For many Bahamians ABC's "Scandal" is a social media experience


There are two types of television viewers – those who watch “Scandal” and those who don’t.

And for hundreds, maybe even thousand of Bahamian ‘Gladiators in Suits’ addicted to ABC’s political romantic drama, it’s no longer about TGIF, but TGIT – thank God it’s Thursday.

Why? Because the third season of “Scandal” currently airs every Thursday at 10pm.

“Scandal”, for the uninformed (poor persons that you are), follows top political fixer or crisis manager Olivia Pope played by Kerry Washington. Each week, she and her merry band of misfits solve the latest problem of DC’s most powerful and infamous. And while the crisis of the week story lines are interesting, it’s the juiciness of ‘Olitz’ that makes this show so popular. Olitiz is the nickname for the pairing of Olivia and President Fitzgerald Grant, who have been having a tumultuously passionate affair since the campaign trail. They know they shouldn’t be together, but they can’t bear to be apart, and the on-screen chemistry between Kerry Washington and Tony Goldwyn is hot enough to burn your TV screen.

Personally, I am new to the “Scandal” craze which has been gripping many a Bahamian woman, and man, for the past two years.

However, after some not so subtle peer pressure (my friends telling me constantly how much I would love the show), I finally caved and binge-watched seasons one and two while the show was on summer hiatus. And yes, I was immediately hooked, staying up all night to watch episodes and scouring the internet for everything ‘Scandalous’.

But when I watched season three’s premiere last week, I realised that nothing quite compares to live watching.

That is because “Scandal” is not a leisurely way to spend an hour, it’s more like running the 1,600 metres at a 100 metre sprint pace.

In addition to the rapid-fire dialogue, there is the running social media commentary, the live questions and answers on Twitter between fans and cast members, “Scandal” watching parties, water cooler recaps on Friday morning and then seven-day countdowns to the next episode.

And nothing beats comments by Bahamian viewers on Facebook.

It all just leaves you a bit breathless, but it a good way.

Yes, “Scandal” fans are crazy obsessive and completely loyal, and I am proud to say that I am one of them. I can’t wait to enjoy the rest of season three with the rest of my Gladiator Scandalites. I’ll be happy to explain the back story to you. Just don’t ask me between 10pm and 11pm on Thursdays.


MartGM says...

Proud "White Hat wearing" Gladiator in a suit :)

Posted 14 November 2013, 9:11 a.m. Suggest removal

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