Tribune Staff Reporter


FNM Chairman Darron Cash yesterday accused the government of having secretly struck a deal with BTC to extend its monopoly on the telecommunications market in exchange for controlling interest.

Mr Cash called on the government to come clean over negotiations to buy back two per cent and reclaim majority stake in the Bahamas Telecommunications Company.

“The Prime Minister is intentionally keeping his citizens in the dark,” said Mr Cash. “We have reason to believe that the Prime Minister has already given C&W an agreement in principle to extend the monopoly period. If that is in fact the case the Prime Minister needs to come clean with the Bahamian people and say so now. Additionally, he should come clean as to when the deal was struck.

“Extending the BTC cell service monopoly,” he added, “would be a betrayal of trust and bad policy. The Prime Minister needs to tear up that secret agreement in principle. A decision to extend the monopoly would be a giant step backwards because the ultimate goal of privatization – under the FNM anyway – was to open the industry to competition.”

“The only way service and rates will improve is by competition. He cannot and should not take BTC’s word for it.”

In an interview with The Tribune last week, Prime Minister Perry Christie said there is a possibility that BTC will retain its telecommunications monopoly beyond March 2014.

Mr Christie said the idea of extending BTC dominance on the telephone market is an idea that has been thrown around in the “take back” discussions with BTC.

Yesterday, Mr Cash said: “The Prime Minister’s public musings and internal debates with himself are always intriguing glimpses into his disjointed and erratic style of governing, but we believe this extended monopoly trial balloon goes much higher than the Prime Minister is letting on.

“Mr. Christie continues to talk about “negotiations” with Cable & Wireless with respect to the BTC 2 per cent buy back but he has yet to be completely up front and straight with the Bahamian people about what is on the table and what he is negotiating away. He maintains this pattern of secrecy despite his posturing about being transparent.”

Mr Cash charged that the FNM administration’s plans to liberalize the sector would have afforded Bahamians with an opportunity to take part in a profitable industry. He added that the government’s actions to date have contradicted its “Believe in Bahamians” mantra.

Mr Cash said: “First he refuses to enable Bahamians to participate directly in the company’s profitability by cancelling the plan to sell the first 9 per cent of the shares to the public, and then he decides to give cellular service to a foreign company...after he permits Cable & Wireless a longer term to rake in profits to the exclusion of Bahamians. Unbelievable!”


PKMShack says...

You get what you vote for. Take the gold out of the city is what this plp is doing

Posted 24 June 2013, 11:20 a.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

anything is better than the wutless FNM. Anyone that still supports the FNM after their 5 years of destroying this nation, are simply traitors.

Posted 24 June 2013, 7:32 p.m. Suggest removal

Hitmanplus says...

Sorry superuser, but BTC is making more money for the government now than when it was government controlled. I know you must hate the FNM, but you must take a step back. For example BEC should be made private. It is nothing but a big burden for the Government. Also, the unions and the so call christian council are also having a big say in the direction the Bahamas is going, which is not the right way at the moment.

Posted 24 June 2013, 8:20 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

You are obviously not replying to my post - I never mentioned anything about Privatizing BTC, or BEC for that matter. So there is no need for you to be sorry, unless you are apologizing for confusing my post with someone elses.

Posted 24 June 2013, 9:08 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

so the FNM suck but privatizing BTC was alright ?? ohhh your tricky , i see where the super comes in ,,,,,,,,,,,,

Posted 25 June 2013, 5:03 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

I never said ANY of that, again you are trying to put words where they do not exist. Laughable at best, my little FNM minion.

Posted 25 June 2013, 5:09 p.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

Buncha tiefs dred!!

Posted 24 June 2013, 12:03 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

Yes the FNM were - and they economically raped and pillaged this country for the entire 5 years, even right up to election time. Their regime was ousted for good reason.

Posted 24 June 2013, 7:29 p.m. Suggest removal

My5Cents says...

you'll be scared to know exactly what they willing to sacrifice just to say they own BTC..profit margin proably would be less than it is now

Posted 24 June 2013, 1:31 p.m. Suggest removal

Hitmanplus says...

I agree. Well said.

