Protest leader: ‘Govt is trying to silence detainees’


Tribune Staff Reporter

THE leader of a Miami-based human rights group suspects that the government of the Bahamas has gone to great lengths to silence the voices of Cuban detainees.

According to Democracy Movement president Ramon Sanchez, Bahamian officials have rejected an offer made by the Honduran government to offer asylum to 10 Cubans currently at the Carmichael Road Detention Centre.

Mr Sanchez insisted that those Cubans still being detained have been witnesses to abuse and would contribute to a transparent investigation into alleged beatings at the Centre.

“The Bahamas has said,” Mr Sanchez explained, “that they would not release the remainder of the detainees to Honduras.

“Given the fact that there is a country that wants to take them, I can only say that the Bahamas’ desire to repatriate is wanting to censor them.

“If we have the visas I don’t see any reason not to release them other than to keep them silent.”

An email was sent to Foreign Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell yesterday asking whether or not Honduras had given asylum to the detainees, but he did not reply. A call was also placed to him, but his handler said Mr Mitchell was engaged at a Cabinet meeting.

Mr Sanchez further urged the government to engage his group in dialogue and discontinue the combative tone which has been portrayed in the media.

He was responding to Tourism Minister Obie Wilchcombe who said that Bahamians should stage their own protests against a crusade that Mr Sanchez and his group have been on for weeks to tarnish the country’s reputation.

Mr Sanchez said there are still plans to protests outside of Bahamasair and other airlines with flights to the Bahamas.

“We would like to engage in a dialogue with the government. On the other hand,  if they don’t want to do that all they need to do is produce the report and to begin the process to remove the guards from any facility that they are working at.

“I read the statements by the Minister of Tourism. He is conducting himself very aggressively and it will not deter us from advocating for human rights.”


davidgon97 says...

There is a lot of hatred in your soul. I can feel that. All these people want is to protect their fellow countrymen from future abuses. BTW The video is not fake. It is real. I know the person who took it.

Posted 19 September 2013, 10:20 a.m. Suggest removal

davidgon97 says...

I am not a scumbag parasite. Please stop the name calling. Democracy movement just want the abuses to be investigated and stoped. The video is real. Get over it.

Posted 19 September 2013, 4:12 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

The Miami-based Cuban Democracy Movement issued a fake video of which only gained international exposure, because of the spirit and tenacity of the red shirts to peddle their lies to the world.Too damn bad the reds have never been as equally capable of focusing the same generosity they hold for the Cubans who entered our country illegally, toward the many thousands of paycheck-less Bahamalanders, whom their regime left stranded when they are kicked out of office. The foreigners were eager to see red remain in power. Not the majority of Bahamalanders. Minnis and Loretta stop telling Bahamalanders what you are fight'in for on behalf of illegal Cubans. Tell the natives why they should ever again trust you with the power of government?

Posted 18 September 2013, 1:43 p.m. Suggest removal

davidgon97 says...

The video is real. The abuses are real. Don't lie to your self.

Posted 19 September 2013, 10:44 a.m. Suggest removal

davidgon97 says...

You have the right to your particular opinion, but the video is not the only facts presented. You are taking sides without knowing all the facts. This is not a Bahamian vs Cuban American thing. This is about helping those in need.

Posted 19 September 2013, 4:15 p.m. Suggest removal

jackflash says...

If they would just release the report and speak to what ever is found in it and then say that we don't condone this type of behavior and are addressing those that are involved then all of this will go away and the Cubans will have nothing to protest about.

The problem is right now it's like two boys in the school yard trying to be tougher then the other.

Posted 18 September 2013, 3:47 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

What about Minnis and Loretta. Should they have assisted in promoting the Cubans fake video?

Posted 18 September 2013, 3:56 p.m. Suggest removal

davidgon97 says...

No one is trying to destroy the Bahamian's economy. What is the point in that? The Bahamian authorities are trying hide the abuses at the center. It is as simple as that.

Posted 19 September 2013, 10:58 a.m. Suggest removal

davidgon97 says...

I think the one who inciting hatred here is you.

Posted 19 September 2013, 4:16 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

I knew when i saw the headline Tals would become nearly orgasmic w/ "red shirt " bashing and Rory would go straight to middle school name calling ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Posted 18 September 2013, 5:21 p.m. Suggest removal

4renbahamian says...

I agree if the elected government official had said something from the break, even if it was a lie and they were dealing with all concern, with bs apologies this would go this far. A simple lie is easy to believe.

Posted 18 September 2013, 9:54 p.m. Suggest removal

msmuffett says...

question, would it be beyond sanchez to make up fake videos and to present so called women who claim pregnancy to further his agenda and to change ruling concerning repatriation back to cuba?? you decide. I am wondering myself.

Posted 19 September 2013, 10:47 a.m. Suggest removal

davidgon97 says...

Posted 19 September 2013, 11:40 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

We do speak english here ,but i have never heard a Bahamian use the term "bore off" in speech ...please proceed w/ the name calling..

Posted 20 September 2013, 8:49 a.m. Suggest removal

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