Minister's pledge on Cuba probe


Tribune Staff Reporter

FOREIGN Affairs and Immigration Minister Fred Mitchell vowed that “justice will be done” following the investigation into abuse allegations at the Carmichael Road Detention Centre.

Asking the press – “Look me straight in the eyes” – Mr Mitchell dismissed criticism from The Democracy Movement, a Florida watchdog group, and calls from the FNM for his resignation.

He said “there is no nexus” between his conduct and the FNM’s claims.

He confirmed a delegation, including Defence Force Commodore Roderick Bowe, would be flying to Cuba to discuss a range of issues, including repatriation of illegal migrants in the Bahamas.

However, the minister refused to comment on last week’s leaked report, which included a young marine admitting to punching, kicking, and beating unresisting Cuban detainees with a stick on the instructions of superiors. The beating is alleged to have taken place after an attempted escape. Mr Mitchell explained he would not comment on an ongoing investigation.

“It is when the investigation is complete, the reports to the extent that they can be made available, will be available – and that’s all I have to say on those things,” he said. “I’m not commenting on stuff that I don’t know the authenticity of it, I don’t know the truth or otherwise of it.”

Speaking inside the Lynden Pindling International Airport’s VIP Lounge, yesterday afternoon, Mr Mitchell said there has been “no interruption” in relations between Cuba and the Bahamas, or the Bahamas and the United States, as a result of the allegations.

“As I tried to indicate,” he said. “This is, in my view, very much a local dispute confined to South Florida which is designed to rattle the cages of Bahamians. Most Bahamians ignored it and supported the fact of the government’s position on this – which is if people do something which is unlawful or which amounts to disciplinary action or causes disciplinary action, those individuals will be tested, either by a disciplinary panel or by some form of action – whatever that action should be.

“Until those processes work this way out, there’s no reason for us to be unpatriotic and linking arms with people who are trying to do harm to our country, overseas.”

South Florida group,The Democracy Movement, has been vocal about its criticisms of the Bahamas and its government over claims of abuse done to Cuban detainees at the detention centre.

“I really, I’m always loathe to dignify what they say or do by any form of comment,” Mr Mitchell said of the group. “I think it’s outrageous what they’ve said about our country. My role as the chief diplomat of the Bahamas is to defend this country’s reputation and that’s what I do; I’m unapologetic about it. And those who want to apologise for it, like the Leader of the Opposition seems to want to do, fine – that’s their role. My role is to defend the country, as long as I have this role.”

The FNM is “a group of very desperate people,” Mr Mitchell continued.

“They’re down on their political fortunes,” he said, “Their leader is in political trouble and he’s making himself look most unintelligent by seeking to link these events to a call for resignation because all he has to do is examine the facts and he can show there is no nexus between what he is saying and my conduct. I find it simply outrageous.

“One of the reasons why I asked you all to come here is because I want you all to look me straight in the eyes, look me straight in the eyes and say what he says, what they say, has no impact on me, whatsoever.

“My role is to defend this country and I’m defending this country to the best of my powers and I thank the people who have supported me and supported the government’s position in this. Justice – whatever it is – will be done and the chips, as the statement says, will fall where they may.”

Mr Mitchell also took a moment, yesterday, to publicly thank Consul General Ricardo Treco, Deputy Consul General Sandra Carey and staff, for their “hard work and dedication during a stressful and provocative period.”

He said: “The promised demonstration in Miami on Friday last fizzled and work went on unhindered as it has during this whole matter. Once again I reaffirm my commitment and dedication to our country and its institutions and processes and I thank all true blooded Bahamians for their full and continued support of the policies which we are pursuing to protect our country from harm.”


crabman says...

very typical of all politicians, make declarations that you are correct and the rest of the country is incorrect, then after you send the Cubans back to a life of misery with no independence or human rights you decide NOW to look into the allegations. Another Minister put in place for his VOTES not his capabilities. When will we learn that a political hack does not have the job requirements to run their ministry. I give you some of the incompetent Ministries in place today Tourism, National Security,Finance and the list goes on and on.

