Police warn: don’t make yourself a target for thieves


Tribune Freeport Reporter


FREEPORT – Due to the recent incidents of stealing reported in the Central Division, the police are urging residents and businesspersons not to make themselves an easy target for criminals.

Asst Supt Stephanie Hamilton, second in charge of the Central Division, said persons are unknowingly contributing to crime by leaving valuable items in plain sight and by failing to secure their property.

“Even though statistically crime is down in the Central Division we have been noticing that some persons maybe unknowingly contributing to crime,” she told the media at Police Headquarters on Wednesday.

Ms Hamilton also believes that the high unemployment situation, and the cash for gold and the scrap metal trades are contributing to the rise in stealing incidents on the island.

Sgt Darrell Rolle, crime manager for Central Division, said they have seen an increase in thefts from vehicles, particularly car batteries, cell phones, and laptop computers.  

“We want to appeal to members of the public who might have information of persons stealing these items, especially car batteries, to contact the police.

“We also want to let the public know that receiving stolen items is also a serious offence and persons found guilty could get up to five years imprisonment,” he said.

Sgt Rolle said parents should be aware of the items that their children are bringing into their homes.

“Find out where they are getting the items from before you allow them in your homes because many times when we execute warrants parents have no idea what is in their homes,” he said.  

ASP Hamilton said persons can reduce crime by following crime prevention tips below.

Tips for homeowners

• Lock and secure all doors and windows before leaving home or going to bed.

• Secure valuables.

• Record serial numbers of all electronic devices and keep them in a safe place.

• Install a security alarm system and know how to work them.

• Install perimeter fencing.

• Do not leave boxes of flat screen TV and computers near your trash bin outside; take them away from your property.

• Clear away bushy areas and vacant lots near your property.

Tips for business owners

• Install close circuit TV to record activities in and around your business.

• Install high-powered lights to keep your businesses well lit at nights, or hire a security guard.

Tips for vehicle owners

• Do not leave valuables in plain sight such as laptop computers, iPods, cellular phones, wallets, and handbags.

• Lock and secure vehicle properly.

• Put purchased items in the trunk.

• Park your vehicle in a well lit area.

ASP Hamilton said persons should also be vigilant and to report any suspicious person or activity to the police.

Members of the public are also encouraged to form a crime watch group in their communities.


WongLawrence says...

Hey,In your blog good tips are given to homeowners and vehicle owners to protect their things from being stolen but I want to tell you one fact that though many tips ,warning are given to public to how to protect their things from being stolen they do what they think is right and after their things get stolen they blame others for that,Its true what I told.
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Posted 12 June 2013, 2:28 a.m. Suggest removal

mikeT says...

when it comes to the security of my home and family, nothing is too good or too expensive. To ensure this, I tries to monitor most of my home and yard.

Posted 4 May 2014, 9:43 a.m. Suggest removal

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