'Blows to prisoner who died were not excessive'


Tribune Staff Reporter


POLICE Constable 2126 Akiel Smith admitted in court yesterday that he struck Aaron Rolle “several times” with his baton, but he said the force was “only enough to subdue him and not enough to kill him.”

PC Smith said his training in the police academy taught him how to properly defend himself in violent situations.

Rolle, 20, died at the Southern Police Station on February 8, hours after he was taken into custody for questioning in connection with an armed robbery and escape.

A pathologist report later concluded that he died from haemorrhaging and a ruptured intestine, caused by blunt force trauma to the chest.

Acting Coroner Jeanine Weech-Gomez heads the inquiry. Attorney Christina Galanos represents Rolle’s immediate family and Wellington Olander represents the officers.

PC 2126 Smith testified that he was assigned to assist PC 2648 Carl Smith with the questioning of Aaron Rolle at the Southern Police Station. He said he wasw standing about eight to 10 feet away from PC 2648 Smith and Rolle when he saw Rolle jump onto the table trying to escape out of an open window.

He said he ran over and tried to assist in restraining Rolle but the men fell on the ground causing Rolle to become violent. At this point, PC Smith said he was able to break free and he grabbed his baton.

He said he hit Aaron several times but could not remember the exact number. He said he only hit him in the “meat” areas like the thigh and the hip area. He also admitted he hit Rolle “one or two” times in the stomach.

Ms Galanos asked PC Smith if he used all his strength to “beat” Rolle. He said: “It is impossible to use all my strength, I was also trying to avoid hitting the other officer. It was not excessive just enough to subdue him.”

PC Smith said he was surprised when he heard how Rolle died, but does not believe he contributed to his death.

Ms Galanos asked him if he and PC 2648 Smith beat Rolle and then made up the story about his trying to escape to justify it. He replied: ”That does not reflect my character and something like that would never happen in my presence. There was no need to beat him to confess. Anyone who knows me knows I wouldn’t do that when young men come into the station I try to talk to them and encourage them.”

PC Smith also testified that Rolle never complained about being in pain in his presence, nor did he ask for assistance.

Corporal 2595 Leon Neely also testified, he said he was the assigned station orderly the night Rolle was brought in working the midnight to 8am shift.

He said he spoke to him twice during the course of the night to make sure he was “alive and well” once during the taking over process and another time when Rolle asked to use the bathroom around 5am.

Neely said he observed nothing wrong with Rolle and when he asked him if he was all right he indicated that he was “okay.” He then put Rolle back in the holding cell and went to his post.

Neely said he left the station around 6:50am to get another officer who needed a ride and returned around 7:30am.

When he arrived he saw an ambulance leaving the station.

The trial resumes at 11:30am Monday.


SP says...

POLICE Constable 2126 Akiel Smith admitted in court yesterday that he struck Aaron Rolle “several times” with his baton, but he said the force was “only enough to subdue him and not enough to kill him.”

Anyone that would believe this cock & bull story must have just arrived on the last Haitian boat!

Mr. Rolle, while being questioned and outnumbered by two police with batons jumped up on a table to try an escape through an open window? Mr. Rolle was not abused for confession by these officers as WE ALL KNOW IS NORMAL?

Absolute bull nanny!!

Posted 22 March 2013, 2:18 p.m. Suggest removal

jj830 says...

Wow, it's always amazing to see Monday morning quarterbacks like you jump in with your "snark" level set to Max. While I do not support any type of excessive force I at least have spoken to personnel at the police collage who have shown me that officers are trained to use the baton on areas like the back of the thigh that are heavely muscled. It's not as if you can stop a flailing person from moving just to hit said areas and its not as if in a struggle a suspect will remain peaceful/ controllable so that you will always will be able to hit these areas consistently. I guess the best way to describe it is trying to catch and put a hyper 4 year old in the tub ...it's not easy and for the record I think it's time we start looking closely at the person who resist arrest on a daily basis. As far as I am concerned, if I have done nothing I have no reason to resist and the matter can and will be cleared up. Why is it that a criminal can act like a complete jackass and fight an officer doing their job to the point of injuring an officer but, the police are immediately crucified by persons such as yourself who has no idea what justifiable force is?

Posted 22 March 2013, 4:12 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

I had no idea someeone at the police college swore to you. I guess everything is O.K. then....Maybe you can ask them to to swear to you that the 1000's of police brutality reports over the years were all not true.

Posted 22 March 2013, 10:20 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

"Blows To Prisoner Who Died Were Not Excessive".....POLICE Constable 2126 Akiel Smith only struck the victim with SOFT BLOWS......Mr. Rolle obviously just died from natural causes.

Posted 22 March 2013, 2:30 p.m. Suggest removal

wave says...

These officers not only beat this man to DEATH but when home knowing the his chance of this man living through the night was at best, slim. What makes this all the more tragic is your chief of police felt he needed to make a statement because of amnesty international. “ CLEAN HAND’S” that the best you could say!

Posted 22 March 2013, 6:31 p.m. Suggest removal

Deepdrop2 says...

So I suppose the man who died from asphyxia while in custody just sat there and held his breath until he died?
A dead man can not talk - Camaras need to be placed in police cars and in the police interagration rooms.

Posted 22 March 2013, 10:08 p.m. Suggest removal

Alex000 says...

Hey I new at this but I have something to say the commish talking shit he no about police brutality long time talking about his hands are clean no buddy his hands are dirty just like the other rest ok u no how much innocent men or guilty men go in front of court can't even walk sometime and tell the magistrate they were beaten by police for a confession where was tis so call commish, well he was right there and didn't do a fuck now people dying in there hands and now he wan talk about hands clean no he guilty just like the other rest of pigs in uniform and I know this because it happen to me before I used to work for a well known employer and they said I did something which I didn't and they decided to call the police so and I got arrested now these cops beat me to give my self up but I didn't do or know anything so after the beaten they still charge me with no type of evidence the employer have a video tape the say I doin the crime but Tats false so I went court win the case due to no evidence cause the employer witnesses all sayin basically I same thing but I don't mind cause the employer have the tape Tat show I innocent of wateva they are sayin but they bring it back to court cause I try to get my money from them and they brought it back to court I no I goin to win again once the magistrate go by the evidences and tere is none well Tats all I have to say if the tribune didn't get the story on this I would be happy to tell them the whole thing if they wanted me too tis incident happen in nov 2009 so the tribune if your insterested write me at boaderboyalex@hotmail.com

Posted 25 March 2013, 2:23 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Anyone who been lock up or have someone who was 'questioned' by the police know no baton is used when they tryin to get you to talk.. Try things like 2x4, baseball bats, strapping you in a metal chair, hooking an electric cord to it and pouring water on the floor then plugging the cord into and electiic outlet...pray the circut breaker trip. And these officers have their lil meetings where they brag about how bad they beat someone. The time has come to put cameras in all police vehicles, in police stations and in interview rooms. Not only will this force officers to step up their investigation and interrogation skills, but strongers will be presented before the courts, since the 'police beat me' linne will no linger be effective. O did i mention how they use to push your head down in a toilet that was used by more than one person and had not been flushed?

Posted 25 March 2013, 3:05 p.m. Suggest removal

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