2,000 pounds of marijuana worth $2 Million seized in police drugs bust

POLICE have made a major drugs bust, arresting four Bahamian men who were attempting to smuggle more than 2,000 pounds of marijuana with a street value of over $2 million into the country.

The drugs were found onboard a custom-outfitted 32ft white go-fast boat which has now been towed into Nassau harbour by the police marine support unit.

Over 100 packages of marijuana wrapped in bags and plastic tape were put on display at the unit's dock as the drug vessel was being loaded.

Additional arrests are said to be pending - with seven people in custody in Eleuthera.

According to officers at the scene, at least one of the men is well-known to the police, as drug running is reportedly his main 'occupation.'

The arrests came after a chase - the boat eventually running out of fuel and the police catching its occupants.

Supt Clarence Finlayson captained the police boat.


Kalikgold says...


Posted 24 October 2013, 1:02 p.m. Suggest removal

bismark says...

when these idiots are going to realize that drug running is a finished business?good job officers!keep up the good work!

Posted 24 October 2013, 1:09 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnDoes says...

When are you going to realize your ignorance. For every 1 caught another 3 gets away. The water is a vast ocean, and the geographical location/arrangement of our islands makes it very hard to catch these runners. You simply cannot be everywhere at once.

Posted 24 October 2013, 1:15 p.m. Suggest removal

LexxBrown says...

That's so true.

Posted 24 October 2013, 10 p.m. Suggest removal

MasterSeer_LJG says...

They should legalize marijuana and stop playing around. Weed doesn't cause problems but prevents them. The Bahamas needs to get up with the program. Make cigarettes, gambling and alcohol illegal, those destroy the lives of our people! SMH!

Posted 24 October 2013, 1:19 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Yes all we need are more mind numbed young men walking around who have not developed any constructive means for dealing with the challenges and stressors in life.

Posted 24 October 2013, 2:18 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

There goes another $2 million out of the GDP.

Posted 24 October 2013, 1:53 p.m. Suggest removal

USAhelp says...

Should have paid off the right people just like the number houses

Posted 24 October 2013, 2:30 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Young men please pay attention in school. Companies are hungry for bright young hard working men. They will pay you well.

Posted 24 October 2013, 4:36 p.m. Suggest removal

lazybor says...

ok that's a big deal<img src="http://tinyurl.com/c7l9ck6" width="1">

Posted 24 October 2013, 5:28 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Most likely marijuana will be decriminalized if not legalized before Obama demits office in three years. Pharmaceutical companies have not only discovered the many benefits of marijuana, including use for glaucoma, seizures and also to bring relief to terminally ill patients, yes it is now the number one recommended treatment for persons with stage 4 breast and other cancers, but they have now perfected ways to extract oils and other beneficial products from this plant for medical use. In the USA a number of states have already put in place minor fixed penalty for possession of small amounts of weed. And in at least one state possession or cultivation of marijuana is not a crime once you are a regular resident of that state However this has had a negative effect on the state thus far, as persons wanting to grow and consume the drug have moved in, and residents who was opposed to this law have moved out, leaving their properties to be vandalized and taken over by vagrants. Further the war on this "drug" is really too expensive when weighed against the negative effects. of the drug being legalized and used for recreational purposes. Despite the billions of dollars being used to combat it , tons or marijuana still find its way into the Unites States causing additional billions to flow out of the country to pay smugglers and farmers who grow the plant. If marijuana is legalized it can be grown locally and save the country billions of dollars. The question is what effect will this have on our Bahamian borders and society. There is already widespread, recreational use of his drug, so would legalizing it cause use to decrease or increase. The last the Bahamas needs right now is another epidemic of uncontrolled drug abuse and stoned out drug addicts. Marijuana is a gateway drug to the use of stronger drugs, including cocaine.

Posted 24 October 2013, 6:47 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

The last sentence certainly makes sense

Posted 24 October 2013, 7:51 p.m. Suggest removal

gangof4 says...

Actually, it makes no sense! One of the biggest fallacies is the notion that people go from smoking weed to doing harder drugs like cocaine or the like. Growing up in the '80's (in my early twenties), during perhaps the worst drug epidemic this country has experienced to date, I found that 99.9% of the people who indulged in the recreational use of cocaine (freebasing/crack or inhaling it), did so after consuming alcohol. People would go out at night, get "lit up" from drinking and then go in search of the "not-so-elusive" rock or powder! Rarely, if ever, would you have someone smoke a joint and then want to hit a rock or do a line of cocaine. I'm not for one second claiming that people who do "harder" drugs like cocaine, heroin or crystal meth have never smoked marijuana, but I found that by far the biggest conduit to cocaine was the abuse of alcohol. If we as a community can have such a lax attitude towards the consumption of alcohol (hell, if I'm not mistaken, it's one of the only places on planet Earth where you can still drink and drive....so long as it's in a paper bag or "sanitary" cup - LOL) then I think that we need to come up with a more common-sense attitude towards marijuana. In my opinion, given the financial restraints that we as a country find ourselves in today, we should be exploring the educational tools on explaining to our younger population why the use/abuse of alcohol, tobacco and marijuana are not good and, at the same time, strengthening and beefing up the legal penalties on the importation/possession of drugs like cocaine. Five years for a couple of "keys" of coke in magistrates court is a complete and utter joke! This is a drug that can cause widespread destruction in our community.

Posted 25 October 2013, 9:11 a.m. Suggest removal

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