Friday, September 6, 2013
AS the Cuban detainee abuse controversy rages on and the murder rate continues to spiral, Prime Minister Perry Christie declined to answer any questions at his first public appearance in a week – explaining that he was “too tired”.
The day after the FNM asked “Where is Mr Christie?” in reference to his silence on these and other pressing national issues, and the brother of an MP became one of nearly 20 people shot in the last two weeks, the Prime Minister said “No” when asked if he would take questions. “I’m tired,” he explained, adding that he had to go home.
The Tribune tried to speak with Mr Christie following his delivery of a 45-minute lecture entitled “Contemporary Constitutionalism and the consent of the Governed” at the British Colonial Hilton last night.
The Tribune had hoped to put the following questions to the Prime Minister:
• Why are both the Defence Force and Immigration refusing to investigate a claim of rape at the Detention Centre?
• Would you commit to assuring an investigation takes place if the claims are forwarded to your office?
• Who is Foreign Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell referring to when he speaks of “enemies of the Bahamas”?
• Do these enemies include prominent US congressman Marco Rubio?
• Do you think this is language appropriate for a minister of your government to be using and do you support his sentiments?
• Do you support your Foreign Minister 100 per cent?
• What is your comment on the recent spate of murders?
• The PLP vowed to reduce crime if elected. A year and a half on, the murder rate is just two less than at this point in 2012, and attempted murders are up. Has the government failed to live up to its promises?
• How do you react to shooting of the brother of Bamboo Town MP Renward Wells, considering that police have suggested that most murder victims are criminals known to police?
nationbuilder says...
He's too tired to answer questions, and I'm too tired of these weak questions reporters try to ask these tired politicians
Posted 6 September 2013, 2:54 p.m. Suggest removal
emac says...
Shouldn't the word Spiralling, as seen in the heading of this column, be spelt "Spiraling"?
Posted 6 September 2013, 2:54 p.m. Suggest removal
emac says...
Sorry never mind. There is the British and American spelling
Posted 6 September 2013, 3 p.m. Suggest removal
concernedcitizen says...
I,m no big PGC fan ,though i don,t think he is horrible ,but in his defense i can understand him being tired .He is seventy and has been campaiging since the Elizabeth by election . Then since coming to power every time he turns around one of his MP,s is doing crazy sh##t . I could see him being tired and not wanting to talk to the tribune..
Posted 6 September 2013, 3:02 p.m. Suggest removal
242 says...
If he tired then he should rest. 3 score and and 10 is a good retirement age.
Posted 7 September 2013, 1:13 p.m. Suggest removal
banker says...
Suppose there was a crisis. If he was too tired, would he go home to bed or manage the crisis? He is too tired to be Prime Minister.
Posted 6 September 2013, 3:21 p.m. Suggest removal
bernard20051988 says...
I normally never feel inclined to respond to the tribune but I must say you guys have to win the award for the most BLATANTLY biased paper in the world. FOX is a joke to you guys. If u guys could be half as balanced in your articles maybe we would have a better informed electorate.
Your headline is Grossly misleading. I submit if this was Hubert Ingraham the headline would be completely different. while I am no Christie fan, its sickening to see the bias you guys display. Many times Ingraham told reporters "ine come here for dis" or "ine answerin dat" or he simply ignored them. Never did you have an article saying o, Ingraham don't have time to answer questions Bahamians want answers too. Even though I blame the PM because he is too media friendly in my view, and he makes you guys believe that he must accommodate yall every where he goes, shoots he went to make a presentation NOT to field questions from the its his right to decline to be interviewed.........If you guys truly want to do the country justice....have this same approach when the other party is in power...and if you cant...atleast TRY to do a better job in covering up your bias. The media plays a great role in this country...this is suppose to be a respected paper...but as a young person I say without hesitation, you guys are slowly becoming nothing more than a tabloid for the FNM and that's sad.
Posted 6 September 2013, 3:27 p.m. Suggest removal
WinstonSmith says...
Any other local publications worth a damn?
Posted 6 September 2013, 3:44 p.m. Suggest removal
bernard20051988 says...
very true!!
Posted 6 September 2013, 3:51 p.m. Suggest removal
emac says...
The difference is, Ingraham would never make such a comment. Further, Corruption sells. We all know which government is corrupt to the core. I am not saying that the FNM does not have its flaws but it is like comparing apples to cassava. Finally, those who are in politics or leadership positions, and cannot take the heat should simply resign and go on with their private lives. Simple!
