Stolen from car parked in Florida


Senior Sports Reporter

DEMETRIUS Pinder’s Olympic gold medal has been stolen in Florida.

The “Golden Knight” is now keeping his fingers crossed that the stolen 2012 Olympic Games men’s 4 x 400 metre relay gold medal, which he had dedicated to his deceased sister, will eventually surface with all of the media attention and support he’s getting from the Police Department in Bradenton, Florida.

Pinder, 24, woke up on Wednesday morning at the Springs at Palma Sola Apartments to find that his $45,000 24-carat gold medal attached to a purple neck band had gone missing from the console of his 2011 Dodge Ram 1500, although there were no signs of forced entry.

“It really felt bad. I always try to keep the medal with me,” Pinder told The Tribune in an interview yesterday.

“At first I thought I took it out, but I didn’t realise that it was missing until the next morning. That was when I realised that my wallet and also my iPad was missing.”

The Grand Bahama native, who is in Bradenton training with the IMG Academy under coach Loren Seagrave, said it’s not unusual to keep the medal with him. He said it had a lot of sentimental value for him because when he won it as a part of the Bahamas team of Chris ‘Fireman’ Brown, Michael Mathieu and Ramon Miller in London, it was dedicated to his sister, Claudia, who had passed away while he was in a training camp prior to the start of the games.

“It was hard. Right now, I’m still disappointed that it’s gone, but I believe that it will somehow show up,” he said. “This is a really big place, but there’s too much attention being placed on it missing for anything to happen to it. I’m really surprised that they are giving it so much media attention over here. And the police are calling me every minute to find out if I heard anything.”

Pinder, who got the baton from Brown on the second leg, helped the Bahamas to beat the United States for the first time in 60 years in the relay event to snatch the country’s only medal at the games. Mathieu trailed on third and Miller ran a brilliant anchor leg as the team lowered the national record to two minutes and 56.72 seconds in their upset win over the USA (2:57.05). Trinidad & Tobago had to settle for the bronze in a national record as well (2:59.40).

“We put a lot of hard work into getting the medal,” said Pinder, who got injured competing at the inaugural Chris Brown Bahamas Invitational in April and didn’t compete anymore this year. “So I was really hurt when it went missing. I really hope that they can find it. I know the Police are trying to see if they can get a replacement for it, but there’s nothing like having the original thing.”

When contacted at his home in Atlanta, Georgia, Brown said he sympathies with Pinder on his loss.

“I had a chance to speak with Demetrius after it went missing,” Brown said. “He’s taking it very hard and I can understand. We worked very hard to get the medal and it was something that he had dedicated to his sister. So I can understand what he’s feeling right now.”

Brown, the Bahamian national record holder from Eleuthera, said he’s been concerned about losing his precious medals after the report of Golden Girl Pauline Davis-Thompson having had her western New Providence home broken into.

Stolen were her silver medal from the 1996 Atlanta Olympics and gold medal from the 1999 World Championships as a member of the women’s 4 x 100m relay teams among other items, including flat screen televisions.

Her items have not yet been recovered.

“I have mine secured in a safe place,” Brown said. “I won’t say where, but they’re all in a safe place.”

In addition to running on the relay team, both Brown and Pinder also competed in the 400m final at the games where they were fourth (44.79) and seventh (44.98) respectively.


John says...

WHO would leave a $45,000.00 (FOURTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS) medal in a car? In Florida of all places? Sounds like Demitrius is not sure when he lost it or where he lost the medal. Maybe one of his boys took it for him being careless. But still hope he finds it before Cash For Gold gets their pawns on it.

Posted 13 September 2013, 9:12 a.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

1...I hope it is recovered...and #2...I am with John on this one...he's an idiot for leaving it in a parked car. It should be locked up in a safe some place, not just laying about...even laying about your house or apartment is sketchy, keep it in a SAFE place. A fool and their 'money' are soon parted. You get a small bit of sympathy from me (very small)...and a huge dose of IDIOT. Harsh, but true.

Posted 13 September 2013, 9:19 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

I never called the young man an idiot. I suggested he used poor judgement. I had my rental car broken into in Florida and also there was no sign of forced entry. This happens to many Bahamians travelling to Florida so they can't say exactly when they were robbed. At one time it was suspected that car rental agents were involved where they had someone follow you from the airport with spare keys. Whenever you made a stop they would enter your car and steal your valuables. That is why the car rental companies now let the customer choose their car and the employees no longer have access to spare keys. This would not be the case for Demetrius since it was his private vehicle.

Posted 13 September 2013, 2:39 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

I agree with all comments. What was he thinking?? It was very dumb of him to leave the medal in the car. Hopefully, it will be recovered.......but I doubt it very much. Lesson learned the hard way. Don't people know about safe deposit boxes?? Not the ones kept in your home, the ones in the bank.

Posted 13 September 2013, 10:30 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

The same way he is saying it is not unusual to keep the medal with him, is the same way so called friends or persons who know him knows the same trend. He should of protected his medal not only because of the price tag attached to it but because it is in memory or his sister. Just for that reason if that was a bottle cap I had dedicated to my deceased sister, I would of had that on the inside of my clothing around my neck hanging against my heart at all times. Sorry to hear your lost, not because of the price value, but because what it symbolizes, its like loosing your sister all over again. Hope you recover it soon, don't give up faith, just pray bro.

