Mitchell: ‘No impact’ to Bahamas from Cuban row


Tribune Staff Reporter 

AGAIN refusing to comment on the release date for the report into Cuban detainee abuse claims, Foreign Affairs and Immigration Minister Fred Mitchell insisted there has been no fallout for the Bahamas’ reputation due to the controversy.

He was asked about potential repercussions to the country, resulting from continued press coverage of the Detention Centre abuse investigation and fervid protests from The Democracy Movement, a Florida watchdog group.

“My judgment is that has been no impact and there is no fall-out. This is a matter that is largely confined to Dade County and Broward County in Miami,” Mr Mitchell said.

“It is driven in part by the continued fascination which the local press appears to have for this matter and are really giving these people more light than they deserved.

“They have engaged in what appears to be economic blackmail of this country and we simply can’t support it on that basis and those are just the facts.”

However, when asked specifically about the report, Mr Mitchell would not give a time-line for when it will be released.

He earlier said the matter will be turned over to a retired judge and a senior clergyman appointed by the government/ However, he did not say why such a step was necessary.

But yesterday, deflecting further questions on the topic, he said the matter is now one “for the National Security Ministry.”

In recent weeks, Mr Mitchell has repeatedly refused to comment on the issue, referring to the ongoing investigation.

However, when the claims were first made he was quite vocal, first claiming that no abuse of detainees takes place in the Bahamas, then later, that the government does not condone such abuse.

Two weeks ago, Dr Bernard Nottage failed to fulfil his promise to release details of the investigation a few days later.

Prime Minister Perry Christie has since assured the press that the report will be produced “soon”.

For his part, Mr Mitchell has now denied that he promised to release the entire report, along with a report into the detention centre conducted by the former government in 2009.

Yesterday, Mr Mitchell was speaking at the Lynden Pindling International Airport’s Diplomat Lounge to announce that a delegation was leaving the Bahamas yesterday en route to New York for 68th Session of the United Nations General Assembly.

There, he said, will be “high level dialogues” on migration and there will be “a number of meetings” with UN agencies responsible for migration matters – including the International Organization for Migration (IMO) and the United Nations Human Rights Commission (UNHCR).

Mr Mitchell explained the UNHCR is responsible for “the resettlement of migrants who come to this country who are judged to have asylum status.” The IMO, he continued, is “able to employ resources” to support how the impact of migration on various countries can be ameliorated.

“So there are two important agencies. We hope, first of all, to make the case of the Bahamas’ continued problems with this issue,” Mr Mitchell said. “The Cuban issue on the one hand, the Haitian issue on the other hand, and the need for us to employ international resources to help solve the problem.

“And secondly, our concern about the procedures with UNHCR and the fact that there is too much delay in making sure that these claims are adjudicated on a timely basis and so we’d like to raise that issue as well.”

Mr Mitchell said he will be heading the delegation until Prime Minister Perry Christie arrives on Friday when, for the first time during his tenure as prime minister, Mr Christie will deliver the country’s national statement to the UN general assembly.

That address is scheduled for Saturday at 3pm, Mr Mitchell said, also noting that Social Services Minister Melanie Griffin will be playing a role as part of the delegation.

Tomorrow, at UN headquarters, Mrs Griffin will sign a UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, on behalf of the Bahamas.

“The Convention will be a precursor to the enactment of Disability Legislation in The Bahamas that is expected before the end of the year,” Mr Mitchell said.


nationbuilder says...

His judgment? And just what is his judgment worth? Not even the paper this story was written on

Posted 23 September 2013, 11:59 a.m. Suggest removal

thomas says...

Again he refers to 'Broward County Miami' , does he not know that Miami is just one city and not the entire area?

Posted 23 September 2013, 12:13 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Come the 2017 General Elections will voters still be's talk'in about the days when Her Majesty's Loyal Red Shirts Opposition were acting as advisers to the Miami Cuban Movement, they be toast. First they're toasted in the Bamboo Town bi election, then the 2012 General Elections. Don't forget their third consecutive loss up in Cooper's Town, when even Hubert's own people turned their backs on the reds. Keep this up Minnis, Loretta and Darron and go for, four (4) straight election losses. really now. How much damn voter rejection can you three leaders stomach, before you finally do the smart thing. Close and lock the door for one last time over at your Mackey Street Headquarters. Who knows, maybe your colleagues at the Miami Cuban Movement will assume your lease?…

Posted 23 September 2013, 12:59 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Did you see the photos of that man's back?

Posted 23 September 2013, 1:01 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Sorry, I'm still trying finish watching their "fake' video of the beatings. You know the one where the .guards are yelling abuses at the Cubans (detained for illegally entering our Bahamaland) with deep Spanish accents. Comrade you should watch it, if you enjoy bad actors.

Posted 23 September 2013, 1:27 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Hmmm....Fred Mitchell summoned for meetings at the UN and the US State Department for something that did not happen....

Posted 23 September 2013, 4:51 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Uhmmm..Rory, I was speaking to Tal.

Posted 23 September 2013, 8:26 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

No it just means to read the comment in context

Posted 24 September 2013, 2:12 p.m. Suggest removal

Tarzan says...

Certainly no fall out to Comrade Fred's reputation among his Cuban dictator pals.

Posted 23 September 2013, 2:45 p.m. Suggest removal

vlmarshall says...

An this from the person that said it never happened!

Posted 23 September 2013, 3:17 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Come the 2017 General Elections the voters will have to decide if they'll deliver the final blow to this rat pack of 6 red shirt MP's. good for Abaco' s Edison for he sits all by he lonesome self in the House.

Posted 23 September 2013, 4:09 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Free, Free.Thank God we 6 is Free at last?…

Posted 23 September 2013, 4:18 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

Tals and Helmet boy even the protesters in Miami say the video is a reenactment . Tals has OCD so i excuse him ,but Rory do you just like to be obstinate or knowing our culture w/ police brutality do you really believe no one got beaten at the detention center .. Try to reply with out name calling or bad language.

Posted 23 September 2013, 6 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

!["Fweddie"]( "Fweddie")

Posted 23 September 2013, 6:08 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

Oh boy Banker if Tals sees this he will fall into a an spasmatic fit of HAI bashing .There will be more comrades in his next post then in one of Fidels niegborhood watch groups..

Posted 23 September 2013, 6:33 p.m. Suggest removal

davidgon97 says...

Mr. Mitchell will do anything to hide the truth behind what really happened in the detention center. He is doing anything in his power to discredit his accusers.

Posted 24 September 2013, 12:52 a.m. Suggest removal

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