Minnis wants goals of new system defined


Tribune Staff Reporter


FNM leader Dr Hubert Minnis is demanding to know “what exactly are the goals and objectives” of the new 12-hour shift system for police and the use of Defence Force officers in the war on crime.

Noting that Defence Force officers are not trained to enforce the law and make arrests, the Killarney MP warned that any slight error they make while deployed on the streets could help a defence lawyer get the charges against a criminal dropped on a technicality.

“They’re not trained for that,” he said.

“If any error is made on the arrest and detention records then individuals are released on a technicality when that goes before the courts.

“Therefore, what were seeing today, if the government does not think carefully, it will have a balloon effect – those who are arrested and detained will be released on technicalities because the arrest and detention of each must have proper recordings and they have special specifications, such as time.

“All of these things must be recorded.”

And, challenging the permanency of the 12-hour shift system, he asked whether it is a “long-term solution” or nothing more than an “emotional” decision, only taken to please Bahamians who are worried about the progres in the fight against crime.

He asked: “Is it just to please the public? We can not be involved in emotional pleasure, we must be involved in solutions and sustainable goals. What are the long term plans? They must have a goal and objective.

“We’re tired of being emotionally pleased, we want solutions.”

Dr Minnis also noted that the opposition “was not consulted on this at all.”


BBonaby says...

This man always talking @#$%

Posted 10 September 2013, 1:09 p.m. Suggest removal

nationbuilder says...

didnt the government say the defence force officers will be doing desk/office tasks, not field work? if so, why is he talking about them making arrests?

Posted 10 September 2013, 3:04 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I saw a picture in the tribune this week of of defence force officers walking the streets...looked innocent enough to me but then i thought how will they handle themselves if they stumble on a crime?

Posted 11 September 2013, 6:30 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

I thought the deputy red shirts leader had already issued a press release outlining the position of her party. Or, was that only Loretta stating her position on increased use of brute force against Bahamalanders? Both leaders have now stated that they are only concerned over “what exactly are the goals and objectives” of the new 12-hour shift system for police and the use of Defence Force officers in the war on crime," not saying much about the use of brute force, against their fellow Bahamamalanders. Didn't Tommy T also spend millions of taxpayers dollars on the same brute force tactics? The results were there for all to suffer under. The murder rate increased by the hundreds, rapes increased, robberies increased, home invasions escalated. Comrades these two leaders were in a regime that despite using the same brute force tactics had left behind a back -log of some 60,000 TO 100,000 cases of which the police had arrested and charged the criminal suspects, but they never made it to a court completion of their trials. What in the hell are you go'in do this time PM. Lock up another 100,000 Bahamalanders who will also remain free walk'in on the streets to be armed robbing, raping and murdering. PM It ain't worked for Hubert and it ain't go'in work for PM Christie.

Posted 10 September 2013, 3:38 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

Tals what about Bahamians getting no work out of Gentring in Bimini ,and PGC even giving ground transport to Weech through some government corp ,,no up front for Weech and he gets the profit

Posted 10 September 2013, 5:20 p.m. Suggest removal

kevardrolle says...

That's why I do not pay no attention to them @TalRussell by this it is showing a rift in that organization, Minnis just wants to speak.. If I would have go against the PLP in 2017 I will only vote for FNM because of Loretta because she make more sense than her Leader Minnis but that will never happen anyway. The first thing they said last year when they got sworn in was, "We will not oppose for opposing sake." So what are you all doing now? When you all (FNM) was in power the PLP never opposed anything except for the sale of BTC because they did that for national building so why is it a problem now? That is why the FNM is not to be trusted to lead this country they are too coordinated on themselves......

Posted 10 September 2013, 3:48 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

selling BTC and coming into this century in telecommunications was nation building

Posted 10 September 2013, 5:23 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades the 60,000 to 100,000 in backlog of court cases left behind by the Hubert regime have absolutely nothing to do with the cases which were withdrawn or thrown-out. Make no mistake about it there are thousands included in those backlog case files, who despite them not having their fair day in court, have lost their jobs, friends and families. Is it our justice system to convict without a trial? How would you like it when your own church brothers and sisters start talking about you, like cause the policeman's arrested and charged you, you've done been convicted? God almighty I hope not. Wake up Comrades, cause after listening to a number of the callers and talk show host, many think our tourism industry will somehow be economical boosted by placing hundreds of brute force policeman's and defence force officers on our streets and around our hotels and tourist hangouts. You couldn't be any more mistaken.

Posted 10 September 2013, 6:57 p.m. Suggest removal

getrightbahamas says...

UM....... TAL........ Just Shut The P#U@k Up!!!!!!!
For Once! I swear. Sometimes i think you are in a different country or an alternate realty.
See something and just observe. For once.
Trust me... You DO NOT have all the answers.
I Know you think you do But you DONT.
In fact it seems you only have the answer to one problem in this country. and that is "HOW TO SHUT TAL UP"
Please, I pray you, tell us how!\
I digress.
Better known as mister always right too.

Posted 10 September 2013, 7:45 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

Tals need a time machine to bring him/her from 2007 up to 2013 ..Tals Papa is gone PGC is PM ,,

Posted 10 September 2013, 7:58 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

I thank you Comrade Getrightbahamas for not challenging the facts surrounding the huge backlog of cases, but simply my politics. By the way, please don't you shut up, for i need your continued vocal support.

Posted 10 September 2013, 7:56 p.m. Suggest removal

getrightbahamas says...

lol. whatever. you win with niceness.

Posted 10 September 2013, 8:21 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

JUST hope don't revert back ti their old behavior and ride round with bats and batons and harrass the public and beat up on innocent young men. If the extra manpower is managed properly then it can bring some relief to crime. But is the problem really with the police or with the court system? Useless for the police to charge more people if they can't get them before the courts. If the persons already charged with crimes are brought to justice and taken off the streets then this will go a long way in cutting down the crime numbers. Maybe the extra manpower form the extended shifts can help with this. And why is the police recovery of weapons and ammunition off the streets so low? Does it mean that the average Bahamian is not strapped and bearing arms? Does it mean that only a small segment of society have weapons ? Do police do checks to determine if the same weapons are being used over and over to commit crimes? Maybe the problem of crime is not as widespread as it seems. Maybe its just a matter of getting the wheels of justice oiled and properly operating such that persons who commit violent and henious crimes are taken out of society as quickly as possible and locked away.

Posted 10 September 2013, 9:23 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades I been saying for months now that there are some serious internal squabbles that leader Minnis has even been ducking. He ducked the truth from even The Tribune that he has known since September 1, 2013, but kept it a secret. I'll leave the rest of my comments until after The Tribune has had time today to report on what I am talking about? Even his deputy leader has been keeping a big secret from her newspaper friends upstairs over at Shirley and Deveaux Streets. So much for the reds transparency/

Posted 11 September 2013, 11:04 a.m. Suggest removal

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