Lawsuit mulled over North Abaco dredging


Tribune Business Reporter

A lawsuit against the Government and developerds could be filed on behalf of North Abaco residents opposed to dredging at the site of a proposed boutique hotel and fishing lodge Tribune Business was told yesterday.

Gary Smith, the North Abaco district’s chief councillor, revealed, “We’re going to do whatever it takes to try and stop that.

“We have begun communication with Fred Smith QC and his team concerning that. We haven’t  made a final decision as yet, but we are considering it. Early next week my council is going to meet and make our decision.”

Dredging in a creek near the entrance of Treasure Cay for a dock and mini-pier has sparked outrage from island residents, given that a ‘cease and desist order’ was supposed to have been issued to Sand Bar Club and Spa Ltd, locally known as the Treasure Sands Club.

Residents had subsequently filed an application to have the permit for the construction of the new pier revoked, and expressed dismay over the alleged lack of public consultation and the potential impact the dredging will have on fish breeding grounds.

According to Mr Smith, area flooding was also a major concern. “We’re taking this serious. We know that that area they are dredging is going to cause serious flooding problems in the surrounding area,” he said.

“We’re not just going to sit back and not do anything. We want it to go on record that we will go as far as a lawsuit. If the Government succeeds, then whatever happens, it’s on them. We know what we’re talking about.We’re going to do whatever it takes to try and stop that.”

Despite local opposition to the dredging, North Abaco MP Renardo Curry has thrown his support behind the development, denying that it has been fast-tracked.

He instead blasted the BEST Commission for dragging its feet  in granting approvals for the investors. Mr Curry also charged that opposition to the dredging work was politically motivated.

According to a letter from the Bahamas Investment Authority, dated May 27, the Sand Bar Club was granted approval by the National Economic Council (NEC) to develop a two-storey, 12-suite hotel with related facilities on the eastern beach front, and to receive concessions pursuant to the Hotels Encouragement Act.  

The letter continued: “Approved the application by the Sand Bar Club and Spa Ltd to develop a fishing lodge with a mini pier; a four-slip dock; picnic area; two tennis courts; two car parks; green areas; a yoga hut; nature trails and exercise tract on the western portion of the privately owned 9.2 acre property, subject to the submission of an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) to the Ministry of the Environment and the BEST Commission, approval by the BEST Commission for dredging and approval of the license relative to land reclamation by the Prime Minister.”


BigDuffus says...

Funny these people in tresure did not have anything to say when at the time Mrime Minister and MP ingraham dug out this very same place with no permits and now best study. Hers the address if u want to see what he did before. ://

Posted 8 November 2013, 6:59 p.m. Suggest removal

BigDuffus says...…
Sorry. This is the right link to the sat image. just zome in on Tresure Cay.

Posted 8 November 2013, 10:53 p.m. Suggest removal

john33xyz says...

Yeah, why don't we file a lawsuit against all foreign investors, and close all the airports to international traffic?

Let's go whole hog, one time - and show how stupid we really are. Just for fun. LOL.

Posted 8 November 2013, 8:44 p.m. Suggest removal

Canon says...

The Bahamas is not a third world country and the locals here are not against development, but we are against the raping/destruction of the environment and disregard for our laws by anybody, no matter the amount the bring in the name of investment.

Posted 1 December 2013, 9:29 p.m. Suggest removal

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