Family says farewell to Kurt McCartney


Tribune Staff Reporter

FAMILY and friends of the late Kurt McCartney gathered at Christ Church Cathedral on Saturday to say farewell to a man described as good, kind, supportive and generous.

The George Street Anglican Church was filled to capacity, with dozens of people having to stand inside and outside the church to

remember a man who the Director of the Holy Spirit Church claimed was “snuffed out from the prime of his life.”

“My brothers and sisters, we should not be here this morning. In fact, not only for the late Kurt McCartney, but we’re here today when parents are burying another child,” Father Peter Scott told the mourning family, friends and congregation.

“And this is happening far too often in our country where parents have to come in church to these services and bury their loved ones snuffed out in the prime of life.”

“Something is terribly wrong in our nation,” Father Scott said.

The clergyman commended the government for its efforts in fighting crime, but noted that the responsibility to curb and solve “the national scourge” did not rest alone on the shoulders of the executive.

He noted controlling and eventually eliminating crime would have to start in the home “and move into the schools and in the churches,” he said.

McCartney’s pastor described his relationship with the deceased and the kind of person he was.

“I’ve known Kurt for about three years since I became the Director of the Holy Spirit Church,” he said, adding that “I’ll be honest to tell you that Kurt was no regular church-goer.”

Father Scott said that notwithstanding the sparse appearances during Christmas, Easter and “a few times in between…Kurt was a good man. Kurt was a kind man. A generous man. Kurt supported his church. Kurt supported his community, Kurt supported his staff, Kurt loved his God.”

“He told me that to my face,” the Holy Spirit Church director said.

Kurt McCartney, who is the brother of DNA leader Branville McCartney, was shot and killed last Thursday in Gambier Village.

No one has been charged with his murder and police say they suspect someone is withholding important information

A week ago, the McCartney family offered a $50,000 reward for the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for his death.

Two days later, Branville McCartney denied his public profile has influenced how police are treating his brother’s murder investigation.

The Tribune understands that although investigations are continuing, there has been no breakthrough since the release of eight suspects that were previously in police custody at the Central Detective Unit.


TalRussell says...

My Dear Comrade Bran and family. Kurt will not speak to you from his grave. He will always speak to you from your heart's.

Posted 4 November 2013, 3:08 p.m. Suggest removal

dahasamo says...

Michael Scott is the RECTOR of the church not Director.. Once might have been a typo but repeated????i

Posted 5 November 2013, 8:25 a.m. Suggest removal

soulesschick says...

Interesting how Branville claimed his family got no special treatment, yet the body was buried much faster than the average murder victim.

Posted 5 November 2013, 2:12 p.m. Suggest removal

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