Posted 24 June 2013, 8:29 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

once they get control back they can then set up their own cellular company on btc network with lower rates and the treasury absorbing BTC losses ,,,,CWC will rue the day they got invovled w/ the Bahamas ,their only hope is to make enough w/ the continued monopoly to walk away in a few years ...PLP going to stick it to the small man again ,just like the tax increases on business , that will just be passed on to us the public ,,

Posted 24 June 2013, 1:40 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Once they get control they can issue inflated contracts to friends and supporters, burden down the company with workers ill qualified for the job and in general continue their *strategy* of inefficiency and wastage of funds.. Urban BTC..

Posted 24 June 2013, 2:17 p.m. Suggest removal

Puzzled says...

Seriously folks!

There is no need for CWC to give up their majority share of BTC in exchange for an extension of the monopoly. Looking around the island here it looks as if the monopoly is going to extend itself as there is no sign of any competitors here bidding for licences or setting up their networks so that they are ready to start operations in less than 12 months!!!

Mobile networks do not set themselves up in a couple of weeks. The competition has to be identified and then they will have to set up their company here train staff and get networks established either by reselling agreements or by building their own networks.

CWC are not that crazy that they would start swapping majority share for the extension that is already going to happen. The PM knows this and is just trying to show what a great negotiator he is and still the 'others' will not give him what he really wants.

Posted 24 June 2013, 3:50 p.m. Suggest removal

BeachBoy says...

I think you'd be surprised how much cellular infrastructure was set up over the last few years in anticipation of the end of BTC's monopoly.

Once BTC's reign ends there'll be active competition, with working infrastructure, within weeks.

Posted 24 June 2013, 4:12 p.m. Suggest removal

Puzzled says...

I certainly would be pleasantly surprised if there is much cellular infrastructure in place.

I would like to know what investors would approve putting much investment at risk prior to anyone being given any bandwidth. If the PM's darling comes in then there will be no room for anyone else. If the Bahamians do not like CWC business practices, they will love the Irishman IF he comes.

Posted 25 June 2013, 3:17 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Chairman "second-time-around" Darron, why are you skipping over the best kept red shirts secret of all BEC secrets. Did BEC actually pay Hubert's regime the full $200 million plus $7 million stamp taxes,, as was due to under the terms of the governments sale agreement to foreigners? If not, why not?
Maybe the $207 "unaccounted" for millions were but incidentals to the sale of BEC to foreigners? I mean for a broke red shirts regime, why in the hell would Hubert ever bother with collecting a mere $207 million due and payable in CA$H to the public treasury?
No damn wonder Hubert canceled his regime's promise to use the $207million from BEC, toward building a new General Hospital?
Comrade Darron just maybe it's that right time to turn over your party's leadership to Bran?


Posted 24 June 2013, 4:10 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

my God man even moodys knows they paid ,do you think if it wasn,t paid while the PLP was the opposition PGC AND HIS SUPPORTERS AT CENTRAL BANK WOULDN,T HAVE FIGURED THAT OUT ..Tals my brother HAI has been gone over a year , i know you think its him throwin rock on your roof at night ,but hes in coopers town ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Posted 24 June 2013, 4:36 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

5 years of hell cannot be forgotten that easily.
You and your fellow FNM traitors can continue your attempts to wash it away with your verbal attacks on the PLP, and in some cases it is merited, but it is clear as day that most of you are simple attacking because its the wutless PLP that is in power ... and not the wutless FNM - think about this, the FNM learned from the best, the FNM's WERE PLPS.

Posted 24 June 2013, 7:48 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

I doubt if its a done deal. They probably just floated the idea to the current BTC majority shareholders.

Posted 24 June 2013, 4:34 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

TAL you are one of the reasons the PLP can stay the PLP. Ask one question and you run on with a bunch of nothng. How about you just go grind HAI since you love him so much. What the PLP can do is open their own phone company and give CWC some competiton. Then they can do what they please with their company, in the main time SELL the 9% shares to the public and empower the Bahamain people with ownership. I bet they the PLP own lot's of businesses and empower their families for the future. TAL be a bahamain with sense instead of a fool running behind a color of a shirt. You a--

Posted 24 June 2013, 4:42 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Ok mind if I also put you down on Hubert's side of the BEC ledger listing the $207 million accounts receivable as but a mere incidental over shadowing the true reasons for a cash strapped regime's logic behind selling BEC in the first place.
Maybe you and your Chairman may think you can duck your past but there were good reasons a majority of natives fired your regime's backsides from power.
Shame on Hubert and his cabinet for selling BEC to foreigners but the shame is even worseer than that. You didn't even bother collecting the damn $207 million. Now, did you?