Posted 2 September 2013, 12:29 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

He was so quick to say no abuse happened / the 18th/ and the video is a fake and lets band together and boycott florida ,now he can,t comment on the "leaked stuff"..I N the guardian he said either the retired judge or the cleric ,forget which one , is travelling and they will have to find another person..No one wants to touch this or they want more money to perjure themselves .Fr Moultrie would of done it but they already got him on the payroll so that wouldn,t look impartial..

Posted 2 September 2013, 12:37 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

Mr Mitchell july 25th "We do not mistreat detainess ,that is a simple point . A direct point ."

Posted 2 September 2013, 12:48 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnDoe says...

On July 18th Fred Mitchell made these remarks, “I’m trying to organize Bahamians in Miami and at home,” he said. “If we don’t push back then people will start to believe that it is true. All Bahamians have to speak out against this.”
He also said, “People in our detention lock ups are treated humanely. If there are issues let us know and we will address them. The conditions are humane, they are not the best, but people are not beaten.” We now know that that at the time these statements were made, Mr. Mitchell was in possession of information from the Defence force itself that fully contradicted his statements. He intentionally lied. Six weeks later he now says "Justice will be done" after saying all along that the enemies of the Bahamas is making this stuff up. This is not a PLP or an FNM thing, this is just pure hubris, attempts at deceit, cover-up and incompetence. This should have been dealt with two months ago.


Posted 2 September 2013, 1:06 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnDoe says...

"genuine evidence", is that a new legal or judicial standard of evidence? I am not surprised that you with your superior knowledge and information would dispute the RBDF reports, even though Mr. Mitchell himself has not disputed its accuracy. That report contained direct evidence from the actual parties involved in the abuse. Are they known liars?

Posted 2 September 2013, 9:24 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnDoe says...

I have no desire to engage you over shadows and red herrings. It's kind of absurd that you are continuing to defend a position that even Fred Mitchell and the government has abandoned.

Posted 3 September 2013, 8:44 a.m. Suggest removal

242realtalk says...

"Oh what a tangled web weave when we first decide to deceive" SIr Walter Scott. Looking us straight in the eyes our Minister of Foreign Affairs who believe the Bahamian people is "Loony".

Posted 2 September 2013, 1:06 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

There will be die hard supporters saying " see Mitchell told dem U/S senators ,see Mitchell man enuff to say look me straight in da eye , he da only one standin up for us ,an who care if we beat the sh##t outta dem cubans dey nasty ,dey ain Godly like us ' lmao

Posted 2 September 2013, 1:27 p.m. Suggest removal

jt says...

Wow, this is so embarrassing. The video is fake, for sure, but those pictures and admissions from D.F. officers are another story. How do you pick someone out of the sea so desperate that they are willing to chance their life for a new one, and then beat them? And what kind of vulture could sit on these facts and lie to the people that elected him? I have never been so embarrassed to be a Bahamian as I have with this administration and all of their bull****.

Posted 2 September 2013, 1:28 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

Do you really believe there is still a chance that people were not beaten ???

Posted 2 September 2013, 6:18 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Repeating yourself...

Posted 3 September 2013, 4:30 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

Come on Fred name the judge and the cleric ..Think for a couple pops Winston Suanders could be made to look life like and maybe the "singing Bishop ' could gyrate in the back ground ..Get the throne and Nygard w/ his staff ,Bishop Ellis could lend you that gold spray painted arc of the covenant ,get some out of sync girls to dance w/ flowing ribbons like the church ,,,lets make it a real spectacle ..

Posted 2 September 2013, 2 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

like a mashed potato, I can do the twist

Posted 2 September 2013, 8:32 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

All true blooded Bahamians? What is wrong with Fred Mitchell. The fact that people agree or disagree with your point of view does not make them more or less Bahamian. Very dangerous words, unbecoming of a diplomat or someone who wants to lead all Bahamians.

Posted 2 September 2013, 2:52 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

Xenophopia is a big seller w/ the under educated As politicians the PLP are very skilled at hitting "emotive pressure points " , its when it comes to governance they are less adept ..

Posted 2 September 2013, 3:25 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

Your more pasty and dorkier then i thought . I t won,t be long before your lesson in interacting w/ adults ..

