Easter Song makes TV debut


Tribune Features Writer


THE recreation of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion, death and resurrection last year in the Easter Song production will be aired on television for the first time next week.

The musical was presented by United Passion Week Productions. Viewers will see the story unfold of Christ’s final days on earth, his entry into Jerusalem, his death and his resurrection on March 17 and 24. The presentation recreates the epic narrative from the bible with astonishing details.  

The Easter Song tells a story of redemption in unprecedented fashion, said Anthone Wallace, director.

The tension surrounding Jesus’ arrest and trials, followed by the heart-breaking account of his scourging and crucifixion, are all recounted in The Easter Song.

The Easter Song, was launched during Holy Week at the Grace Community Church Park in Palmetto Village. United Passion Week Productions also recently launched The Easter Song DVD.

“Our aim to accomplish The Easter Song was three-fold. First of all, we wanted to promote fellowship among the believers within the participating churches. Secondly, we were intentional about encouraging skill development. Thirdly, we sought to accurately present the gospel in a creative and compelling way,” Mr Wallace said.

Mr Wallace said the team, which consists of members from nine evangelical churches, wanted to not only recount historical events in the life of Jesus Christ, but also inspire viewers to  receive the free gift of salvation.

“Our main hope is that thousands more who did not see the live presentations last year will get to see the DVD and/or televised presentations and understand in a more meaningful way exactly what our lord endured for us. As a result, we expect that many will trust in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins and receive the gift of eternal life. We want to help them grow in their new-found relationship with Christ as well, which is further explained on the DVD presentation. Also, we hope that Christians who are struggling in their faith will be renewed spiritually and that those who are strong in the faith will be emboldened even more to share the gospel with others,” Mr Wallace said.

“We believe that viewers will see the beauty of unity on display and will appreciate the fact that great outcomes are possible when the body of Christ unites for a common cause. Seeing how God has equipped members of the church with various talents and abilities and how these gifts can all be harnessed together to impact a nation for his glory is a wonderful thing to behold,” he said.

The production featured approximately 60 Bahamian actors and dancers, a choir of more than 100 singers who were accompanied by a 23 member orchestra. It was led by co-directors Cranston Knowles, drama director and Anthone Wallace, choir director.


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Posted 30 March 2013, 2:15 a.m. Suggest removal

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