Two men killed in shootings

TWO men were killed last night in the latest shooting incidents on New Providence – taking the murder count through the 100 mark.

The two shootings took place within five minutes of one another.

In the first, at about 7.15pm, two men armed with a handgun tried to rob a barber shop on Minnie Street.

However, a neighbour intervened. He approached the men, armed with his licensed shotgun, and was fired upon by one of the suspects. Police said he returned fire, killing the suspect. The other suspect fled on foot.

In the second shooting, an 18-year-old was shot in Jubilee Gardens off Fire Trail Road.

Police officers said that at about 7.20pm, a man riding a motorbike pulled up next to the victim and shot him.

Reports claimed that the shooting was prompted by a dispute with a love rival. People at the scene said that the victim was an 18-year-old.

Police have also still to classify the death of a man who was beaten to death on Tuesday night. That would have been the 100th homicide of the year.

It was claimed that the victim, 49-year-old Raymond Fervius, was hit several times in the head with a piece of wood, after he stabbed another man in the face during an argument.

According to police statistics, there were 111 murders last year.

Yesterday, Police Commissioner Ellison Greenslade, speaking on ZNS, said that he and every officer on the force would be “front line” in a bid to crack down on crime.

However, he warned that figures would continue to remain high as long as people arrested for serious crimes continued to be returned to the streets.


John says...

OTHER BLOODY CHRISTMAS? remember the reason for the season

Posted 29 November 2013, 8:36 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

The Bible reveals that in the last days, the world will be ruled by a global government. This will be the first truly global government since the fall of Adam and Eve, and it will be responsible for a terrible amount of destruction and murder before being destroyed by the glorious appearing of Jesus Christ, who "will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed" (Daniel 2:44, NLT).

Posted 29 November 2013, 3:50 p.m. Suggest removal

paul_vincent_zecchino says...

Completely agree with you, John. Thank you for stating truth.

Posted 29 November 2013, 4:02 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

I hope that this global government knows how to keep planes and boats fixed and knows about VAT and taxation. But I ain't holding my breath on the Bible. It can't even agree whether the animals came before man or man came before animals. Compare Genesis 1:25-27 with Genesis 2:18-19.

Posted 30 November 2013, 8:37 a.m. Suggest removal

Reader says...

I answer humbly... but you are ignorant (without knowledge) of the intent of the Spirit Of God and the line of truth He is brining out in Genesis 1 & 2. In Genesis 1 the truth is the "Order of creation" animals first then man created. In Genesis 2 it is "Moral" order of creation, man being placed at the head thereof. Thus, animals second.

Posted 30 November 2013, 9:55 a.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Funny, my bible doesn't discourse on moral order of creation versus real order of creation. You must have the Bible for Dummies for that explanation.

Posted 30 November 2013, 4:06 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Oh boy...:)

Posted 30 November 2013, 7:44 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

That was the law before Jesus died on the cross, Shed his blood s the sacrificial lamb so that the sinner can be redeemed back to the Father and Creator.

Posted 30 November 2013, 9:22 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Genesis 2 is also explaining why Eve was created. God formed the animals first. Then he created Adam. But he felt that Adam needed a helpmate and so he brought the animals to Adam to search for his mate. Adam named the wild animals but he did not find a suitable helpmate. So God caused a deep sleep to fall on him and Eve was formed. There is no contradiction of the Holy scripture. Everything is not written in chronological order and some things are repeated to give the background for the next chapter.

Posted 30 November 2013, 10:47 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

What religion you are killed and will kill for has a large part to do w/ where you are born ,if your born in the middle east ,Islam ,China ,Buhdist , Europe and the Americas Christian ,,its a billion Islams against a billion Christians w/ drones and bombs etc ,,geez ain,t man made religion grand ??

Posted 30 November 2013, 10:52 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Now I've been sucked in...and I was trying so hard....God wanted Adam to search the animals for a helpmate???

Posted 30 November 2013, 7:47 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Getting back to the problem we face on this island with the killings: There are two gangs "Fire and Theft' and " One Order" that are struggling for power of supremacy in this island. They are fed by branches of these gangs in other parts of the Caribbean and now even parts of the US. These gangs grow in strength and number by consuming and eating up smaller and less organized gangs. Their motto now is once a member, always a member and that can easily translate into 'kill or be killed" Not only this refer to rivalry between members of other gangs but also if a gang member is given an order to kill and he fails to carry it out or to do it properly, then he himself will be killed. That probably explains why there are so many execution style killings today. But as these gangs grow in number and as members find out what the gangs are about, crime and murder, and they try to leave the gangs, there may be more murders. then there may be the instance where innocent, no members may be gunned down, for wearing the wrong colors being in the wrong place or crossing gang lines. Where will this all lead up to? Are there policemen who are members of these gangs and where does their loyality lie? Will the police be able to stamp these gangs out before they bring the country to its knees and persons have to flee New Providence. Close if not more than 1000 murdered in 10 years

Posted 30 November 2013, 9:37 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

The answer is birth control or state mandated 2 children per family ,1 for single mothers ,then you will see a reduction in crime and we can continue to have the best standard of living in the region ..I F not we will become Jamaica and then Haiti ,,it really is that simple ..

Posted 1 December 2013, 10:16 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

We do not have an overpopulation problem in the Bahamas...more than 70 percent of the land is uninhabited so why birth control

Posted 1 December 2013, 7:43 p.m. Suggest removal

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