Bodie sorry for mistake on air


Chief Reporter

POPULAR radio talk-show host Ortland H Bodie Jr apologized yesterday to Lisa and Branville McCartney after erroneously reporting on air that a shooting had occurred at the Meridian School, which is run by Mrs McCartney on John F Kennedy Drive.

Mr Bodie, who hosts the call-in programme “Real Talk Live” from 10am to noon, told his listening audience that a security officer at the school had been shot, and that parents or guardians should go and collect their children immediately.

Speaking exclusively with The Tribune, Mr Bodie admitted that he did not verify the information that he had received, which ultimately resulted in “pandemonium” at the school.

“After I had already concluded my regularly scheduled talk-show I was informed by a reliable source that there had been a shooting, so I went back on the air as it is not my custom, to announce that there had been an alleged shooting of a security officer and that parents and guardians should go and collect their children. I myself, as I would have ordinarily done, did not verify what I had been told. I was wrong for that. As a result, panic was caused, pandemonium was caused.

“I immediately received a call from Branville McCartney via someone’s cellphone who works at the radio-station. I spoke to Bran. He was very obscene, and I understand that. But he used some choice cuss words, which is not customary as far as I am aware to Bran. But I understand his rationale. But he carried on like a crazy man,” Mr Bodie said.

He emphasised in his usual demeanour that the “cuss words”, which Mr McCartney directed at him were not of his usual “style”, Mr Bodie said that although he took offence to them, he did not respond in kind.

“But immediately I requested permission from the owners of the station to go back on the air to correct the statement that I had made earlier, and I did that. I also apologized on behalf of the radio-station and myself for any misconception, any umbrage, any harm that had been done. And I also advised parents that the environment at the school was safe and that they need not withdraw their children.”

Mr Bodie stressed that there was never any malicious intent on his part when he issued his alert over the radio, as his only concern was the well-being of the faculty and students at the school.

“My youngest daughter used to attend that school for three or four years. I know Lisa well. I know Branville well. I know the McCartney family, including Kurt, the deceased well, and I apologized on the air immediately after I discovered that it was not a true statement. Nothing was meant maliciously,” he said.


banker says...

Ortland Bodie Jr. is part of the problem and not the solution in the Bahamas. However, his appeal with the lowest common denominator of society is undeniable. He is an entertaining jackass, but when he crosses the line like this, he should be professionally censured by a broadcast standards council. Since we are too backwards to have one, carry on.

I looked up loose cannon in the dictionary, and there were pictures of Bodie and Keith Bell.

Posted 31 October 2013, 11:50 a.m. Suggest removal

nassaudaddy says...

Ortland Bodie is a total asshole and should be taken off the air at all costs. He has said lots of nasty things and caused a lot of heartache and problems for a variety of people in this country, just in the name of ratings and hopefully to get a larger listening audience. He will never again be allowed to practice law in this country because not only is he a thief he's a criminal too, and the only difference is the fact that he's not in jail. I implore the profession standards organization to seek to get him off the radio and give him an extreme censure. Too bad justice Isaacs didn't jail him instead of giving him the option to pay a fine. He's only gotten worse since then. I like Branville has a lot of choice words for him because he knows that that man is in a lot of pain right now and he's finding a way to pile on the misery. ORTLAND BODIE you're a pathetic sorry excuse for a man. I like Branville McCartney have some choice words for you, some of which i know Bran didn't use.

Posted 31 October 2013, 12:05 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Come on people, Mr. Bodie was wrongly informed, whereas he prompted individuals to collect their kids for SAFETY reasons. Where is the wrong there. If it had been an individual called the same mention school with a bomb scare wouldn't the school be evacuated. Its clear Mr. Bodie isn't top choice radio personality by you guys but however what he did was only in the best interest of students and staff. Then you mention that he is a thief, so what, if he is relaying a message that is in the good interest of individuals safety, where is his past doings relevant?

Posted 31 October 2013, 1:54 p.m. Suggest removal

john33xyz says...

The school has a phone number, and he knows how to use a phone.

Posted 31 October 2013, 7:59 p.m. Suggest removal

nationbuilder says...

In some civilized societies, yelling "fire" in a crowded room when there is no fire is an actual crime. All responsible, professional and sensible broadcasters know not to make the kind of announcement on air that Bodie made without verifying the same first.

