MP leads clean-up crew

ST Anne’s MP Hubert Chipman hit out at the government over extent to which the appearance of New Providence has deteriorated since the election.

After spending Saturday cleaning up a public park – a task that should be carried out by the Ministry of Works – Mr Chipman said he and his constituents were forced to resort to “self-help” as repeated appeals to officials were ignored.

“Nassau is filthy,” he said. “Before the government changed, the parks were cleaned on a regular basis.

“We have two in our constituency, one in Nassau East North and one in Sapphire Ridge.

“They have been trimmed maybe twice since the election. The state they are in is totally ridiculous.

“And that is not to mention Eastern Road, Culbert’s Hill, Johnson Road – the main thoroughfares.

“I mean, tourists see that. They come through Eastern Road on tours, scooters – its just crazy.”

Mr Chipman said that for more than a year, he has been writing emails to senior Ministry of Works officials – and copying the Minister Philip Davis – but without results.

“I wrote to the director, John Canton. I wrote to Colin Higgs, who is the permanent secretary. I went through all the proper avenues.

“I have gone to every length,” he said.”I am at my wits’ end with these guys.”

The opposition MP said he eventually decided enough was enough and mobilised his constituency association.

Members came out with industrial lawn mowers and other tools, and set about restoring the park to usable condition.

It had been abandoned by residents for some time, according to Mr Chipman, but as soon as it was cleared, children came out to play again, and adults to exercise.

It was clear the community has felt the loss of its public space.

“This is so sad,” he said. “We are talking about government responsibility.

“I understand that the woman who has the contract to maintain the park... she has been told not to clear it since June, because they say they have no money.”


ThisIsOurs says...

Sounds like you need to be on the next detail

Posted 1 October 2013, 4:28 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Whether he cut the grass too low or not the point still remains that he made an effort to clean up the park. And seeing that you want to be a jack, notice his machine frame is not touching the ground, so by no way is he cutting the grass too low. Great job Mr. Chipman, show them how its done. People were complaining about stray dogs, yet rats are taking over and recently have anyone else notice the amount of flies that are now around. Not to mention the mass take over of millipedes. Ever since election this country is decaying and it literally shows.

Posted 1 October 2013, 4:45 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

@positiveinput, you are not suggesting that since the PLP won the election we have been taken over by a series of plagues!? Or are you?:)

Posted 1 October 2013, 4:30 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

I will believe in his sincerity once The Tribune searches in its photo morgue and publishes one them photos of Comrade Chipman cut'in da grass, before the May 2012 General Elections? You'd think when the lights went out on their power, it was all some big mistake. That they really had demonstrated compassion for their own people. Look at his colleague and deputy leader Loretta, who only days ago had discovered for the very first time that the PMH record keeping was kept in some logbook. Any photos of Loretta cutt'in anything, except cutt'in slap on one of her fellow MP's. If anyone should know about how they been triple stacking high bodies at the PMH's morgue and in freezer units out in yard, it has to be the mortician deputy leader? Bahamalanders don't want no red shirts talk'in about their sudden love for the people.

... /…

Posted 1 October 2013, 2:58 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

Some of the grass down the Prince Charles new medians must be nearly a foot high now.

Posted 1 October 2013, 3:32 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I was looking at that grass near Kentucky maybe 2weeks ago(?) it was growing beautifully so lush and green, is a shame they'd have to cut it. Was quite beautiful.

It was pretty high though...almost like a forest.

Posted 1 October 2013, 8:24 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Didn't you hear? They say they don't have any money to cut grass. They don't have any money to give Debbie Gibson a stipend. How many more cocktail parties are planned for the 40th anniversary? Who's bright idea was it to start this if we can't even cut the grass to look decent for the celebration? And who announced the November referendum and the privatization of BEC? All of that takes time and **money**. I hope for our sake they have the resources to host those relays next year...won't we look silly in front of the world if we have the same debacle as reported on the CAC games. (That said I really do hope they have the money and have already planned "Properly" for the games)

Posted 1 October 2013, 4:34 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Hey, I love running around in circles and watching people way faster than me running around in circles and jumping over sticks and jumping in the sand. Athleticism is a beautiful thing.

Those relays will bring tons of tourism dollars to the country, hopefully the revenue outpaces the cost.

Posted 1 October 2013, 8:27 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I said Debbie "Gibson"...where's Rory to correct me when I need him? I apologize Mrs Ferguson-Mckenzie

Posted 1 October 2013, 9:51 p.m. Suggest removal

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