Carifta team member arrested for firearm


Senior Sports Reporter

If legal proceedings in the United States don’t allow quartermiler Stephen ‘Dirty’ Newbold to return home to compete in the BTC Carifta Games, it will be a big loss for Team Bahamas and he will definitely be missed, said head coach Greg Cash.

Newbold, who was named to the Bahamas’ 70-member team expected to compete against 25 other countries at the new Thomas A Robinson Track and Field Stadium starting next Saturday, was arrested for discharging a firearm in public and resisting without violence.

Reports from Tallahassee, Florida, indicate that Newbold and fellow Florida State University sprinter Ronell Mance, were arrested shortly before 4am Thursday near a student apartment complex.

Nobody was injured.

Mance, who celebrated his 21st birthday on Thursday, won a silver medal in the 2012 Olympic Games in London, England, while 18-year-old Newbold was the MVP at the recent Atlantic Coast Conference indoor track and field championships.

Both were immediately suspended from Florida State and their future as student-athletes will be determined by the university’s disciplinary policy and legal proceedings.

Bahamas Association of Athletic Associations’ president Mike Sands was not available for comments up to press time last night.

But, when contacted, Cash said they will definitely miss Newbold’s services for the games. “We are still not clear on what is happening,” Cash said.

“My prayer now is that it isn’t what it is because you always want to know that the door that has been opened up to Bahamians will continue to be opened up to Bahamians. But when things like this happen, if it is true, then the question mark is not just what about his future, but the future of all other Bahamian athletes who might have intentions of going to the institution that he was a part of.”

As for the Carifta Games, Cash said they got some instructions from Newbold’s coach at FSU that they had intended to follow, if he had been released to compete on the team.

“In the event that he would have been competing, we are in a position to bump up athletes who are on the team to compete,” Cash said. “They would have lost out to him because of the times that he would have competed. So we are looking at who we can use to replace him if it comes down to it.”

Cash, however, said he was not at liberty to say which events Newbold was scheduled to compete in and which athlete would end up replacing him.

He said they are still weighing out the entire scenario and will have a meeting today to make their determination. “It’s my prayers that his parents will also be encouraged because we know that things could go wrong,” Cash said. “Maybe, it’s just allegations, so we will have to wait and see exactly what happens first.”

Newbold, who also runs the 400 metre hurdles, was a member of the under-20 boys 4 x 400 relay team that won the gold at last year’s Carifta Games in Hamilton, Bermuda.

In Montego Bay, Jamaica, in 2011, Newbold won the bronze in the 400 and was on the 4 x 4 bronze medal team. Also in 2011, he won the gold medal in the 200 at the IAAF World Youth Championships in Lille, France.

And in 2010 in Georgetown, Grenada, he was a gold medallist in the 400 hurdles and ran on the silver medal 4 x 4 relay team. That year at the CAC Junior Championships in Santo Domingo, Newbold captured the gold in the 400 hurdles and as a member of the 4 x 4 relay team.


sansoucireader says...

Is there a code of ethics or behavior for athletes who represent our country, and students who are on scholarship? If not, something to consider. Important to know that if you do certain behaviors (eg. arrest, robbery, cheating) what will happen to you.

Posted 22 March 2013, 2:02 p.m. Suggest removal

tureanoj1984 says...

It was immature stupid and disrespectful, and even more you had let youself down and brought shame to the Bahamas. That is if you are guilty. Mr. Newbold it is not for me nor anyone to judge you. It would be even more hypocritical of me as a Bahamian to judge you. We in the Bahamas have many other important concerns we should attend to.The nature of the incident is a criminal one in the State of Florida that is being investigated by the United States police. It is they who will find if your innocent or guilty. Until then, you are innocent. You did no wrong at home, only if you are found guilty then our leaders should step in and deal with it. Bahamian stop being so quick to pulldown. Let the ones in authorities get to the bottom of this. His court date is in April. If you find removing him from a meet would be the best punishment, we should wait until he is proven guilty. Please dont judge so premature. We loose to many to that cause.

Posted 24 March 2013, 1:38 p.m. Suggest removal

MADD_FACE says...

It is absolutely heartbreaking to see how Bahamians are ready to condone this young man's behavior. Lets say this young man was Jamaica's Usain Bolt, he would lose ALL sports endorsements, he would not be allowed to participate in any sports events at all. Don't believe me...... ask Oscar Pistorius, the athlete who earlier this year was accused of murder. Should we wait until this young man kills someone before we try to curb his attitude. People, our country is confused, we suffer from the "not my good child" syndrome. Your good child could have killed someone. It seems, as young Mr. Newbold puts it, "Its all GUCCI". Well JAIL is not the end of the world, nor is missing Carifta, we'll have more. Take some time and consider your actions, consider your parents and anyone else who could be hurt as a result of your actions. The reform happens after the penalty. What punishment has he faced thus far..... Missing Carifta is NOT enough. How about he sits out a year. If he truly loves what he does he will train and practice everyday and return ready to show us all that he has grown from this.

Posted 24 March 2013, 6:35 p.m. Suggest removal

tureanoj1984 says...

I do agree with your passion (M-F). But understand. As one who has been in that position befor. I unberstand the matter to some degree. I am not saying Newbold is innocent, but I am saying lets not shot then ask questions. What if he had killed someone. That's easy for our state of mind to say, but what if he did not do the crime. I will never condone bad behaviour neither will I condemned anyone on accusations. Who am I to judge. There is a time and place for everything. As it is for Newbold, he has to answer to hie actions in April. And if found guilty he ought to be punish to the fullest extent of the law.
Again dont be so quick to shot then ask questions.

Posted 25 March 2013, 1:14 a.m. Suggest removal

blueothello says...

If he was innocent, why run from the police when he was about to be frisked? Innocent people don't run because they have nothing to fear. He knows why he did what he did. If he's man, he should be man enough to face up to any consequences of his actions instead of the little boy mantra of "deny everything" despite what the evidence and what the witnesses might say.

Posted 25 March 2013, 1:27 a.m. Suggest removal

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