Posted 24 June 2013, 4:57 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

I would take anything that the Snake says with a grain of salt.

Posted 24 June 2013, 6:02 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

take it easy Tals ,i know you is run hot talkin bout HAI ,but it BTC he sold ,not BEC ,,now calm down take yinna pressure pill

Posted 24 June 2013, 8:14 p.m. Suggest removal

Hitmanplus says...

I think they also let you down when it comes to education. Ask an educated person to read what you write first before making a comment.

Posted 24 June 2013, 8:33 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

It sounds like you know alot about "grindin" HAI, you brainwashed FNMs must have done alot of that during the 5 years of their failed leadership. Or perhaps you are just "sore" you dont get FNM contracts anymore. You "a--"

Posted 24 June 2013, 7:36 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

RK has arrived.

Posted 24 June 2013, 10:49 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

funny HAI used to piss off alot of diehard FNMS b/c he would give contracts and jobs to PLPS also ...

Posted 25 June 2013, 9:17 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

How it must come as a shock for some in Bahamaland to be witnessing a PM so open with the natives. Even if there is a thin line between PM Christie and his government's accountability, all is not lost, considering under the Hubert regime, even the line of government transparency had been all but totally erased. That man had one over-sized eraser.

Posted 24 June 2013, 6:46 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

Mr Russell, the "red shirts" are still living in denial, they had it so good for 5 years, bringing in foreigners to do all the "smart" work because they were too dumb to do it themselves (or simply lazy), but they could sit back and relax while still making huge commissions - what do you expect them to say, every time the PLP does anything, says anything, they are against it. Fact is, the FNM did nothing useful in their Regime Year One - and these clowns expect the PLP to be any different in that regard. FNMs hold themselves and their party to higher standards, but they are even worse than the PLP. Their last 5 years in power has shown that even a caveman could run this country and still be praised for destroying it - as long as he claims he is FNM.

Posted 24 June 2013, 7:43 p.m. Suggest removal

getrightbahamas says...

The government did not net anywhere near $200 million from the sale of 51 percent of the Bahamas Telecommunications Company (BTC) to Cable and Wireless Communications (CWC), businessman Franklyn Wilson has claimed.
The more we learn, the more we are happy we got rid of them.

Posted 24 June 2013, 7:57 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

Did you notice how Brent's Nephew bought a failing alarm company just in time to win the $4.6 million CCTV bid - which in turn they outsourced to White Foreigners from the Cayman Islands. Total parts approx $100,000 if you bought it yourself (RETAIL), so you figure out how much they made. And it was supposed to be completed in 3 months (last year) but only approx 75 cameras are working to date - they cite issues with BTC and BEC - if they hired local consultants (who weren't moonlighting from their chicken shack job) and not foreign consultants ($75K just for that), they would have known about these issues ahead of time. And now they are asking for $1 million more, and this is still just phase 1. The PLP are just as much to blame though, they continued this project instead of stopping it, when they claim they "believe in Bahamians". By hiring the foreign companies, the FNM (and now the PLP) basically said all Bahamians are dumb animals and White foreigners are worth more than a Bahamian - thanks FNM, and PLP. Any smart skilled workers left in the Bahamas are sure to not hang around while you destroy this country even more than it already is. Traitors.

Posted 24 June 2013, 8:16 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

i think you should make a placard and go out to the airport and start a one person" no more damm foreigners campaign " ,,,give it a try , it,ll give you a nice warm feeling of superiority ...

Posted 24 June 2013, 8:37 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

You seem to be ignorant to the difference between a foreigner living in this country with TIES to our economy, and a foreign company that is BROUGHT IN to do the work, only to leave and take all the earnings out of the country, out of the local economy.

Posted 24 June 2013, 8:54 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

lets see they had a large payroll to bahamians every week ,bought and imported fuel and materials ,,,,,,the IDB wouldn,t finance it with out a international company ,,you seem to be very good at hyperbole and name calling ..

Posted 25 June 2013, 8:50 a.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

You are confusing this contract with the road works - in this contract there is no large payroll to Bahamians, no imported fuel, and we pay arm and a leg for the materials - and as far as I know we pay for it, not the IDB. You seem to be very good at being confused 100% of the time.

