "bottom line" - meaning the cash-flow shortage problem the corporation faces.

"The first part of our campaign is meant to target those residential customers who presently owe BEC significant arrears... Admittedly, we do have a large number of customers with arrears more than 90 days past due," Mr Miller said.

"Of our roughly 65,000 to 70,000 residential customers, 90 per cent have arrears more than 90 days past due... The value of those arrears is in the neighbourhood of $26 million."

For the month of June, those customers behind on their bills are encouraged to pay off their arrears and in exchange, will be given a 10 per cent discount that will be applied to the portion of their bill that is more than 60 days past due.

"We realise that we do have customers who are capable and do pay off their bill every month," Mr Miller continued. "This campaign is also meant to reward those people.

"Any resident customer who pays their bill in its entirety and on time for the months of June, July, and August will be given a 2 per cent discount."

Those customers must pay June, July, and August's bill to get the discount which will be applied after the final payment is made, Mr Miller explained.

The chairman also took note the country is facing "hard times" and thousands of households are disconnected. He said BEC is willing to work with all customers in an effort to get persons back on the grid and arrange payments.

"We encourage any residential customer who may be disconnected to come in and speak to our of our customer service representatives," he said.

"Representatives will be working with each customer individually to come up with affordable payment terms that will allow them to restore or retain their electricity connection."


John says...

Someone needs to explain how customers can run up arrears with BEC when they were coming around disconnecting every two weeks. Some consumers got so faustrated te jus decided to leve the light off because everytime they pay they would get another bill. Now BTC seems to be doing the same thing. A customer would go in and pay and get a reciept showing one balance. Then they would get voice mail from BTC saying that thei account is overdue and would be disconnected. Then when you go in to pay they would tell you the balance is way more than the balance you got when you made the last payment. And is you ask them to expainthe difference they would tell you something like 'twobills came out in the same month".. Well if you were paying all along why does two bills have to come out at once?

Posted 7 June 2013, 11:13 p.m. Suggest removal

sansoucireader says...

Where is the discount (reward!) for us customers who pay our bill in full and on time?

Posted 8 June 2013, 6:25 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Those who pay in full during the months of JUNE, JULY and AUGUST will receive a 2% discount. Those who pay off their arrears will receive a 10% discount on the arrears. For a cash strapped company at least it is better than coming around disconnecting you every two weeks Hopes it work for all our benefit.

Posted 8 June 2013, 10:33 a.m. Suggest removal

kairosmatt says...

Two things about this story stand out:
1. Government seems to be constantly rewarding people who *do not* pay their bills. Property tax and BEC, maybe next it will National Insurance rewards for non payments.
2. Isn't it ironic that Leslie Miller is making this announcement?

Posted 8 June 2013, 1:17 p.m. Suggest removal

BoopaDoop says...

Ironic indeed. However, he 'll get the 10% discount and still owe a huge balance.

Posted 8 June 2013, 1:26 p.m. Suggest removal

PWGenesis says...

Mr Speaker I submit the following to curb down and jostle the increasing plaque of crime in the islands in the sun.
Initiate a "Gun buy back" program or start an amnesty for a period to last not longer than "90 days" and take guns of the streets, using various churches as a backdrop.
Also start neighborhood curfews and put "A visible Foot policemen on every street and investigation as to set up a databank as to where these "weapons" i.e guns are coming from and by whom.
Also offer a Reward for all murders and put a moving truck in the communities that broadcast the information and keep confidentiality of all who give up information leading to the arrest and conviction of the thugs.
Mr Speaker whats your view?

Posted 8 June 2013, 2:25 p.m. Suggest removal

Reality_Check says...

All of us who have been paying our bills on time, whether it be BEC, Real Property Tax, National Insurance, Business License or whatever, are foolish imbeciles. The Government's message is loud and clear: DO NOT PAY ANY SUCH BILLS AND GOVERNMENT WILL LATER REWARD YOU HANDSOMELY FOR NOT DOING SO. ONLY A COMPLETE MORON WOULD THROW AWAY REWARDS THAT GOVERNMENT WILL EVENTUALLY PAY YOU FOR NOT PAYING YOUR BILLS!

Posted 8 June 2013, 3:43 p.m. Suggest removal

Reality_Check says...

Government may even force the banks, unions and insurance companies to give us a hefty financial reward for not paying our mortgage loans on time......the more the arrears the bigger the reward will eventually be! This is great news for all of us who are in dire need of financial relief. Government itself will soon be forced to stop servicing (paying) the national debt its owes to foreign financial institutions and lending agencies......but no worry here because our Government is surely convinced it will somehow be rewarded for not paying its debts when they become due!

Posted 8 June 2013, 3:55 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

why cant they give 10% for paying on time and 2% off in arrears.

Mind, one time I was going to be out of town for 3 months and paid batelco in advance.

They disconnected me!!! I paid a penalty for paying in advance!!!!

Posted 8 June 2013, 5:19 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

This is a PERFECT time for Mr. Miller to pay off some of HIS arrears!!

I do agree...the CURRENT customers should be getting a higher discount than the ones in arrears, prmote the fact that keeping yourself current offers you more benefit!!

Posted 8 June 2013, 6:05 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Absolutely astounding.

Mr. Miller, what happened to the pie in the sky scheme to have everyone make payment arrangements and have all 7,000 accounts reconnected by June 1st?

Guess you discovered that most of these people are unemployed/underemployed and simply unable to pay.

Government needs to stop playing games and get on with a solar net metering program which will allow ALL 7,000 disconnected accounts to be not only reconnected but also producing power for the grid at a profit.

All this other nonsense just proves government is totally out of touch with reality.

Stop the BS and get on with it!

Posted 9 June 2013, 9:22 p.m. Suggest removal

Stinkle says...

Perhaps Mr. Miller should take advantage of this new incentive to pay off the tens of thousands in arrears on his home and business that have been left unpaid since PLP returned to power.

Posted 10 June 2013, 11:29 p.m. Suggest removal

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