Posted 6 September 2013, 4:49 p.m. Suggest removal
B_I_D___ says...
So you are implying there that the PLP are flying straight as an arrow and in the countries best interest...
Posted 6 September 2013, 5:56 p.m. Suggest removal
emac says...
Lol. Rory, the EFFIN EMM had a lil bit a corruption, as do all politicians. But come on no. Ya can't compare the two. Be fair.
Posted 6 September 2013, 6 p.m. Suggest removal
242 says...
Posted 7 September 2013, 1:16 p.m. Suggest removal
TalRussell says...
Comrades here's a much better idea for one them red shirts Tribune reporters. Go ask Hubert to give them the three names that he left sitting on PM Christie's desk, to decide if they should be sent off to Buckingham palace, for knighthoods? Who in the hell are the three?
Posted 6 September 2013, 3:50 p.m. Suggest removal
TalRussell says...
good day when a rare reporter is asking questions while not sporting no damn red tie? Comrades,now we all get it. We none red shirts are all a bunch of mental retards?.…
Posted 6 September 2013, 4:29 p.m. Suggest removal
lazybor says...
wonders never cease...<img src="" width="1">
Posted 6 September 2013, 4:32 p.m. Suggest removal
banker says...
See how easy it is. Prolly took you two seconds. But Christie was TOO tired.
Posted 7 September 2013, 9:49 a.m. Suggest removal
John says...
There may be a mass shortage of TOP UP come September 16, when BTC plans to snatch another 2 percent profit from its vendors. Many vendors are already finding it difficult making only 6 cents on the dollar so when BTC reduces this amount to 4 cents many are planning to shut their Top Up machines down. This will make the fourth time BTC has reduced its margins to vendors since Cable and Wireless took over the company,and despite promising to reduce them when they took over, the rates for prepaid cellular service remains the same. So many of us may be feeling tired like PGC next week when we have to be running around to find top minutes for our phones Tank u C&W..tank u very much!
Posted 6 September 2013, 5:25 p.m. Suggest removal
concernedcitizen says...
as a business model they want to get rid of top up and have you put a deposit and go post paid ,especially w/ compition coming .Why do you think they make post paid rates so much more attractive .They are a private business not a social service
Posted 7 September 2013, 8:55 a.m. Suggest removal
TalRussell says...
Comrade Rory I disagree with much you ever have to say, including making it out like Minister Freedy said these enemies are like real enemies of the state. Since when is it any PM's job to be answering whatever questions reporters decide he should be answering? No PM anywhere around the globe would have stood there to answer such questions. Yes, even PM's get tired. Pm Christie does not need your shopping list on how he should be answering reporters questions. Believe me, he is well seasoned over many years in front-line politics, at getting around answering reporters questions.
Posted 6 September 2013, 5:26 p.m. Suggest removal
B_I_D___ says...
Maybe saying he was 'tired' was not the right choice of words. If he 'refused to comment at this time', people may have been miffed, but to say 'I'm Tired' is just fuel to the fire. Wrong choice of words and people are running with it.
Posted 6 September 2013, 5:55 p.m. Suggest removal
242 says...
Branville is that you?
Posted 7 September 2013, 1:21 p.m. Suggest removal
truth1242 says...
Posted 6 September 2013, 6:14 p.m. Suggest removal
B_I_D___ says...
Scary concept!!
Posted 7 September 2013, 4:53 p.m. Suggest removal
TalRussell says...
Comrades it's no secret that many of you reds get's does your thrills from thinking such stories about PM Christie can only enhance the chances of reading a headline in The Tribune: "PM Christie says he's too tired to STAY on ......RESIGNS! Forget about where you will be burying the PM's political career. He wake is a long way away still. You reds still have close to four more years to grieve over what Hubert bay ways has inflicted upon your once powerful party. I wonder which signaled out for special privileged under the reds, UBP is paying the monthly rental at the headquarters on Mackey Street? Comrades there's still lots more testimony to the truth of how the Hubert regime all but bankrupted Bahamalandland, along tens of thousands of out of paycheck families.If there is a political death certificate to be signed, it will not that of PM Christie's, but of your wakened red shirts party. Just look at the internal red shirts fighting go'in since Papa gone fishing up in Cooper's Town?
Posted 6 September 2013, 9:15 p.m. Suggest removal
concernedcitizen says...
