Rollins is a one-term MP

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The talk of the entire commonwealth nowadays is the slap that Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) MP for Fort Charlotte Dr Andre Rollins got from Free National Movement (FNM) MP for Long Island Loretta Butler-Turner in the House of Assembly several days ago. The incident was witnessed by some MPs and The Nassau Guardian. From my understanding, Rollins and Butler-Turner and other PLP MPs had engaged in a back-and-forth in the chambers of the House as MICAL MP V Alfred Gray gave his contribution to the 2013/2014 budget debate.

The quarrel centred around the conditions at Simpson Penn Centre for Boys. It would appear that Rollins and the other PLP MPs accused Butler-Turner and the FNM of neglecting that facility. Butler-Turner has already responded to the criticisms of the PLP regarding this matter.

According to The Nassau Guardian, the slap incident occurred after the House had adjourned for lunch. Rollins, according to the Guardian, had placed his arm around Butler-Turner and whispered into her ear. Witnesses heard the obviously perturbed FNM MP loudly demanding that Rollins remove his arm from around her. After refusing to do so, Butler-Turner then slapped Rollins across the face. Butler-Turner alleges that Rollins whispered lewd, obscene and inappropriate remarks to her. Rollins, on the other hand, insists that he only told Butler-Turner to seek a therapist, which in my view is a snide remark.

In all likelihood, though, we will never know the unadulterated truth about what the two said to each other. Suffice it to say, Rollins had clearly precipitated the altercation by putting his arm around Butler-Turner. From my vantage point, he was looking to create mischief when he did this. I think Rollins knew exactly what he was doing. He has been in the House long enough to know Butler-Turner’s disposition.

Knowing the kind of person she is, why would he even bother with the woman? Seeing that the two are always going at it in the House, I find it odd that he would touch her in the manner that he did.

It seems as if the Fort Charlotte MP is always in the middle of these spats. Several months ago, he and FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis had engaged in a verbal exchange in Parliament concerning some allegations about his sexual orientation. Rollins has distinguished himself to be the most vociferous heckler in the House. He is always heckling the FNM. To date, I cannot point to any meaningful accomplishment that he has achieved in either Fort Charlotte or the House of Assembly. The only thing which stands out about him is him being a nuisance to the FNM in the House. Yet Rollins was one of the darlings of the PLP in the lead up to the 2012 general election. I think Rollins is a one-term MP who will be dropped like a hot potato by the PLP come 2017. I honestly believe the leadership of the PLP and the majority of Fort Charlotte voters are unhappy with his performance thus far.

I recall reading an article in a newspaper about PLP generals from Fort Charlotte expressing their deep dissatisfaction with Rollins. For these PLPs, 2017 cannot come soon enough. This is all the more reason why Butler-Turner should not allow Rollins to get under her skin. In my opinion, she showed poor judgment in slapping him. Butler-Turner has a very bright future in active politics. If she plays her cards right, she could one day become the first female prime minister of The Bahamas. She must be able to keep her composure and display to the nation the level of maturity that is indicative of seasoned leaders.



Grand Bahama,

June 13, 2013.


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