Cat Island project nearly 'off to races'


Tribune Business Reporter

THE Government is considering a proposal for Cat Island that could potentially create hundreds of new jobs, Prime Minister Perry Christie said yesterday.

Mr Christie made the announcement during his 2013/2014 Budget Contribution, noting that the Government had reached the stage where it only had to settle on the provision of water and it was “off to the races”.

He is thought to have been referring tothe long-awaited PGA Villafge project by Cat Island Partners, an affiliate of Southworth Consulting.

Meanwhile, Mr Christie also noted that hospitals were on the drawing board for Cat Island and South Eleuthera.
He added that there were several developments underway or in the pipeline for not only New Providence but Bimini, Grand Bahama, Exuma, San Salvador, Abaco, Eleuthera and Cat Island, among others.
 “As an example of successful public and private sector partnering, I would signal the new development in Bimini, which is now in full swing,” the Prime Minister said.

“A private sector cruise ship will be dedicated exclusively to that island to provide a steady flow of visitors. There are also airport and port expansions. In all, we are looking at the transformation of both North and South Bimini, with the people of Bimini being fully involved in that process.

“This is a very concrete example of the progress that we are making and not only a wishful hope; we expect hundreds of jobs to be created there by July. I would also emphasise that, throughout the process, we have taken all necessary steps to protect the environment.”


BiminiHomeowner says...

Pretty much everything the PM is quoted as saying about Bimini is 100% false.

PM Christie seems to only care about Bimini Bay Resort, perhaps the most controversial and destructive development ever to hit The Bahamas.

Bimini Bay still has YEARS of construction ahead, i would hardly call that "full swing". And with Genting involved now, they are seemingly making a deliberate effort to keep Biminites in the dark regarding their plans. It is APPALLING!

We don't want this island "transformed". Yes, there is room for improvement, but Bimini's fate should not be decided by the highest bidder.

Posted 30 May 2013, 3:48 p.m. Suggest removal

BiminiHomeowner says...

Reading this again, it's actually quite frightening.

The Prime Minister is either completely clueless about what is happening in Bimini, or he is being willfully dishonest. Both possibilities are shocking.

Posted 30 May 2013, 3:58 p.m. Suggest removal

USAhelp says...

He's talking about the new number houses.

Posted 31 May 2013, 5:51 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Hospitals for Cat Island and Eleuthera sounds great. They wil take the burden off an already overused PMH. But the only thing is the PLP has a history of giving works to friends rather than the most qualified bidder. Then either the project will never get finished, it will run grossly over budge to r itw ill ake forever to finish and run over budget. Government must be wise and prudent and seek to get value for any dollar it spends in these reying economic times..

Posted 1 June 2013, 2:57 a.m. Suggest removal

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