Posted 25 June 2013, 12:47 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

the IDB loaned us the money for the road works ,the loan called for an international company w/ a bond ,,lots of bahamians worked on the roads ,,now about my confusion ,,CWC bougth 51% of BTC ,,but i am so thankful someone of your bluster and all knowing all seeing ego has finally come along to lead me to the light ,,

Posted 25 June 2013, 3:53 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

Oh my lord you are totally confused - "MY" post above was talking about the $4.6 million contract for CCTV, NOT road works, NOT BTC - do you understand now, or must I draw it out for you with crayons?

Posted 25 June 2013, 4:42 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

you seem to change w/ everyone ,your like the guy in the bar that starts the debate one way ,then someone replys ,and you say thats not what i,m sayin ,, remember we can look back at your previous post ,not like in the bar where you can swear you didn,t say that or mean that... man your too much for my limited intellect, oh grand poohba

Posted 25 June 2013, 4:48 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

You are obviously blind, or simply do not understand English.
Good luck with that, PAPABOT.

Posted 25 June 2013, 5:10 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...


Posted 24 June 2013, 8:30 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

I have NEVER collected National Insurance EVER.

As for the "new" roads, a couple "junctions" in most cases of just a few hundred feet of asphalt that took them 100 times longer and more money than it should have, much of which is already dug up and full of holes, and which had to be repainted since the clowns doing it had no clue. And there are thousands of other more important main roads yet to do, but no more money left after the FNM government screwed it all up.

I dont get paid by Bahamians, since the FNM, and now the PLP, and fools like you outsource all skilled labor to foreigners (or your political cronies) - so I dont need your "tourist" dollars, thats for the dummies that are left over when we all leave this place in the state of Idiocracy which you and yours have created.

I dont use cell phones but if I did, certainly you cannot claim that PAPA is responsible for cellphone technology, when the dummy doesnt even know what a hologram is.

As for the HAITIAN hospital, you can keep it.

Whats hilarious is that you are using the same argument the PLP use when you people talk about the OLD PLP and they respond with how KING PING (KING PAPAs Mentor) built this school and that hospital and freed the Black man ... etc.

You are yet another very funny papabot ..
a brainwashed minion for life, it seems.

Posted 24 June 2013, 8:45 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Yikes...that's heavy.... I have never worked in the tourism industry either but I realize the impact that a crumbling tourism industry would have on me, my neighbours, my friends, my family, the local pharmacist, the financial industry, the food stores, the fisherman, the Bahamian hospital, the artist.... If it all crumbles and you are able to pick up but leave no loved person to the devastation, you are one of the lucky few out of .5million people.

Do I want Hubert Ingraham back? hmmmm...I actually like Hubert Ingraham. I like the fact that he does not suffer fools or foolish games. Unfortunately his strength is surprisingly also his Achilles heel.

I want a govt where every constituency has a competent representative. Where the PM effectively coordinates the activities of his cabinet. Where they all know the meaning of professional ethics and understand their *fiduciary* obligation. Is that the FNM? Probably not the last. Is that the PLP? Definitely not the current by the evidence to date...then who? I don't have the answer, I want better...

Posted 24 June 2013, 10:27 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

A nation that depends on Tourism to survive - and nothing else - is already destined to fail. Perhaps the true patriots (non partisan) need to rethink our industrial opportunities and stop breeding the majority of citizens for Tourism only ... which by the way we kind of suck at anyway.

Posted 24 June 2013, 11:26 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

do you pay your NIB ,,when you turn 65 please don,t collect ,,your too special .........lmfao

Posted 25 June 2013, 8:52 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

@superduper love affair w/ self,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,don,t wait to leave , i will personally pay for your ticket today ,your hyperbole is just too much to stomach ,,,,,,

Posted 25 June 2013, 10:11 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

@superuser, you don,t use cell phones but you use internet ?? you are not paid by bahamians ?? however about 80% of each dollar here comes from tourism , therefore i think you should donate 80% of your salary to charity and live on what remains ,,now would you like us to farm these coral rocks ,,people have starved at that since the loyalist ,,on a economy of scale you can grow better tomatoes for less on the volcanic islands to the south and ship them to the states and then here cheaper than we can grow them here ,,plus we would still have to import all the farm equipment ,soil ,fertilizer etc ,,and give hatians permits to work the farms ,,,what we got to sell is sand and sea ,,get over yourself and take a walk down reality blvd ..

