KURT MCCARTNEY: Eight released as case goes cold

POLICE have released the eight people who were being held for questioning in connection with the death of businessman Kurt McCartney, with a senior police source claiming the case has “gone cold” – at least temporarily.

The six women and two men were released from custody between Wednesday night and Thursday morning, however investigators insisted police can re-arrest them if necessary.

Meanwhile, a well placed source close to the investigation told The Tribune that despite a substantial reward being offered, there is no new information and the case has reached an impasse.

But officer in charge of the Central Detective Unit Paul Rolle, the officer heading the case, insisted police still have several good leads.

“No one is in custody currently, but we have several good leads and we are acting on all of our leads,” Mr Rolle said.

He also denied that Kurt’s murder investigation was receiving preferential treatment.

“We investigate all murders with the same intensity. Those who are saying we are not, I have no clue where they are getting that from. I am leading this investigation and I can say that I am not doing anything any differently,” he said.

Kurt McCartney, who is the brother of DNA leader Branville McCartney was shot and killed last Thursday in Gambier Village.

No one has been charged with his murder and police say they suspect someone is with holding important information.

On Monday, the McCartney family offered a $50,000 reward for the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for his death.

On Wednesday , Branville McCartney denied his public profile has influenced how police are treating his brother’s murder investigation.

His comments came after speculation rose that police were giving Kurt McCartney’s murder, “special attention” because of his elder brother’s political profile.

Speaking with The Tribune Mr McCartney said he sympathizes with all persons that have lost loved ones to murder.

“If I could, I would give a reward for the capture of everyone that has been murdered in this country. Believe me when I tell you that, if I could I would. My brother was very special to me and my family and although there were other persons who have been murdered, they’ve always had a special place and their family, in my heart. So I sympathize with them as well, I’ve always sympathized with them, I want to see our country be a safe place, which it’s not,” he said.


Pampa says...

how you go from 8 suspects to a cold case?

Posted 1 November 2013, 12:53 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

No one confessed. No hard evidence. No fingerprints. No gun. No video. This isn't the movies.

The eight are probably still "persons of interest"

Posted 1 November 2013, 12:56 p.m. Suggest removal

lazybor says...

indeed, it does not mean they stop investigating, at least hopefully...<img src="http://tinyurl.com/c7l9ck6" width="1">

Posted 1 November 2013, 1:40 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Yet eight persons were detained and the authorities were trying to get the courts to extend their length of detention. Like you said this isn't the movies so how are these persons suppose to continue their daily lives with the majority of the simple-minded persons (co-workers, neighbors) sip-sipping, "See who was locked up for the McCartney murder". If you shuffle your points around and start with NO HARD EVIDENCE, then eight persons didn't have to be detained and now have their name stained.

Posted 1 November 2013, 1:52 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I don't see anything wrong with the police detaining persons if they have reason to believe that they could have committed a crime. That's standard police practice worldwide.

What I did object to (and I said so on an earlier post) was the request to hold them for a period over and above what the law typically allows. That could lead to serious abuses if allowed. I could see young innocent men with no financial resources being held for weeks on end for no reason.

Posted 1 November 2013, 2:10 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Reason to believe and just grasping straws is a difference. In an earlier news report it was mentioned that security footage had image of two females in the decease vehicle and there was mention of an individual with dread locks. So for the police to obtain an extra five individuals and no charges were made, it seems like the Investigating Officer needs to sit next to Ortland Bodie because he to has unreliable sources. Probably non of the two males didn't even had 'locks'. Oh Oh Oh, lets think like those whom commented on Bodie's actions. How about wanting the investigating officer be fired from his job for obtaining false information, or in this case information the charges cannot be made upon.

Posted 1 November 2013, 5:21 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Maybe your facts are better than mine...I thought the media gave the sip-sip about a video only to be contradicted the next day by the police who said they were not aware of a video...

In this instance I don't think theyre grasping at straws. More than likely one of the ladies interviewed was the caller on the night Kurt was killed. He went out to see her and he was killed. Reason enough to question her even if she turns out to be innocent. If she indicated that she was with a friend all night, I would question the friend too. If I thought their story didn't add up I would keep questioning them.

Posted 1 November 2013, 7:46 p.m. Suggest removal

bismark says...

we have become a nation,where its okay to get shoot down like a dog and nobody sees nothing until it happens to them,i feel sorry for the mcartney family,i dont know them personally,as well as all other bahamians who have experienced this murderous demon we are grappling with,i just hope that we do not become a society of vigilante justice,because thats where we are heading,i cant see how all of these people were picked up,then released?without any leads?someone out there knows something and isnt talking,i know it is really frustrating to that family right now,i hope they get some kind of closure.another thing i noticed in this country,we hate to see our own people succeed,like its a crime if someone is more priviliged or they worked hard went to school and acheived something the honest way,but some of our own people hate you for your own sucess!which is wrong!i am sorry to see the state this country has become.

Posted 1 November 2013, 1:44 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Just mere days since the murder of Comrade Kurt, despite what da policeman in charge of the Central Detective Unit Paul Rolle, who is the policeman heading the case told the reporter that the policeman's still have several good leads, The Tribune turns to an unidentified policeman source to declare that the case has now gone cold? Has The tribune now taken over as the leader policeman on murder investigations?

Posted 1 November 2013, 8:57 p.m. Suggest removal

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