‘Brave’ accuses FNM of making political issue out of Cuban claims


Tribune Freeport Reporter


FREEPORT – As threats of protests against the Bahamas continue over the Cuban detainee abuse allegations, Deputy Prime Minister Philip ‘Brave’ Davis said it is unfortunate that a matter of such international concern is being politicised here.

The Miami-based Democracy Movement is now threatening to take its protests against the Bahamas to Florida airports that have flights to the Bahamas.

When asked his thoughts on the issue, Mr Davis said Cubans-Americans should be petitioning their government instead of taking matters into their own hands and attacking the Bahamas.

“We appreciate the strong lobby the Cubans have in the US. They should be petitioning their government to discuss matters of this nature with us and the conditions they would like to see, so it could be government-to-government and not just a handful of political activists who are part of what I call a political force here taking the matter in their own hands,” he said.

Mr Davis accused the opposition FNM of seizing the opportunity to make a political issue out of the controversy.

“I think it is unfortunate. Whenever we are dealing with matters of international concern, the country has to appear to be on one accord – that is not what we are sensing.

“The bottom line is that no government or administration will condone ill treatment of anyone.

“We are a country that believes in the rule of law,” he said.

“And for the argument to paint the government as the executor of these allegations is really sad,” he said.

Mr Davis said the Bahamas sits between Cuba and the US. He said migration from Cuba is a very complex problem.

“When Cubans go to the US, they are welcomed. If they are caught before they reach the US they are sent back, but all we did is send them back,” he said.


concernedcitizen says...

IF you would have handle it properly the FNM, would not have had anything to talk about ,come on nearly five months to start an investigation ,when the RBDF ,SID, and the police have already done an nvestigation , you just like Fred Mr DPM in the middle of the night you wake up cursing Ramon Sanchez ..

Posted 25 September 2013, 1:04 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

He's surfaced...

Posted 25 September 2013, 1:08 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

"All we did was send them back..." Nooooo, some of our guys beat them **then** we sent them back

Posted 25 September 2013, 1:10 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

how can you have hearings/investigations when the alleged victims have all been sent back to Cuba ,,i don,t care if Moses oversees it ,it can,t be impartial w/ out the alleged victims testimoney ..

Posted 25 September 2013, 1:44 p.m. Suggest removal

bismark says...

what is the D.P.M role in the country?i hardly hear little or any comment from him.

Posted 25 September 2013, 2 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

He's waiting for PM to fall flat..most likely upset that he hasn't stepped down as yet. Doesn't overtly hinder but never helps

Posted 25 September 2013, 2:38 p.m. Suggest removal

242realtalk says...

What he needs to comment on is why is he such a lousy Minister. He has New Providence the dirtiest it has been for many years and wants to be PM. He has jokes....

Posted 25 September 2013, 3:40 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnDoe says...

Instead of "Brave" Davis they should call him "Rip Van Winkle" Davis because he has obviously been asleep through much of this issue. According to your fellow Cabinet Minister, we are about to begin proceedings against the officers "implicated in the Cuban abuse issue" Rip Van Winkle so it is safe to say that we did a little more than just send them back. Wow, are you kidding me or are these guys for real. Four Cabinet Ministers and four different stories, while not a word from the PM. In truth, even if one wanted to give these guys the benefit of the doubt for the sake of our country, their handling of this issue has so gravely insulted our intelligence and sense of decency that it would be difficult to do so and still hold your head and hearts high.

Posted 25 September 2013, 6:09 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Brave Davis should stick to what he knows best -- frequenting Jamaican prostitutes. Do these guys ever talk to each other. Mitchell says nothing happened. Nottage says that he will punish the miscreants and then Brave says what?

Posted 25 September 2013, 8:19 p.m. Suggest removal

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