Public says no to VAT, according to new survey


Tribune Staff Reporter

A SURVEY has been launched to gauge what Bahamians think about Value Added Tax – with the early results showing the majority of those polled reject it.

The petition, launched by the Free National Movement in the eight constituencies it represents, is expected to go nationwide, said party insiders yesterday.

Responses to the questionnaire, which so far was completed by more than 200 voters in the Killarney constituency, show that almost 80 per cent of them believe the government should not implement VAT.

The responses suggest that Bahamians do not believe they have enough information on VAT for the government to move with implementing the new revenue generation system in 2014.

At the same time, 86.5 per cent of them agree that there should be some form of taxation.

Leading the options with 34.6 per cent support was income tax. Another 29.5 per cent of those polled said sales tax was better suited for the Bahamas’ economy.

Yesterday, FNM leader Dr Hubert Minnis urged the government to scrap its plans to implement VAT next year.

He said the Christie administration should first seriously pursue the estimated $500 million in outstanding property taxes.

“The government needs to know that the decisions you make today are not just for themselves but for future generations,” Dr Minnis said. “Anyone that is in Parliament should feel that way.

“It should not be where the poor are paying all the bills and those who can afford it are evading tax and made not to pay bills. It cannot be business as usual.

“You must improve on the system that is in place. The government must stop the wastage, they must be more accountable and they need to stop all the useless travelling all over the place. More importantly, they must improve on the tax revenue collection and stop borrowing money before they implement VAT.”

Dr Minnis urged the government to consider the many Bahamians who are struggling to make ends meet. He said VAT will only make their living situation worse.

“The government and many of its parliamentarians don’t understand what is happening around them. Can you imagine, families who are living in homes with no food to eat, sleeping on concrete and are just terribly poor out there? They keep pushing this thing, but they are not considering what will happen to people out there,” he said.


justthefactsplease says...

I think income tax is the way to go ... you are likely to get a higher level of compliance and it could be structured so that the poor does not carry the bulk of the burden. Here is how I think it should be structured: if you make less than 10,000 p.a. = no tax; 10,001 - 15,000 = 15%; 15,001 - 20,000 = 16%,: 20,001 - 25,000 = 17%; etc up to a maximum of 25-30%. This eliminates the large leaps at certain threshholds which discourage upward mobility. I am sure (without doing the math) that it will bring in more money than VAT and cost less to administer. There is an existing structure (NIB) that can be expanded or replicated to carry out the collections without the need for every business incurring expense for accountants.
Das my 5cents.

Posted 18 November 2013, 11:59 a.m. Suggest removal

spoitier says...

I see your logic, but the jump from just below $10,000 to just above is too wide a gap. If you're making just under $10,000 instead of wanting a raise, you would more than likely wouldn't want a raise and if you get one you may look for a new job, because most raises wouldn't be big enough to see and increase.

Posted 19 November 2013, 12:42 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

Income Tax could be very easily implemented with some minor modifications through N.I.B. They already have the systems in place to account for NIB deductions, the same can be configured for Income Tax...let's just raise NIB fees by 15%, or have various bracket levels like those listed in the comment above. People already have the forms and the know how to adjust with NIB, it is an across the board thing, not just targeting big business. Can be done very quickly and effectively...assuming of course that your people PAY the NIB in the first place...oh wait...that goes back to the GOVERNMENT having to deal with the final debt collection...and make the people in arrears pay up...hmmmmm...we know they fail at collections...that's why we are here in the first place.

Posted 18 November 2013, 12:16 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

First instinct would be to dispatch a crack team of red shirts to Abaco, pleading for the return of the "Lawyer/Fisherman" from Cooper's Town. Comrade Red Shirts "Multiple-Positions" Leader Minnis must be convinced that confusing Bahamalander's will be seen as stepping stones leading him to occupying the powerful Prime Minister's office come the 2017 General Elections. I forget now, how many positions did Minnis take on the Numbers Rackets Vote? But then again my second instinct quickly reminded me that even former boss man Hubert couldn't make up his mind how to vote or not to vote on gambling? Maybe Comrade Brent is the only one that might give some faint hope to the reds saving their once so damn powerful party, from complete political extinction. I is so confused over these red shirts. Brent you need tell Bahamalander's how you voted/didn't vote on Gambling, cause you sure been quiet on that issue, before and after the Gambling Vote?

Posted 18 November 2013, 12:35 p.m. Suggest removal

hopeful says...

Rory or whatever you are (don't sound hetero), calling people animal names for no apparent reason than to be insulting is WHO exactly is it that's crazy? DUH!

Posted 19 November 2013, 4:13 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

@ Rory....It is not respectful to refer to a rhinoceros as an elephant!

Most offensive indeed!

Before you jump on your high horse, your obvious next question is “how do we differentiate between an elephant, rhinoceros and hippopotamus”.

Consider displayed temperament or lack thereof makes it more palatable to refrain making references to that of a hippopotamus'.

We might also discover the relationship between a Jackass, warthog and rhinoceros to be quite amiable.

Just speculation as I see it...….LOL

Posted 18 November 2013, 7:50 p.m. Suggest removal

hopeful says...

SP must stand for supercilious prick because what you posted wasn't the least bit funny. It was unnecessarily disrespectful and unkind serving no purpose whatsoever. It's usually the most imperfect people who are the nasty ones. You probably have a face only a mother could love....please add a photo so everyone can laugh.

Posted 19 November 2013, 4:07 a.m. Suggest removal

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