Govt moving forward with VAT says PM


Tribune Staff Reporter

PRIME Minister Perry Christie said yesterday the government is moving forward with plans to implement Value Added Tax next year.

Back from a series of international “interventions”, Mr Christie lashed out at criticisms over his European visits and trip to Sri Lanka.

Mr Christie argued that he rarely travelled because he is reluctant to leave his son Adam at home, but said he decided to attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government (CHOGM) meeting in Sri Lanka to deepen relationships with other Heads of State.

While the government will continue to move towards a July 2014 implementation of VAT, Mr Christie said he was still prepared to listen to alternative solutions or considerations with respect to the timing and structure of VAT.

Speaking after he landed yesterday afternoon, he said there was a limited source of revenue currently available for the government amid major ongoing infrastructure development and maintenance.

Mr Christie said: “These things have to be paid for. We are moving forward, we’re not going to limit ourselves to just the process we’re engaged in, we’re serious. I told the IMF that while all of this is going on I’m following the model that I followed in 2002 and 2007, that’s when we created 22,000 jobs. We are going nonstop, that is the reason for all of the meetings I had.”

At the CHOGM, Mr Christie said he received the support on the proposed implementation of VAT from the New Zealand Prime Minister, who offered to send consultants to explain the benefits of the tax regime to the Bahamian business community.

Mr Christie said the business community and the government were supposed to work together, with no surprises.

Speaking at length about his trip, Mr Christie said he strengthened relationships, deepening opportunities for direct investment and job growth, with heads of governments in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Malaysia, and Singapore. Connections were also made with representatives from Dubai and the United Arab Emirates.

Mr Christie said: “I don’t want to get caught up in the foolishness of politics and the stupidity of politicians. I very rarely travel, look at my entire record.”

He added: “I have ministers who do that for me but I made a determination to go out there and let my face be seen, my voice be heard in the annals of the Commonwealth, to meet these prime ministers. The Prime Minister of Singapore was looking for me, because he had heard of me.”

Firing back at Deputy FNM leader Loretta Butler-Turner, who demanded full disclosure of the costs associated with the trip to Sri Lanka, London and the Vatican, where Mr Christie had an audience with the Pope, he said: “For me [the trip] was extraordinarily beneficial. I wasn’t in South Africa and I wasn’t travelling around to look at football, and nobody is going to ask about that anyhow that’s irrelevant. I was at the Commonwealth Heads of Government conference. I went to Rome to see the Pope.”

While he could not confirm the cost of the trip, Mr Christie said the tour was within the budget allocated for travel, and said he cut two ministers from the contingent, Minister of Tourism Obie Wilchcombe and Minister of Transport Glenys Hanna-Martin.

Mr Christie said he met up with Mrs Hanna-Martin in London to take part in an event hosted by The Bahamas Ship-owners Association, who are in talks to provide financial assistance for Bahamians to pursue maritime careers.

He also held extensive meetings with the principals of the Grand Bahama Port Authority and the Hutchison Whampoa Group, the owners of the Freeport Container Port.

While in Rome, Mr Christie said he also discussed the possibility of bringing the luxury hotel brand, Waldorf Astoria to the Bahamas.

Mr Christie said: “Yes it is expensive to stay in Rome, but the Prime Minister of the Bahamas walking into the sanctuary of the Pope and knowing the news will go worldwide on Vatican radio and television, that in itself is priceless for the Bahamas.

He added: “I was joined by the Foreign Minister, the Minister for Trade, the senior policy advisor to the Office of the Prime Minister, and the Bahamas High Commissioner to London.”


ThisIsOurs says...

PM: ~*we're considering moving the implementation. I have a date in my mind*

Halkitis: ~*July 2014 is the date*

PM: *we're moving towards July 2014*

What is going on????? Since we need more help, can the consultants also explain to the Bahamian people (because noone to date seems capable of doing so), how long it took them to put their infrastructure in place, detailing the components of the framework (legislation, communication, accounting, oversight bodies etc), and how long (detailed timeline component by component) they believe the Bahamas will need to get from their position today to final implementation (with all components in place). I believe it's called a plan. We don't know how to do that either.

How many audiences does the Pope have every day, week, month, year? Sigh....illusions of grandeur continue.

Posted 23 November 2013, 5:45 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

When I run out of bread, I will go eat brioche with Perry Christie and his advisors.
At the British colonial hilton

Posted 23 November 2013, 6:09 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

PM Christie returns from his progressive European trip where he deepened relationships with other Heads of States and major potential investors in Bahamaland. Former PM Hubert had returned from his trip to China in which a large contingent of cabinet ministers and government officials accompanied him. The former PM also during his China visit met with Chinese government officials with discussions on Baha Mar. But unlike PM Christie, the former PM returned with 8100 Chinese Laborers work permits in hand.


Posted 23 November 2013, 6:26 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Harvey Oswald shot JFK. Moses parted the Red Sea. But what does that have to do with anything. Our future is wrapped up with Perry Christie(????)

