Charges due in road deaths


Tribune Staff Reporter

EXUMA Police say charges will be brought against the driver of the grey Nissan, which struck and killed two Canadian animal activists last week. Jill Gandza, 55, and her 57-year-old husband, Ron, were walking home from a local hotel around 10pm when the accident occurred. Mr Gandza was pronounced dead at the scene while Mrs Gandza died of her injuries at the local clinic, later that night.

They leave behind their 19-year-old son, Greg, who is in Canada.

Supt Macktavaus Daniels, officer-in-charge of the George Town Police Station, confirmed yesterday: “Yes, the driver will be charged. There’s a process that has to be followed and once that process is followed, the driver will be formally arraigned before the court.”

Supt Daniels could not say exactly what the driver, who is in his early 20s, will be charged with as “the file is under review.” But, because of the rumours circulating after the accident, Supt Daniels added that there was “no evidence to suggest” that the driver was intoxicated at the time of the accident.

Friends of the Canadian couple remember them as animal lovers and avid supporters of the country’s potcake population. The couple would find homes for local dogs, foster dogs in their own home, and even take potcakes to Canada for adoption.

Susan Glinton remembers Mrs Gandza as “one of the most caring and selfless people that I know.”

She said: “Getting potcakes up to Canada and adopted to good families was so important to her. She recently bought a second hand scooter so that they wouldn’t have to rent a car every time they went to their apartment in Exuma. She said the more she saved on a car was the more money she had to spend on the potcakes. She said her husband can’t figure her out, but there is a method to her madness!

“She absolutely adored the Bahamas and the people of the Bahamas. She made great friends in Nassau and Exuma. She said “Exuma and being on the beach and in the ocean was her ‘happy place.’ She was one of those people who dove into Bahamian culture.”

Tip Burrows, executive director of the Humane Society of Grand Bahama, said that although she did not know the couple in person, she communicated with Mrs Gandza on-line.

“She assisted with helping a number of our puppies get to Canada, and her husband drove all the way to Buffalo one time last summer to pick up a puppy,” Ms Burrows said. “I found her to be warm, kind and compassionate, and it was always a delight to interact with her. Her joy of life and love of family and animals was apparent.”

Holly Walters was another on-line friend of Mrs Gandza.

“I only knew Jill through Facebook but felt that she was one of my close friend because she shared her life with all of us,” Ms Walters said.

“She also took the time to send special personal notes to you. Jill and I e-mailed each other about my surgery. She was so concerned that it seemed like I was her best friend. I felt that I could reach out to her. I only wish I could be half the person she was.”

Jacqueline Ireland, a long-time friend of the couple, told The Tribune: “I have known this wonderful couple my entire life.”


Deepdrop2 says...

In the spirit of "the public has a right to know" what is the name of man who killed Mr. & Mrs. Gandza?
Pray tell why you don't know what he will be charged with?
Did he leave the scene? If he did, and you were not able to "question" him until hours or days later he could have been drunk!!!
Is this going to be another one of your cover ups?

Posted 2 May 2013, 1:22 p.m. Suggest removal

knowles says...

Think you very much Exuma Police because Insp Williams was talking out of his head. How could you issue a statement on an on-going investigation before it is concluded stating that no charges will be file.

Posted 2 May 2013, 1:27 p.m. Suggest removal

islander242 says...

Sad stuff man......

Posted 2 May 2013, 2:28 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

@ babycat - could you please explain to me how is it that a message from you was in my yahoo mail when the Tribune clearly states that it will NOT spam or give out one's e-mail address to anybody. Now I'm making sure place this post here because you seem to be very interested in this article, and please respond back rite here using this forum and not my e-mail cause again I don't know how the hell you got it. This is the same problem with this country, nothing is never done professional. Judge what other information leaks out of this establishment.

Posted 2 May 2013, 9:41 p.m. Suggest removal

Babycat says...

@positiveinput. I am so very sorry that this has upset you. I didn't mean for that to happen and I apologize. I was not given your personal email address, nor do I have your email address or any info on you at all. I simply clicked on your name on this website and sent you a message. I was clearly confused, I did know know it was private message I assumed it would show up as a normal comment on your page. Please disregard the info I have sent you. Again I'm so very sorry you felt your privacy was violated, I would never do that.

Posted 4 May 2013, 3:16 p.m. Suggest removal

Ashley1986 says...

Why is the identity of this person being kept secret? Drunk or not (reports were pretty clear that he was) he was at the very least driving recklessly resulting in the death of two innocent, wonderful people and leaving a son without his parents. He should be charged and his identity made public. The Bahamas criminal justice system needs to prove that they are capable of dealing with these matters quickly and effectively.

Posted 6 May 2013, 12:40 p.m. Suggest removal

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