Police officer held


Tribune Staff Reporter


The woman who was stabbed along with her teenage son on Wednesday night has died of her injuries.

39-year-old Alfreda Stubbs, a pharmacy manager at AML foods, died this afternoon.

A police officer is in custody for questioning.

Sources say she was stabbed more than 10 times.

A cousin of Alfreda, who did not want to be named, said the family is still in shock and surprised that something like this could happen to “such a sweet person.”

Shortly after the incident officers, arrested the police constable who has been on the force for 24 years, for questioning in connection with the incident.

The Tribune understands the officer has since been admitted to Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre for evaluation.

At around 9pm, police received reports of a dispute at a home in the Sir Lynden Pindling Estates area.

When they arrived at the scene, they found the woman and the teenage boy suffering from multiple stab wounds and took them to hospital by ambulance. Her son is in a serious, but stable condition.

Police are asking anyone with information about this incident to contact them at 911 or 919, the Central Detective Unit at 502-9991 or Crime Stoppers at 328-TIPS.

This incident comes a day after the Crisis Centre launched its “Say No” campaign, in an effort to eradicate violence against women and children.


ThisIsOurs says...

She died...too sad.

A lot of angry people in this country.

If you want to cut the murder rate start teaching children interpersonal skills. From grade 1. Train the teachers too, long term training, because many of them don't have any of these skills.

Start addressing the inner man.

Posted 15 November 2013, 5:07 p.m. Suggest removal

tyty260 says...

Um ThisisOurs, that is an insult what you just said. That was my friend's mother and my friend is in hospital fighting for his life. You can't be serious.

Posted 15 November 2013, 6:15 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Ok, you have to tell me what was insulting about it(?)

Posted 15 November 2013, 7:32 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

tyty260 is most likely too emotionally upset to realize you meant no harm. A lot of people are upset about this unfortunate death. We feel and understand your pain. It is sad when people have to resort to physical abuse. It does take a lot of educating starting with children and the need for teachers who are experts in the field.

Posted 15 November 2013, 11:47 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Maybe....it really is the saddest thing, I expected them both to survive, she's only 39, that's my age, she was here yesterday full of life, the "sweetest person in the world" and she's just gone...

Posted 16 November 2013, 8:41 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

And we will continue to beat the hell out of children in anger ,under the guise of "spare the rod spoil the child " teaching them that violence is an accepted form of conflict resolution .There are too many studies to list that show beating children just makes violent adults but here we are stuck in the dark ages b/c a book that also condoned slavery and human sacrifice said it ...

Posted 16 November 2013, 10:12 a.m. Suggest removal

leeza says...

Stop talking bull who are the persons out there committing crime, question them and realize that they were not punished when they were younger. The word of God Says Proverbs 23 vs 13 Do not withhold discipline from a child if you beat him with a rod you will not kill him but you ill be delivering his soul from hell. You need to read the old testament when children were unruly they took them outside the gate and stoned them to death. People don't beat like they use to I got the electric wire now that's labeled child abuse. I do not regret one beating. I figure I turned out darn well and so have my offspring who also got the rod of correction. Proverbs 22 vs 15 Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child but the rod of correction will drive it far from him. Plenty people still have that foolishness bound up in their hearts.

Posted 16 November 2013, 3:04 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

ok whatever you say , carry on beating children w/ rods ..

Posted 16 November 2013, 3:06 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

@Leeza, I believe in the passage but I believe it is too often misused. Parents tend to beat their children out of anger, they do not use "the rod" (which could be but doesn't necessarily mean a physical touch) in an act of love. Children are great imitators, they grow up and dish out anger to their kids. There is no reason to slap your child side the head with a shoe, or tell your child if they don't behave you will shoot them and there is no need to hit a child with an electric wire, those are all acts of anger.

Acting impulsively on any emotion can end up in disastrous consequences, that's what this man most likely did, and its what parents do too often when disciplining. Each could take a few minutes to calm down. In the case of punishing a child, the punishment should be given when the parent is calm and the anger is gone. For adults it's a bit harder, not everyone is enlightened, but if they too took those minutes to calm down we wouldn't be seeing this murder rate...

This is why I say the 12hr shifts would never solve the problem, it's our relationships that's killing us. No extra amount of policing will resolve that.

Posted 16 November 2013, 6:59 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

@LEEZA , we are threatening ,hitting , slapping ,hitting w/ "rods " etc our children constantly and we have violent crime like a war zone . look at societies that use more enlightened forms of child discipline/rearing ,Norway .Denmark etc very low crime rates ,very low violent crime ,very low murder rate .There are too many studies based on factual evidence to show hitting children in anger just breeds violent children .iT really ins,t something that can even be debated /.Everywhere i go in our country on a daily basis i see child abuse under the guise of 'spare the rod ' and look what a violent country we are ..

Posted 17 November 2013, 8:43 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

So so right. I firmly believe, there is a misunderstanding of what "the rod" is. Remember those St Johns College students? If you had asked, I'm certain in some way they would have relayed how "their life was over" if they didn't have their prom. The "rod", graduation/prom cancellation, was exercised against them, and surprisingly, they *did not die*. They will not pull that foolishness (or the like) again and not expect severe consequences.

I've heard a number of women talk about the first time their ~2yr old raised their hand to hit them back. Kids are constantly learning, if you **teach** them for two years straight that when someone is doing something you don't want them to do, scream NO in an angry voice and hit them, why surprise if that is exactly what they do? What will they do in school to other students and teachers after 13yrs of this instruction? What will they do to their spouses or significant others after having 18 yrs of boot camp?

Posted 17 November 2013, 12:09 p.m. Suggest removal

xxx says...

See if she had a GUN she may have been able to help herself & her son .....OMG

Posted 16 November 2013, 6:57 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

It's too easy. Could she get to the gun? Would she be effective using it or would she be too nervous? Would he overpower her and use it against her? Could she miss and hit an innocent bystander? Guns can be protection but they're not the end all.

Posted 16 November 2013, 7:10 p.m. Suggest removal

countryfirst says...

I do believe we should have a serious discussion in this country about law abiding citizens being able to carry handguns.

Posted 17 November 2013, 5:20 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

So lets start this discussion. Before this incident, what was her husband classed as - A law abiding citizen, in fact he was a law enforcer. So now imagine every other 'law abiding citizen' having a gun. Complete disaster.

Posted 18 November 2013, 6:27 a.m. Suggest removal

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