Posted 2 September 2013, 6:04 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Oh God here we go against the this stupid argument because that is exactly what it is. Reminds me of the unpatriotic Bahamians who spoke out against Pindling's drug regime in the 80s. They really hated the Bahamas, asking people to do the morally correct thing...

Posted 2 September 2013, 6:17 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

Read your comments on the pharmacy issue ,most unpatriotic ,calling the Bahamas a banana republic ,saying the "real countries " in latin america and africa ,,are better ,,

Posted 2 September 2013, 6:35 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

Who thinks @Rory should man up and meet me when i,m in Nassau ?? I will not lay a finger on him ,but i will give him advice on how to talk w/ adults in a manner that is better for his overall health .

Posted 3 September 2013, 9:18 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Ask him to bring his Daddy, you can't lay a hand on him if he misbehaves, but his Daddy could probably keep him in check with just a look (just guessing by the level of anger in his posts)

Posted 3 September 2013, 10:18 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

@Thisisours ,you are very astute and although we don,t agree on everything ,I always find your post well thought out and they help me w/ my writing and spelling ..Thx

Posted 3 September 2013, 10:34 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Rory tons of people must hate you, does that negate your responsibility for doing the right thing towards them just because they hate you?

Posted 3 September 2013, 5:45 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

“They’re down on their political fortunes,” he said, “Their leader is in political trouble and he’s making himself look most unintelligent by seeking to link these events to a call for resignation because all he has to do is examine the facts and he can show there is no nexus between what he is saying and my conduct.

Understatements Mr. Mitchel

Dr. Minnis has consistently made a jackass of himself on several issues.

If abuse is proven, then those responsible will be held accountable and punished accordingly.

This issue of abuse was brought up several Months ago with the beating death of a Bahamian in police custody.....Nothing was done by government to stop this well known problem of police brutality and now government finds itself drawing negative international attention.

Government needs to stop burying their heads in the sand and deal with the many age old issues and problems that daily talk shows discuss.

Stay the course Mr. Mitchell....Deal with the Cuban fiasco, but don't stop there. Also see to it that police stop the practice of routinely abusing Bahamians in their custody.

Posted 2 September 2013, 4:10 p.m. Suggest removal

USAhelp says...

Bye bye Bahamas one day at a time.

Posted 2 September 2013, 5:06 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

You are equating social circumstance with intelligence and Lord knows we have many Bahamians in BMWs and Lexuses who disprove that theory.

Posted 2 September 2013, 6:21 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Says 10yr old Rory:)

Posted 3 September 2013, 5:40 a.m. Suggest removal

august2013 says...

It's a shame that the Cuban's had to come here from their native land to be beaten like dogs and hogs for us Bahamians to finally do something. People are sent to prison on a daily basis and we hear "horror" stories time after time that they are beaten by officers of the law! This needs to STOP! Officers are there to protect us. When one is sent to prison/detention centre officers are there to ensure that they are secured. The fact that officers have now admitted to this type of behaviour is unbeliveable...unthinkable! Why are we wasting time with them. FIRE them ! Bring them up on charges. It is time they be made an example for all the rest of the officers that think they can in-humanely and cruely beat people the way they did. Our country would not have been faced with this, if the powers that be would start to prosecute those who have been given the awesome task of protecting us, violates that trust. The Cuban's are gone! What about the Bahamian's that cry everyday...what will we do about the POLICE BRUTALITY that is happening on a regular basis. And this is not political, so I don't even go there! No matter which government was/is in power we constantly hear of police brutality. You know if the Bahamas ever was the way Cuba is, I would like to think that another country would accept me with open arms and take care of me, even if they had to send me back home. I personally would remember their kindness. Treat people the way you would want to be treated. Think about it, if a woman ran out of her house from her husband, and go to another island...would you take her in a abuse her? Would your treat her like a criminal? Or would you try to help her get herself together even is she decides to return home. We need to do better and show love in spite of their misfortune. Like the saying goes, "if you haven't had any trouble, just wait..." And to think those officers have families, wife, children. To you officers, You don't know where your family will end up, but I pray someone will not do to them, what you have done to those Cubans!

Posted 3 September 2013, 9:10 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

Good post !!!

Posted 3 September 2013, 9:21 a.m. Suggest removal

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