Posted 23 November 2013, 8:35 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Yes I know. But who has the greater influence over our future today?

Posted 24 November 2013, 3:34 a.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

Now that made me thinking that any of us have any influence over what the government is going to do...HAHAHAHAHA...that's frikkin hysterical!! Dream on buddy...dream on.

Posted 24 November 2013, 10:27 a.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

That WAS my point...that you think you have any say...or me for that dig at you except that you think your opinion matters to teh government. They will do what they want regardless of your opinion...the politicians own you, not the other way around...they feed you the nonesense you want to hear and keep on a truckin'!!

Posted 24 November 2013, 6:37 p.m. Suggest removal

VDSheep says...

Sure government has to pay off money loaned by IMF, world bank etc. The bankers are telling government: this is what you need to do to pay your debt. Albeit most of the debt is from the previous administration’s borrowing to build infrastructure roads airport etc. Most countries are indebted to central banks or international banks.; all of which the major shareholders are the oligarchic plutocrats whose vision is for a new world order - a world order that they will control. The VAT tax is a template of Briton; whereas we see how degrading its effect is on Briton today. VAT tax is a cumulative degrading compounded tax that will burden 99% of Bahamians. It will further dis-empower the working class in this country or any country. This pseudo policy is to raise funds for overspending by governments that are in the grips of the bankers - the real vampires of capitalism. Thus governments are their gatekeepers that herds the masses to the slaughter. Let us protest to give up VAT, and set up an income tax system - based on justice if they would be truthful. This is a strategy to make the Bahamas like Haiti, Jamaica and Cuba etc.; our dollar being tied to the US dollar will finally become obsolete in less than ten years thereafter!

Posted 23 November 2013, 8:51 p.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

I have one question. Why does people have such negative things to say about the PLP. To be fair they are trying to clean up a mess what the FNM made. Plus i don't hear much from the opposition on this matter. So its obvious that they support the VAT system due to their silence. And if the FNM wins the upcoming election you really think they are going to discontinue the VAT. Stop allowing these people to play politics with you.

Posted 23 November 2013, 9:50 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

The people have so much negative things to say about the PLP because there is not a lot of positive things to say and everyone doesn't want to remain quiet.

Posted 24 November 2013, 10:19 a.m. Suggest removal

bismark says...

F.N.M PLP all of them are full of shit,the only people are going to be suffering is us joe public,some of you defend these clowns,all of them have frigged this country up so bad that my great great grandchildren will be picking peas out of shit!

Posted 24 November 2013, 12:09 a.m. Suggest removal

rony says...

They got money to travel all over Europe and can't pay the teachers? These leaders are taking a piss on the people.

Posted 24 November 2013, 6:37 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

NO one talks about the root of the problem. With the money we take in as a country we should be able to have roads ,hospitals,airports and modern power generation equipment ,However when 2/3 of your budget goes to pay overstaffed public corporations ,thats just payroll not pensions etc ,you have to keep borrowing and taxing .IT REALLY IS THAT SIMPLE !!!!when 1 in 4 people work for the state in an attempt to absorb our prolific baby making the end results are inevitable ,,taxing ,borrowing ,,

Posted 24 November 2013, 9:35 a.m. Suggest removal

john33xyz says...

You lookin to get in trouble with the church. They need their seats filled so there can be more money "in the plate". Whether people can feed these children - they don't care. Few children mean fewer in the seats. And more churches being built all the time. On any given day all year round there are no less than 5 churches under construction or extension in Nassau. Need roof shingles for the schools? That ain't their problem.

IF THEY CARED YOU WOULD SEE - a soup line in a central area of Nassau and two other areas east & west where the poor and destitute can simply line up - give their NIB # (just to prevent double-dipping each day) and get ONE ladle of soup in their bowl (bring your own bowl like Papa Sid say).

The soup and the heating gas for it would be PAID for out of contributions by each member church (20% of what comes in their plate) and also from private donors. I myself would donate every month to such an enterprise to keep children and adults fed who have no other way to eat every day and I'm sure many much richer than me - along with businesses - would donate.

BUT AGAIN - show your NIB number. Don't come off the boat and expect free food.

WIll the church do this????????????????? Of course not. But let a gay cruise ship head toward the Port of Nassau and they will LEAP into ACTION right away. Why???? Cause gays can't have children to fill the seats.

Posted 24 November 2013, 5:40 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

LOL! Let the truth be heard.