Posted 31 October 2013, 9:46 p.m. Suggest removal

bismark says...

wrong,he might be,but it takes a lot to offer an apology,nobodys perfect,i don't think he did it intentionally.

Posted 31 October 2013, 2:23 p.m. Suggest removal

Pampa says...

Sad a ridiculous. Who might have called Bodie? These people are crazy. I think Bodie was just impulsive. Just like we all are, When I heard Security shot I immediately thought if a scandal with Kurt's death and I too thought this was true. All this means is that he needs to remember protocol like many other professionals in this country.

Posted 31 October 2013, 2:42 p.m. Suggest removal

hj says...

A true professional would have verified his story before broadcasting it. Unfortunately in this country we have too many "professionals" "experts" and "advisors". That is why we are in such a mess.

Posted 31 October 2013, 3:20 p.m. Suggest removal

dollarsnsense says...

I concur with HJ. To many it may have seemed as if he was concernef of safety, but he, like many indiividuals, was just grabbing at an advantage to be the one with the 'exclusive' breaking news. As a radio personality he also has the responsiblity to divulge truthful information when it pertains to the well being of the public. The result of his actions may have been worse. What if it were a larger school? What if one of the parents, being terrified, got in a wreck trying to rush to the school? He goes on the air to present this tragic news then gets verification from a true legitimate source AFTERWARDS only to make himself unreliable as a person who delivers news. In any other respectable news entitiy his credibility would have be in question from there on. In most cases, he would be fired. And to those who ask what a thief has to do with it? Ask yourself that after putting yourself in the shoes of the individuals he stole from. Or would you trust an individual who is a known thief?

Posted 31 October 2013, 4:02 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Ok I'm putting myself in the shoes of the individuals he stole from and still my views towards him providing information that could assist in the safety of a love one is the same. If I was a parent of a child attending that school, on finding out the information was untrue, I would have been frustrated, but if that same person said a similar statement a week later, because I love and cherish the life of my child, call it what you like but I would again take it serious. Year after year many of us spend our last penny preparing for a storm and luckily our valuables (homes) go untouched. Do we call the weather man a bull shitter or time after time we take the necessary precautions. Do the math, a house could be rebuild or damage repaired but a life when taken - lost forever. So, although frustrating and a bit time consuming, isn't your child or love one safety worth it? Or better example, don't you think the man who contracted the flesh eating bacteria in Andros wished someone had made a false statement?

Posted 1 November 2013, 4:06 a.m. Suggest removal

wave says...

Hmm, why would he be wearing a Freemason pin?

Posted 31 October 2013, 4:42 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

His Eminence Comrade "Talkie" Ortland Jr really cemented that he is indeed a false prophet. He lucky Bran only cuss he backside out. At least it gets him off his most preferred "by the minute" numbers "bosses" talk. Then there is that other "talkie" host that when he's not in Rawson Square leading a protest, he's live-on- air praying at the start of each show for his listeners'. Only in Bahamaland are radio listeners' treated to such "talkies."


Posted 1 November 2013, 12:54 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Loose cannon, liar and tief. Perfect qualifications for a radio show host.

Posted 1 November 2013, 1:18 p.m. Suggest removal

dollarsnsense says...

@positiveinput. Comparing a report of a live or past incident and predicting the weather is two different things. The weather man is warning us of IMPENDING weather or the POSSIBILITY of weather approaching. If the weatherman reports that its currently raining outside and its actually bright and sunny then his credibility is in question. Similar to what Mr. Bodie did when he reported that there was a shooting at the school when in actuality there wasn't any...Thanks for your Positive input though.

Posted 6 November 2013, 2:53 p.m. Suggest removal

TheObjectiveVoice says...

If they have news reporters at that station, he should have let the news come from them and not his show. The reporter will not or rather "should" not broadcast that information without receiving it from the relevant authorities or unless they are on the scene themselves and reporting it live from the location. It's like the story of the balloon boy in the U.S. where cameras followed an empty replica of a flying saucer for hours only to find out that the boy was home hiding under his bed or something. Let the reporters do the reporting and the talk show hosts do the hosting...

Posted 6 November 2013, 3:59 p.m. Suggest removal

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