Man claims police 'tricked' him into being charged with murder


Tribune Staff Reporter

A MAN claimed his arraignment on a murder charge yesterday was a “trick” by the police who had previously questioned and released him in connection with the fatal shooting.

Brenton Thompson, 25, of Culmer’s Alley appeared before Chief Magistrate Joyanne Ferguson-Pratt on a charge of murder in the November 12, 2011 death of Randino Pratt.

Pratt, the country’s 110th murder victim for that year, was gun downed outside a bar in Kemp Road.

Thompson, who was not required to enter a plea to the charge, claimed that police tricked him into being charged in connection with the matter.

His lawyer, Stanley Rolle, claimed that his client’s constitutional right, Article 19(2), had been breached while he was in custody at the Central Detective Unit.

The chief magistrate asked the lawyer to elaborate on the claim. Mr Rolle said that his client was led by CDU officers to believe that just as he had given a statement in November 2011 and was released, the same would happen again.

Thompson said he was told that he only had to sign a document before they could release him.

The chief magistrate made a note of the complaint before informing the accused that his case would be forwarded to the Supreme Court for trial through a Voluntary Bill of Indictment, which is scheduled for February, 2014.

Thompson was remanded to Her Majesty’s Prison until completion of his trial.

However, he was advised of his right to apply to the Supreme Court for bail because the lower court no longer had the jurisdiction to consider an application.


bismark says...

if he did read whatever he signed,he wouldn't be in the mess he is in,typical uneducated idiot,if you cant read don't sign.

Posted 29 October 2013, 4:34 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

@ bismark. If it is so that that individual was tricked, I could believe it. My spouse and I have a matter now where the police ASK us to come down to the station to give our side of a CIVIL matter. However we left the station with a charge, on police bail with a court date. Fortunately I am not the average 'uneducated' one. I have the resources to obtain legal assistance in exposing the police force for the bullshit they are doing to the average citizens, abusing their powers. Yet they wonder why crime is out of hand and a vast percentage of the public choose not to give assistance when able to.

Posted 30 October 2013, 6:55 a.m. Suggest removal

bismark says...

positive imput,i might have been a little harsh,but like you and everybodyelse I am sick and tired of this crime element,all of a sudden everybody is innocent?who the hell did it?i know we have some rogue officers,yes we do,but like you said,you are not one of the uneducated ones,as for me I know my rights,i don't care what a police officer put on me,if I know I am innocent I am not signing anything,but everybody does their foolishness then they would have me and you believe they didn't do anything,a criminal never confesses,they done know the tricks of the trade,you need to be around some of them,they know the law better than me and you,but it has to stop somewhere,we as Bahamians have to stand together to take our country back,we should not be living in fear of these no good suckers,rogue officers included.

Posted 30 October 2013, 10:34 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

understood buddy

Posted 30 October 2013, 12:19 p.m. Suggest removal

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