Are we flirting with a blacklist?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Pardon my ignorance to all of the laws as it relates banking, blacklisting and the United States various objections.

During the past weeks, I have had many questions about the PLP government and the will to really execute what they in fact have the power to do in parliament.

I also asked myself, is this really something about which we should be seriously concerned?

Be that as it may, the one major question that keeps coming up is “would the Bahamas be blacklisted by the United States if it attempts to deposit monies gained from the numbers business?”

Can the government with one fell swoop “clean up all of the money?” Should money laundering be a concern for the PLP government?

In my humble opinion, we all should be concerned, because if we are blacklisted again, we would be in a stew.

So all of the people who only look at this as a right that has been violated, they should think harder and deeper and look at the repercussions, both locally and most of all internationally.

My conscience is working overtime.



January 30, 2013.


Philosopher_King says...

Are you serious? This isn't international drug trafficking proceeds we’re talking about here, these would be funds from a business activity that would’ve been deemed lawful either by a change in legislation or a decision by the courts. It happens all the time in nations all over the world. It amazes me how some Bahamians fear of the US is irrational sometimes, they don't care as long as Americans aren't encouraged to participate in our local online gambling operations by using their US based credit cards .

Posted 5 March 2013, 9:16 a.m. Suggest removal

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