‘Grave’ warning to BEC unions


Tribune Staff Reporter


BEC Chairman Leslie Miller warned union members there would be grave repercussions if workers acted on threats to disrupt operations at the corporation.

Both unions representing line staff and middle managers have filed trade disputes with the Department of Labour over benefit reductions.

Mr Miller’s warning follows threats by Bahamas Electrical Utility Managerial Union president Clinton Minnis, who said power generation could be cut if demands over sick pay are not met.

Mr Miller said: “They have to realise that there are consequences. I will not allow them to threaten the livelihood of our people, who are the owners of BEC. I speak for the people, and [Minnis] is totally out of line for those threats.

“BEC belongs to the people of the Bahamas, whatever the BEC unions will do I have no control over that, but there will be grave repercussions.”

Taking their continuing war of words to another level, the Bahamas Electrical Workers Union has threatened to start representing employees of BEC chairman Leslie Miller’s private businesses – forcing Mr Miller to deal with the BEWU in order to make his own living.

Mr Miller dismissed the threat, telling the union to “get real or get lost.”

The sabre-rattling by the BEWU comes after Mr Miller issued a corporation-wide memo telling staff they will no longer be allowed to collect from National Insurance for certain benefits, such as sick benefit, while being paid by BEC.

He said beginning November 1, BEC employees will no longer be allowed to “double dip” by collecting both NIB and their full salary.

BEWU president Stephano Greene said the union will not let their benefits be cut, in fact he said the workers are now on “alert” and action will be taken in the near future.

Mr Miller said: “I ask them again, if you don’t like what we’re trying to do here, trying to reduce the cost of electricity, then go and find another job.

“We’d be more than happy to give them early retirement, and get some people who have some concern in their body for the Bahamian people.”


John says...

Can the remainder of government MP's on either side of the floor and all cabinet ministers please let your Bahamian electorate know where you stand on BEC? The time is now!

Posted 9 November 2013, 4:24 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

“If I were to remain silent, I'd be guilty of complicity.”
― Albert Einstein

Posted 9 November 2013, 4:28 p.m. Suggest removal

dahasamo says...

On the question of double dipping, this is the established practice for the entire civil service. Does NIB just pay out money without verifying entitlement and does the employer (Government) contribute to NIB and then allow the employee to collect the employer's contribution? NIB came into effect just after mid-1976, and 37 years of this doube dipping by civil servants and Government Corporations means that we coud probably make a large dent in the public debt IF there was a way to recoup. (We could dream.)

Posted 9 November 2013, 4:54 p.m. Suggest removal

john33xyz says...

I supposed all Bahamians are concerned about double-dipping and other gross waste at BEC - EXCEPT for those Bahamians who work for BEC and are receiving it.

If they cut the power in Nassau (or anywhere) - the PM should brand them as terrorists (the famous international word now used by many countries) - and ARREST at least 300 of them and put them in a special tent-town holding facility on a cay north of Ragged Island for 6 months, surrounded by defense force boats - and feed them rice and water and vitamins.

This is a pile of foolishness that has been going on for way too long. BEC people have some of the best jobs in the country with good benefits and good salary and mostly nice working conditions. When they get back from the northern cay Ragged Island holding facility they will be very grateful for work for 25% less than what they are getting now and love it.

Posted 9 November 2013, 7:39 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Rice water and vitamins? That sounds very unhealthy...and how will they keep up with what's happening on Scandal?

Posted 11 November 2013, 4:37 p.m. Suggest removal

xtreme2x says...

Instead of talking about double dipping by B E C. Bahamian public who is against it to march to B E C head quarters and have a peaceful protest.

Posted 9 November 2013, 9:49 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I AGREE. we should protest the protest.

Posted 11 November 2013, 4:36 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

In no way should anyone who is out on disability collecting from NIB be able to collect anything from BEC. I'm with L Miller all the way! Union reps need to stop acting foolish, possibly causing employees to loose their jobs.

Posted 9 November 2013, 11:11 p.m. Suggest removal

john33xyz says...

Actually, after consulting with some wise heads - I changed my mind and now support the BEC people. I am willing to pay higher power bills, so that they can double-dip. My bad.

Posted 11 November 2013, 8:45 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Can I run a drop cord to your house?

Posted 11 November 2013, 9:40 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I must say, one thing I admire about Mr Miller is, he is **working**. He could have taken this chairmanship (as 99% of them do) as easy money, not show up for meetings not have a single care about the direction of the company, glory in the appointment, walk around in a flashy suit and lord over everyone. He literally had to do **nothing** and he would still be sure of a job for the next 4yrs. But he didn't do that, he took on this task, not an easy one, and he is doing the work to complete the task. I really admire that, truly.

On the human resources side, I don't know what to say about his approach. To be honest I would not want such a brash manager, but is he the man for the season? Would olive branches work with this group, would it inspire them to be productive ethical and efficient? Mr Greene's comments about what the staff are "owed" are baffling even if written down in some sweet deal contract. I find it really hard to believe anyone would sign off on it and that NIB would agree to it.

There's alot to learn about how to treat people on both sides. Two twisted horn rams buckin heads.

Posted 11 November 2013, 9:56 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

GASEOLINE HAS FALLEN BELOW $5.00!!! Can someone please check and see what B.E.C's surcharge is? Da "Potcake" did promise a reduction from October but my October bill was almost $200 more than last year.

Posted 12 November 2013, 9:10 a.m. Suggest removal

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