Unless a health issue comes up PGC will be the PLP party leader campaigning in 2017..Anybody thats ruled wants more remember,"its good to be king "
Posted 6 September 2013, 9:20 p.m. Suggest removal
getrightbahamas says...
He should NEVER talk to the tribune or guardian. You keep spinning his comments so SCREW YOU. Go to to hear his answers. lol
Posted 6 September 2013, 10:06 p.m. Suggest removal
ThisIsOurs says...
I give him a break on this one. I know after a long day the last thing I would want is someone asking me a bunch of tough questions. Unfortunately, this is a **heavy** shouldn't be gotten into's not about driving around in a fancy car and having people watch, admire and cater to you because you are PM. You have the responsibility for 300,000 people riding on your shoulders 24 hrs a day 7 days a week. 2 kids and a spouse is too much for some people. He may not have the energy for this anymore, it's rough.
I felt sorry for him when he said he was make that addition, he must have been weary to his soul.
Posted 7 September 2013, 8:40 a.m. Suggest removal
concernedcitizen says...
and is completely unbiased ,,lol
Posted 7 September 2013, 8:50 a.m. Suggest removal
banker says...
If you are rich and foreign, PGC is the best Prime Minister that the Bahamas has ever had. A contribution to his party buys you anything -- exemption from reclaiming sea land, to permanent residence if you are a porn star, to importing boat loads of cane toads for your pond behind your gated community. God Bless the PLP, because there has to be one country on earth where your money can bend the rules, and the locals are too stupid to realise that the country has been sold out under them. Bahamians have lost the power to dream that life could be a lot better. They believe that what they have now, is the best that its ever gern get. And when things go down hill, they fatalistically shrug and think that's the way that it is. So God Bless Perry Christie. I hope that he gets tireder and tireder, so that Bahamas remains a safe haven for moneyed foreigners, and that Bahamians continue to love and support their mediocre lives.
Posted 7 September 2013, 9:59 a.m. Suggest removal
proudloudandfnm says...
It is tiring to do nothing for a year and half. Damn we need an election ASAP. This government is causing way too much damage. Say he tired, the man aint done diddly and he tired. Failure is hard work I guess.....
Posted 7 September 2013, 3:29 p.m. Suggest removal
TalRussell says...
You want know what I is really thinking? OK I will tell you red Comrades. It's when you run on as if the PM has all the answers. He's human too and ain't got no more magic than you or I. Shameful the way so many are not willing to demonstrate respect for whomever is the PM of the day. My, my ... how you all get ya daily thrills from constantly criticizing the PM's every word, move and decision. We might have not agreed with the job Hubert was doing, but we sure as hell wanted him to succeed. Where has such respect gone, my dear Comrades? Oh, where as it gone? You'd be tired along with the PM, if you had to constantly contend with the likes of an bias media. At least PM Christie isn't hung'in-up on no reporter, who dared to ask him to answer a simple question!
Posted 7 September 2013, 3:39 p.m. Suggest removal
concernedcitizen says...
TALS you crazy , Hai has been gone a year and a half and you never miss a beat to run on bout how bad he was , i can,t imagine when he was PM ,do you hear yourself or you just type to hear your head rattle
Posted 7 September 2013, 6:01 p.m. Suggest removal
TalRussell says...
Comrades today's 70 is far from being too old to lead Bahamaland. You wanna knows whats too old to run a country is? It's when despite ya being four years in age younger than PM Christie, your polices are too damn aged to benefit the over 40,000 who went went without regular paychecks. You age pretty damn quickly when ya worrying each and every day about where the next meal for your family is coming, next months rent, school fees and books for your children, jitney money to pay the fare, or if the bank go'in come to repossess your car? Comrades that is the real DNA of premature ag'in of ya spirit, that not even a Nygard needle to ya belly can reverse. PM Christie has a record of offering to work with the Hubert regime for the economic benefit of all Bahamalanders. Why can't Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition do likewise. After all, it shouldn't be that difficult, considering there is only but a telephone sized number of red MPs in the House who have to agree to cooperating with the PM. Even smaller numbers now that Abaco's Edison is sitting up in the House, all by he lonesome-self.
Posted 7 September 2013, 10:46 p.m. Suggest removal
banker says...

Poor old man too tired to answer hard questions from nosy reporters. Jess gern home.
Posted 8 September 2013, 5:07 p.m. Suggest removal
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