Tribune Staff Reporter

FOUR men were arraigned in the magistrates’ court yesterday charged with the murder of American tourist Kyle Bruner.

Twenty-year-old Craig Johnson, of Clarke’s Alley; Anton Bastian, 19, of Abraham Street; Jamaal Dorfevil, 28, of St James Road and Marcellus Williams, 21, of Culmer’s Alley all appeared before Chief Magistrate Roger Gomez.

It is alleged that on Sunday, May 17, being concerned together, they did intentionally and unlawfully cause the death of Kyle Bruner.

It is also alleged that on that same day, being concerned together and armed with a handgun, they robbed a woman of her green handbag valued at $30 and an Iphone valued at $900. It is also alleged they robbed another person of a black handbag valued at $20, a black Iphone valued at $300, and $30 cash.

Because of the nature of the charges, the men were not required to enter a plea and the matter will be fast-tracked to the Supreme Court via a Voluntary Bill of Indictment.

They are also not eligible for bail in the Supreme Court, the magistrate told them; and the group can apply to the Supreme Court for bail.

Bastian was represented in court by Robert Reckley who told the court his client needs to see the doctor as he allegedly suffered abuse while in police custody. Nathan Smith, attorney for Johnson, Nathan Smith, also told the court a similar story.

Gomez acknowledged the defendants’ complaints and said they should both be seen by a doctor. The magistrate then asked Williams and Dorfevil if they had any complaints.

“Anything you want to say,” he asked. “Would you like to see a doctor as well?”

Dorfevil indicated he is requesting medical attention to which Magistrate Gomez agreed.

In another matter, Bastian was further charged with another count of armed robbery.

It is alleged that on Monday April 1, armed with a handgun, he robbed a man of a blue Ipad valued at $400; a black Gucci wallet valued at $300; $50 cash and a Bahamian driver’s licence valued at $20.

He was not required to enter a plea and is not eligible for bail in the magistrates’ court. This matter will be forwarded to the Supreme Court via VBI.

All of the men were remanded in police custody.


Fedup says...

SMDH .... medical attention?

Posted 18 May 2013, 3:33 p.m. Suggest removal

Stapedius says...

So unfortunate. Its like we are losing so many of our young people to crime. Either they're in prison or in the grave. But, innocent until proven guilty.

Posted 18 May 2013, 4:47 p.m. Suggest removal

lazybor says...

they will have now time to use the iphones...whooops...<img src="" width="1">

Posted 19 May 2013, 11:06 a.m. Suggest removal

spoitier says...

Did they stop giving bail to murderers or just to people who murder tourist?
I don't believe in giving people charge with murder bail in the first place, however, be consistent with it across the board.

Posted 19 May 2013, 11:51 a.m. Suggest removal

ChefSmith says...

It is so sad to see how individual dont have appreciation for freedom or human life. parents need to teach their children how to think positive , so as to avoid ending up on this road.

Posted 19 May 2013, 10:05 p.m. Suggest removal

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