Posted 25 June 2013, 8:46 a.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

All I read was Blah Blah Blah - nothing you just typed is of any use to this conversation - but as usual, that is the type of rhetoric to be expected from an FNM minion.

Posted 25 June 2013, 12:49 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...


Posted 25 June 2013, 8:46 a.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

@superidiot or sorry user... Why are you here? Why are you commenting on anything Bahamian? It is clear from your utterances you have very little or no regard for us as Bahamians.

What fantasy land will you move to that has a perfect or even great government? It does not exist, after all we all are only human.

No system of governance is perfect and no human is. We are all a work in progress, some requiring more than others.

Apparently, you seem to think you are better than us lesser people/Bahamians...Why don't you do yourself a favour and "Stop the world and you jump off!"

Good riddance.

Posted 25 June 2013, 10:37 a.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

@Collin. As usual when a defeated PAPABOT such as yourself has seen their man god and his regime ousted after years of totally clueless semi-dictatorship, you will deflect from everything I said and try to focus the blame on me - instead of realizing that nothing will ever advance without criticism, good or bad, like it or not. The facts I posted are quite simple to understand even for someone as mentally challenged as yourself. If you have no problem with these issues, then it is clearly YOU that has no regard for Bahamians, or the Bahamas, it is clear it is YOU that is a traitor to this country and its people, as you would otherwise see fit that we continue on the downward slope we are on today, pretending there is nothing wrong, living in "your" little fantasy world. The difference between me and you is quite simple - I believe in Bahamians, you do not.

Posted 25 June 2013, 1:09 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

on another post you say alot of bahamians are pyscopaths ,,you "believe whatever will seem to make you win a point " like the drunk in the bar that shouts he don,t have a cell ph ,,as his rings ,,you got no cell ph ,,you need no natinal insurance ,,and you know the books of a nephew of a symmonette ,,,,,,,,,,dude your like a Eistien or something ,,and every thing you say should be accepted as absolute fact ,,,geez i pale in comparision to your self percieved greatness ,,and you don,t need a nickel of the yankee dollar you are going leave that for us dummies,, thanks you are one special gal/fella

Posted 25 June 2013, 4:08 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

I am not a politician, therefore I do NOT have to be politically correct for you or anyone else. That does not mean there are not psychopaths in the US or other countries - but we live in the Bahamas, therefore we will be speaking about BAHAMIAN psychopaths, if that is okay with you? Or you rather I sugar coat my words like your man god politicians do? This does not mean I do not believe in Bahamians, there are sour grapes in every bunch - take a look in the mirror.

Posted 25 June 2013, 4:40 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

tell the truth your on a smart phone now ,next you will be real cute and say " i said i don,t use cell phones i use a smart phone "' mr/mrs i don,t use a cell phone or need one damm yankee dollar ,,geez your just a bit dogmatic ,,,,,,,,,

Posted 25 June 2013, 5:15 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

You mention "smart phone" like that will somehow make you "smart", yet you hardly come across as smart - ever heard of a land line? You should try it sometime, although I fear some brain damage from your cellphone has already occurred. Again crying about the Tourism dollar? Unlike you, the skilled LOCAL workers you and your FNM want replaced are not slaves to your foreign masters- they CAN and DO compete on a global scale. But if you want to clean tourist beds and wipe their backsides for the rest of your miserable life, that is fine but leave us out of it.

Posted 25 June 2013, 5:26 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

Again w/ the bathroom humor ,,,my good whatever you may be , i,m rather well educated , at 51 years of age have lived in four countries, hold passports for two countries and the rights to live in a third . I am a liscenced boat Captain and when i do interact with tourist, i do extremely well ....as we progress w/ the discourse you seem to resort to put downs about body functions,, , its a tad bit amusing to revisit grade school ,however after a couple of fart jokes, etc it becomes boorish at best ,,

Posted 25 June 2013, 5:50 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

LOL @ Bathroom Humor, "farts", but its okay I realize I will encounter simpletons when I speak bad about their man god politicians.

And I've lived in 10 countries, so what? Being able to get on a plane doesn't exactly mean someone is educated, or smart. The fact that you are a "boat captain" who "interacts" with Tourists means you work in the Tourist industry. I rest my case. As long as PAPA and his fellow clowns from the FNM, and the PLP it seems, provide you with slave like jobs then you are fine with that - mind a country will never get anywhere as long as all it depends on is Tourism. And the fact that you "support" a political regime that said all Bahamians are dummies, including yourself, by bringing in foreign companies to do work which there are capable LOCAL BAHAMIAN companies here for, calls into questioning just how educated you really are, let alone how patriotic you are to the Bahamas - therefore it is a question that is ripe for the picking, just what kind of Traitor are you?