Posted 13 September 2013, 10:57 a.m. Suggest removal

bismark says...

you would think that something which is so precious to him,would be carelessly left in a vehicle?its his own carelessness,no excuses,just plain carelessness.

Posted 13 September 2013, 12:24 p.m. Suggest removal

hj says...

I guess some people never heard of safe deposit boxes in banks. Yes they do exist.

Posted 13 September 2013, 12:35 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

The “Golden Knight's” 2012 Olympic Games contribution to his Bahamaland will long be remembered, after "his" Gold Medal is found or lost forever. Haven't we all during our lifetimes done something we have later regretted doing?. But Comrade Demetrius, its ya medal. You earned it through years of applied discipline and you need straighten-up and tell those who must persist in calling you all kinds of names that; "You who is without sin, let them be among the first to throw a stone at a Gold Medal Winner." I ain't know about you but some of the dump things I have done, I sure as hell would be embarrassed as hell to be reading about them on the pages of The Tribune.-…

Posted 13 September 2013, 12:46 p.m. Suggest removal

hurricane says...

comrade xyz LOL

Posted 14 September 2013, 12:34 p.m. Suggest removal

UserOne says...

Demetrius Pinder has been a victim of a crime, plain and simple. The comments above are blaming the victim; what's that all about? Put the blame where it belongs - on the perpetrator of the crime.

Posted 13 September 2013, 2:59 p.m. Suggest removal

eyeswideopen says...

There would have been no crime if had not left his medal in his car!!!!

Posted 13 September 2013, 3:26 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Holy Jesus! Comrade Olympic Gold Medalist Demetrius don't despair the master watches over you. The late one and only great Whitney Houston's legacy reincarnated through the voice of Lillie McCloud speaks to you. What you personally accomplishment for your tiny Bahamaland, can never be taken away by the theft of a piece of gold. That thief wasn't there with you when you won GOLD. The spirit of an entire nation were there and we will never abandon you. I can tell you that the spirit of Whitney and Nelllie are with you. Forget those who call your actions stupid, cause they don't know the cost of the sweat you poured into your "alabaster box.".. -…

Posted 13 September 2013, 3:11 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

the spirit of whitney ,,Tals are you drinking?

Posted 13 September 2013, 4:05 p.m. Suggest removal

hurricane says...

comrade so and so

Posted 14 September 2013, 12:35 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

I Feel for the young man ,but who in this day and age walks around w/ 42 thousand dollars in gold ..He is lucky he wasn,t shot and robbed ..

Posted 13 September 2013, 4:07 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

He's young and invincible. Hard but effective lesson, he won't leave the next gold medal in the car. Go for gold Demetrius

Posted 13 September 2013, 5:17 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Thisisours you are so right. Rather than us interrogating our young Comrade Demetrius, let's encourage him on to remain grounded toward bringing home another Olympic Gold Medal for our tiny Bahamaland. Maybe the government can put up a substantial reward for a no questions asked safe return of the medal. Why not, the reds hired lawyers for much more thousands of dollars to head over to the US to defend those charged with buying fake goods, for resale in Bahamaland. If that fails to materialize, maybe a Comrade like a Frankie Wilson can sprung, say $50,000 for a sizable reward? Thieves does love lotsa Yankee dollars. Would make for one damn smart US marketing ploy by KALIK Beer?

Posted 13 September 2013, 6:27 p.m. Suggest removal

hurricane says...

comrade xyz

Posted 14 September 2013, 12:34 p.m. Suggest removal

sansoucireader says...

Further proof that these medal winners need to be educated about what to do with valuables. Ever heard of a bank safety deposit box? This is just ridiculous! Future medal winners, I hope you're paying attention.

Posted 13 September 2013, 10:41 p.m. Suggest removal

javiebenz says...

Damm, dats messed up dred, but c'mon sonnn!!! 45gs u walking around with in times like these, smft, be thankful it was stolen cause eventually someone was gonna take off ya head fa it....hope you get it back though which i doubt....yall dudes deserved those medals dred

Posted 14 September 2013, 3:16 a.m. Suggest removal

pablojay says...

You have to wonder about this , when a young man says that he keeps a $45,000 dollar medal with him all the time. I know sometimes athletes have a stubborn trait that helps them to achieve their goals ,but did this same trait cause him to "lose his gold" , because i am certain that somebody , a friend, family member, or fellow athlete had to have told him that there were better options available for securing such valuables,but the advice went unheeded.

Posted 14 September 2013, 6:07 a.m. Suggest removal

digimagination says...

Carries it with him at all times - but then if he left it in the truck it wasn't about his person at all times. Besides, in this day and age you should NEVER leave anything in an unattended vehicle, regardless of its value.

Posted 15 September 2013, 5:47 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Demetruis him beat the best in the entire world and you think he has to listen to you bunch of negative hacks. KALIK Beer offering a $50,000 (no questions asked) Reward for the return of Bahamaland's Gold Medal, can be one hell of an international "golden marketing opportunity" for your brand -…

Posted 15 September 2013, 3:49 p.m. Suggest removal

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