US diplomat returns to church one week after mugging


Tribune Staff Reporter

ACTING US Charge d’Affaires John Armstrong yesterday downplayed the impact that the recent attack on a senior diplomat might have on relations between the US and the Bahamas.

Vice Consul Kathleen Cayer, 74, attended Mass at St Francis Xavier Cathedral in good health yesterday after she was mugged last Sunday on her way to the West Hill Street church.

Speaking to the media outside the cathedral, Mr Armstrong maintained that the country’s crime problem was the responsibility of the Bahamas government, adding that his government was ready to provide assistance with training and resources.

“We will never take the Bahamas for granted,” Mr Armstrong said, “our friendship, our relationship is strong. (Crime) is a problem. Again we support the Bahamas in dealing with this problem, we want to work together, we want to help, and that’s where we are.

“Any interpretation,” he added, “of it being a blow to our relationship I think would probably be an over-interpretation.

“We have issued messages to American citizens, of course those messages still stand. The Bahamas is a beautiful place, but don’t leave your street smarts at home.”

Following the incident, non-immigrant visa services at the US Embassy were suspended for one day in a move that sparked speculation from the official opposition and on social media about diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Yesterday, Mr Armstrong and Ms Cayer expressed gratitude for the support and solidarity from the community following the incident.

The 74-year-old diplomat said she had been a parishioner at the Roman Catholic church on West Hill Street since taking the post in February.

As she walked to church last Sunday to attend the 11 am mass, a man pushed the vice consul to the ground and stole her purse, cash and jewellery. Ms Cayer suffered minor injuries.

The church plans to broaden the scope of its monitoring system in a bid to increase security, according to Father Glen Nixon, who called for Bahamians to invest more in Christian ideals.

While the incident has affected the diplomat’s sense of security, Ms Cayer said her experience was not uncommon compared to previous assignments. She said she will be more alert of her surroundings.

“Once you’ve been attacked, you do have feelings if someone stops you on the street you kinda jolt, but actually I’m fine.”

“I’ve lived in many countries, this isn’t just a problem in the Bahamas. I’ve lived in countries where you always have to watch what you’re doing, where you’re going, what’s happening, and be aware of yourself and others. I’ll be even more aware now.”

“Everybody,” said Ms Cayer, “has been terrific and I know it’s just one bad person and all the Bahamians have been so nice and so supportive.”

Yesterday, Foreign Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell said the incident was not symptomatic of the general state of the country.

“Certainly there is no intent towards US diplomats or towards our visitors, the country should be safe,” said Mr Mitchell. “The government is committed to making sure that it’s safe, and all the officials have been prepped about this to be sure that we do everything in our power to make sure that this doesn’t happen again.”


rebeltony242 says...

A dozen Bahamians could be murdered in the states and nothing would happen and this one old lady gets pushed down and yall treating the country like little children who deserve a beating. Get real. People get robbed everyday 3 times as much in Miami our second home. This Bahamian govt is Obamas B****h!

Posted 17 June 2013, 11:52 a.m. Suggest removal

USAhelp says...

Its Bahamians like you and your attatude that will destroy our country.

Posted 17 June 2013, 1:10 p.m. Suggest removal

TimeForChange says...

So you feel that pushing down a elderly lady being American or Bahamian is ok. Because of the lack of respect in this country its why the crime rate is so high and out of control. When you cannot respect your elders then that says a lot about your character or lack of!

Posted 17 June 2013, 1:38 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

@REBELTONY another Bahamain who think that what we do is ok. Until we cull our minds to this type thinking we will stay the same. After 40 yrs we claim we are still young,,,,,I say not really if we still thinking as if a child at 40 should still be thinking as a 5 yr old. Thanks again Rebeltony.....

Posted 17 June 2013, 4:01 p.m. Suggest removal

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