10% off electric bills this month


Tribune Staff Reporter


A PROMISED 10 per cent reduction in electricity bills will take effect this month, BEC chairman Leslie Miller said yesterday.

While he noted the corporation still had a “long way to go”, Mr Miller said customers will be able to see the impact of cost-saving initiatives on statements received for the October billing period.

The bill reduction comes on the heels of the corporation’s disconnection amnesty, a three-week period that ended on Friday.

While he considered the amnesty to be an effective method for allowing homeowners to bring outstanding bills up-to-date, Mr Miller said the corporation will now have to crack down on major debtors in the hotel industry.

He said: “Most of our outstanding debts are from major customers, the average homeowner doesn’t owe in excess of $10,000. The bigger accounts receivable are the hotels, especially in the Family Islands. There is one major hotel in Abaco that owes BEC $3 million.”

Mr Miller added: “We’re going to have to keep putting pressure either to pay or face disconnection.”

Although the amnesty period has ended, Mr Miller again appealed to customers to come into one of BEC’s locations, whether in New Providence or the Family Islands, and make payment arrangements.
He said that the corporation will not turn away customers who find themselves challenged with keeping up to date with their electricity bills.

Mr Miller said: “If someone can’t pay the bill in a month, chances are they’re not going to be able to pay in six months. In many cases it was in part the fault of BEC for allowing the bill to run up so high. In difficult times people can’t afford to be disconnected, we will take what they have and go with a payment plan. You can’t turn a person down if they don’t have full amount required”.


watcher says...

October / November are the first months that we can all stop using air-conditioning or fans, as Summer wanes. I expect my bill to be at least 10% lower due to this fact alone So does BEC think we are stupid ?

Posted 9 October 2013, 1:54 p.m. Suggest removal

nationbuilder says...

Yes they do think we're stupid and seems the press agrees!!

Posted 9 October 2013, 2:46 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

The amount paid for use of electricity is way too high to begin with. I don't see how people can afford to pay if they have low paying jobs or retirees receive a minimal monthly pension. 10% is not much when your bill for the summer months runs $200 or more.

Posted 9 October 2013, 3:19 p.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

Why are some Bahamians like complain so much. its obvious the Mr. Miller is trying. give him and his staff the support they deserve. I bet if the people who complain so much do his job the system would b destroyed beyond repair. so be happy and fortunate the monthly bill are off 10% this may be the beginning for reduced electricity bills

Posted 9 October 2013, 5:48 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

How can this possibly be a sound financial business judgement by BEC. This sounds more like a game of political gamesmanship, than at least attempting to run an efficient power utility? The Bill reduction comes on the heels of the corporation’s disconnection amnesty. The monthly bills are too damn high, along with no steady paychecks coming in for the thousands of Bahamalander's that needed a bill payment amenity in the first place. From the days of Hubert, they were telling us all about these same damn hotels and business establishments owing staggering long-overdue bill amounts to BEC. Shut they damn electricity off, like both PM's have done to the poor people.

Posted 9 October 2013, 7:02 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Those BEC dis-connectors must be hopping mad with Mr. Miller. They are use to coming around every two to three weeks disconnecting the same consumers. Cutting off light for bills less than $70.00. Making that extra money at the misery of the consumer, you bet. At least Mr. Miller allowed consumers to get a break from being held hostage by their electricity bill. We should now show support and appreciation by going in and paying off our bills, at least as much as we can, or going in and making arrangements to pay like the minister advised. Hope Mr. Miller's efforts to reduce electricity costs while keeping BEC operating at reasonable cost will work... Also expect that come Christmas the minister will give at least another two-week no disconnect period so families don't have to be merry in the dark!

Posted 9 October 2013, 7:24 p.m. Suggest removal

sickofbeingrobbed says...

We are spreading your lies all over the world! You are nothing but a bunch of THIEVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 9 October 2013, 10:07 p.m. Suggest removal

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