Posted 25 November 2013, 7:37 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

The PM says he's reluctant to travel because he doesn't like to leave his son (Adam) home alone. So where is the boy's ma? Did she abandon her son too or just the PM? If I ever become PM, I would travel more than Fred Mitchell. I would have *two deputies* de facto, One would be responsible for the Northern Bahamas and its MP,s plus their regular appointments and the other for the South. I would meet with my deputies twice a week when I am in town, or by conference call otherwise, and with the senate at the regular times. I would hold the post of Minister of Finance, and besides that the deputies would be responsible for the day to day operation of the country. I would travel around the country and abroad, doing ceremonial events opening this and that, visiting this and that, kissing abies and huggin women, and making men mad,:::::“*Work is of two kinds: first, altering the position of matter at or near the earth’s surface; secondly, telling other people to do so. The first is unpleasant and ill paid; the second is pleasant and highly paid. The second kind is capable of indefinite extension: there are not only those who give orders, but those who give advice on what orders should be given.
I think there is far too much work done in the world, that immense harm is caused by the belief that work is virtuous. . . . The road to happiness and prosperity lies in an organized diminution of work.*
*Bertrand Russel*

Posted 24 November 2013, 10:22 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

here is the full script: for some reason the *Tribune* didn't allow it to post:

The PM says he's reluctant to travel because he doesn't like to leave his son (Adam) home alone. So where is the boy's ma? Did she abandon her son too or just the PM? If I ever become PM, I would travel more than Fred Mitchell. I would have two deputies de facto, One would be responsible for the Northern Bahamas and its MP,s plus their regular appointments and the other for the South. I would meet with my deputies twice a week when I am in town, or by conference call otherwise, and with the senate at the regular times. I would hold the post of Minister of Finance, and besides that the deputies would be responsible for the day to day operation of the country. I would travel around the country and abroad, doing ceremonial events opening this thing and that, visiting this and that, kissing babies and huggin women, and making men mad (they won't really hate me, they just couldn't appreciate my laissez faire approach until they see how I empower Bahamians again. No foreign company will come here and discriminate against Bahamians. Al new foreign companies will have to make 25% of their shares available to Bahamians and what is not taken up will be purchased by the government., at least what is reasonably practicable and profitable in only in the long term. All * Bahamian males will be granted property at the age of 21 and a government backed loan for the construction of a home, more preferably on the island of their birth, or descend, Females will be given the same concessions at the age of 25 (if they have children and are not married and at the age of 30 if not married and no children. However there will be some stipulations placed on the properties on single mothers to avoid double dipping..But I will have fun being Prime minister and most Bahamians will be happy, if not satisfied at the end of my 10 year rule, believe that! *,::::*:“*Work is of two kinds: first, altering the position of matter at or near the earth’s surface; secondly, telling other people to do so. The first is unpleasant and ill paid; the second is pleasant and highly paid. The second kind is capable of indefinite extension: there are not only those who give orders, but those who give advice on what orders should be given.
I think there is far too much work done in the world, that immense harm is caused by the belief that work is virtuous. . . . The road to happiness and prosperity lies in an organized diminution of work.
Bertrand Russel**

Posted 24 November 2013, 10:50 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

There are two types of consultants: Those who tell persons what they need to know and ought to hear (aka the TRUTH) and those who are hired by the Government of the Bahamas!

Posted 24 November 2013, 10:57 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Want to hear my opinion on the national debt and how to erase it? That depends on whether you want to hear it as my being a consultant of the government or if you wants to hear da truth! Maybe I'll post both versions...after church is out

Posted 24 November 2013, 11:04 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Christie can't do squat without approval form the House. Christie is not running again but his MP's are. Go see your MP and make it clear, if you vote in favor of VAT you will not be re-elected.

We have the power, not Christie....

a 4% sales tax and a clean up of current taxes.

Or take the numbers from the cons and create a national lottery. Let that 400 million work for us...

Posted 24 November 2013, 2:03 p.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

Mr. John you are a real asshole. People like you turn a blind eye to the positive things the PLP government is doing. Am only trying to be fair. You are acting like The Bahamas is literally burning to the ground. When the FNM was doing shit what you say it will be better for The Bahamas in the long run aye. that BULLS**t. You are a bias individual.

Posted 24 November 2013, 4:53 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

The PLP are criminals. Right on down from LOP to guys now like Shame Gibson and such. Obie siphoned off money from advertising contracts with US companies. Fred collected money from Chinese visas. Shame Gibson stole millions from the ministry of housing. Valentine Grimes was caught with a suitcase full of ballots. Alfred Gray had money in the closet. There is nothing good with the PLP. All they do is rob the treasury and then go to church.

Posted 24 November 2013, 6:35 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

The problem with PLP's is they can see only see wrong in everyone else and no fault in their own selves. According to them PLP's ok but everyone else is not ok. But it is them who turn a blind eye to everything else that excludes the PLP. Speaking of blindness: there are only two types of people who wear sunglasses inside(Ok maybe three): 1. Blind People 2. PLP's, And #3. A$$Hole$ Which one are you PAT242?

Posted 25 November 2013, 9:47 a.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

If the PLP is Bad then the FNM is worse.

Posted 24 November 2013, 11:48 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

Vat is bad for everyone except the Government period. Soon they will tax the air you breath to raise funds to pay debt. Spend Spend Spend, Tax Tax Tax, with no return or solutions.

Posted 25 November 2013, 12:43 p.m. Suggest removal

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