Bahamas Waste 'criticised for trying to help'


IT was disappointing to see the goodwill of a private corporation met with criticism, according to Francisco de Cardenas, general manager of Bahamas Waste.

His comments were made after an article published in The Tribune on Tuesday explained how residents of Pinewood constituency were complaining about stacks of garbage around a dumpster that was put in the park by Bahamas Waste to help flood victims get rid of their damaged goods.

Speaking to The Tribune yesterday, Mr Cardenas said that not being thanked – but criticised instead – for his company’s good work was disappointing.

“It was disappointing,” he said. “The value of the work we did to assist flood victims is about $5000, but to see the comments persons said in the paper was very disappointing and not the kind of thanks we were looking for.”

“No one really recognises the scope of what we do,” he added. “We work 16 hours a day on our maintenance so we could do the work that we promise.”

Bahamas Waste donated “18 halls of open top containers” to the Pinewood constituency after being asked to assist by Pinewood MP Khalis Rolle.

“We were asked to do this by the Minister,” said Mr Cardenas. “But we did it as a responsible corporate company out of the goodness of our heart. We also donated 11 halls of open top containers to Sea Breeze and St Annes.”

“We knew that the flooding was extensive and a lot of people had bad issues to take care of. Even if the Minister had not called and we knew there were concerned citizens seeking assistance we probably would’ve donated the bins anyway.”

Mr Cardenas said residents hardly thanked the company for its free service. “Khalis thanked me, but I wasn’t aware of residents thanking us for the services, other than some people in Sea Breeze,” he said before adding: “I don’t want to take anything away from Khalis Rolle or Kenred Dorsett and the work they are doing, but I just think a little credit should be given where credit is due.”

Mr Cardenas also criticised persons for putting their garbage outside the bins instead of taking it to the city dump.

“I just don’t understand why people don’t take their garbage to the city dump,” he said. “The bins we placed in Pinewood were specifically for flood victims. If people see there is a bin that is full, why do they throw their garbage on the ground?”

“I really feel for the department of Health Services. They do a tremendous job considering what they are up against.”

Despite the perceived slight, Mr Cardenas said his company will continue to help Bahamian citizens. “A little thanks would be nice but we’re not shallow,” he said. “We are not going to stop doing these kinds of charitable activities because we are a responsible corporation that takes pride in serving the Bahamian people.”


positiveinput says...

Thats Bahamians for you. However its always better late than never so I pray that your business continues to prosper and thats a very good job that you guys are doing in the effort of keeping our island clean. Keep up the good work and always remember that your blessings come from the Father above. Man could never appreciate, much less give thanks when it is deserved. I may not live in the areas that benefits from your service but you really deserve a pat on the back especially to know it is out of the goodness of your heart that the service is being given. As for those who are criticising, they have no one to blame but themselves if they cant take it upon themselves to discard their rubbish orderly.

Posted 14 June 2013, 2:54 p.m. Suggest removal

hj says...

Some people are really ungratefull. A private company s trying to help them, their MP is trying to help them and they are still not happy. Maybe next time they should be left alone,just to see if they can take care of themselves.

Posted 14 June 2013, 3:32 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

Hate to be cynical but I'm willing to bet a good chunk of them are seeing a white guy (Bahamas Waste) as OWING them the favour so there will be no thank you's. Still a mentaility around here that the black Bahamian has been wronged and the whites need to do right by them, so all those containers...they were owed to them. Forget your fellow Bahamian doing another fellow Bahamian a favour and being thankful and appreciative for it...but I could be wrong...hopefully. Franny, you are a great man, don't let them beat you down. The people that know you appreciate you and what you do. Always willing to lend a hand or make t hings work to everyones benefit...even the ungrateful ones.

Posted 14 June 2013, 3:49 p.m. Suggest removal

USAhelp says...

Can't believe your surprised this is typical of many our government has created a sense of dependence on freebieand government dependencies.

Posted 14 June 2013, 9:05 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Wow l just enlarge the photo to see 'george' despite seeing the dumper over full is still attempting to add more to it. These people just good and nasty because common sense with anything is that if it is not used properly there is still no benefit. I could of seen if just a sign was place instructing people to just pile their garbage there, but no a dumpster was placed what any one with a proper functioning brain could see when it is full. I could imagine what you do if there is a trash basket within your house. This just goes to show most Bahamians only do what is inspected and not what is expected of them. Perhaps half of you who crying out this is what happens for voting P.L.P. are the very same ones who did because no one was allowed to stand over you to monitor your actions.

Posted 16 June 2013, 8:38 a.m. Suggest removal

leonardlaing says...

So sad that is amazing.... smarten up people.

Posted 17 June 2013, 10:53 a.m. Suggest removal

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