When there are no skilled local workers left here, because they all left to find work elsewhere, somewhere they are appreciated or just somewhere they can actually find work that is not being given out to every joe blow foreign company in the world, it will be all your fault and the fault of people just like you. You should learn mandarin now, because based on "your" way of thinking, the Chinese will eventually have to rescue this nation from the inevitable economic collapse.

I am done with this topic now, may we meet on another thread and discuss more corrupt political happenings in this country. HA HA. You ofcourse can continue posting though, it is your right.

Posted 25 June 2013, 6:41 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

did i say i worked ? hmmmmmmmmmm mr/mrs 10 countries, ET call home,,,,,,,,,,lmfao

Posted 25 June 2013, 7:37 p.m. Suggest removal

honeyp says...

Reading the comments was more exciting and colorful that the article! lol!

Posted 25 June 2013, 10:57 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

@superhyperbole we are a young nation , both parties have down good and bad ,both have had good members and bad ..my father knew HAI since they were very young men ,can he be arrogant ,yes ,bullheade d,yes but in 50 plus yrs my father always found him to be honest ,as there have also been PLPS with integrity ,,

Posted 25 June 2013, 11:15 a.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

Word of the day toilet paper? Hyperbole? LOL. Look, telling me about PLP or FNM integrity means nothing to me, I am neither, I follow no man, no party. Fact is, they are all politicians, and from the ramblings that go on in the HOA it is clear they have issues figuring out whether or not they have the best interest of the Bahamas at heart - otherwise they would partake in critical discussions to move this country forward, instead of screaming at each other about their different political parties - they get paid by us the Tax payers, not the other way around. And as long as they get paid by us, we have every right to question them, and voice our opinions on their service, or lack of. Actions speak louder than words, and that my friend, would be Integrity.

Posted 25 June 2013, 1:30 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

@super your a riot all huffin and puffin ,making reference to gridin and bodily functions ,gee i haven,t had so much fun since playing pull my finger in 5th grade ...please oh royal one hoover above the new roads ,lest you come in contact with us mere mortals ,,lets see no cell phone ,no NIB ,doesn,t need one cent from tourism ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,my a modern day mystic infused w/ supernatural powers ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,your a riot ,,lmfao

Posted 25 June 2013, 4:01 p.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

@superidiot. You call Bahamians throughout your utterances fools, idiots, dummies, etc. Yet you believe in Bahamains and you argue that is the distinction between us.

You argue in absolutes, which most intelligent people know not to do, because nothing is absolute.

You claim my defeat and I imagine this is suppose to be an intellectual argument. I submit you cannot defeat me because clearly from reading and rereading your posts you are intellectually unarmed.

Run on whatever else you wish, you are complete waste of time.

Posted 25 June 2013, 10:29 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

@ Collin - as a self proclaimed "intellectual" you should be able to perform such a simple task as quoting the right name in your reply - but obviously that is too much to ask from a simpleton, who "claims" to be intellectual. As for fools, idiots, dummies, etc. that would pertain to the traitors such as yourself who still support the failed political parties which themselves have called ALL Bahamians stupid dumb animals by importing foreign companies to take our jobs - so by extension, you and your fellow Traitors are calling ALL Bahamians stupid dumb animals.

And I am such a "waste of time" that you managed to find time to reply twice, with multiple paragraphs - fact is, you were "absolutely" defeated before you even posted your first sentence. But don't "Stop the world and jump off!" just yet, let us hear more of your Anti-Bahamian-ism hate speech, it is a terrible yet historic reminder of 5 long years of the failed FNM regime.

Posted 26 June 2013, 8:41 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

geez don,t you remeber mr/mrs ten countries ,no cell phone ,,you weren,t going to comment on this topic anymore .....

Posted 26 June 2013, 9:35 a.m. Suggest removal

xtreme2x says...

If this government realized their 2% and put BTC back in the Bahamian hands, within 3 to 5 years watch how BTC would go from making profit to loosing.

Posted 12 July 2013, 11:51 a.m. Suggest removal

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